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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!
    Quote from Paladia: Go

    Why publish the map as open source without any disclaimers unless you
    want people to modify and use your map for their own purpose?

    Once again, the only thing I am pissed off about is that my name was taken off of it! Even I have had the decency in all of my SC2 remakes of BW classics to check for the name of the earliest mapmaker that I could find so that I could give credit! I don't care if people edit or remake. I care that credit is given where it is due, and here it was not.

    That is the issue here. That is why it is being stolen.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!
    Quote from blankblank: Go

    If you're going to flame instead of answering the question "Did you lock
    your map?" then I believe the implied answer is "No, I am a twat and did
    not lock my map".

    Show some dignity; act like an adult.

    Don't give me that bullshit

    When I finished making this map, the editor didn't have the lock ability released yet. That's right, I finished making this map long before the custom maps were enabled by Blizzard. If you had looked at the Teamliquid thread I linked to as proof int he original post, you'd see me explain how they can play custom maps without Blizzard's enabling of it. That's why it was #2 for the first week when custom maps were released in the beta.

    So no, it wasn't fucking locked because it wasn't available at the time. And yes, someone did upload it after the custom maps were released because I didn't (the map was done), however my name was still on it. I didn't say anything then because as I said a few posts ago the only thing htat I am pissed off about is that my name has been completely wiped from the map altogether!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!

    That's the same kind of absurd rationalization that Americans use far too often. Its the same as saying that its poor people's fault that they are poor. You call me naive? I call you an ignorant asshole.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    @DarkRevenantX: Go

    No, but it's relevant information. If you didn't lock it and complain to
    Blizz about how it's stolen, they're a lot more likely to /facepalm and
    tell you to stfu than if you tell them you locked the map and someone
    cracked the locking system and thén stole it.

    I dont' believe that for a second

    and for the record, the only thing that i am pissed/depressed about is the fact that they completely erased my name from the map and put their own in its place as though i had nothing to do with it. so these hundreds of thousands of people will never know that i worked my ass off for two days (and then some — ask my friends who helped me test it) constantly on this map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!

    Every version of every map I have ever made has been localized

    but don't give me that bullshit about how its anything but horrible!

    The guy erased my name and the names of my map testers and even Skizot's name! He just scratched it all out, wrote his name instead, uploaded it to sc2mapster and sc2, and is now profiting off of MY IDEA!

    These 1.8 million people who play starcraft will never know that I made this #5 most popular map!


    I am going to cut myself

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My map has been stolen!

    They just took every place where my name was and switched it with their own! (trust me I know - I played it to check)

    It is -exactly- the same as my map and even has Skizot's custom units that I used.


    I won a contest because of this map! I also stopped updating it because it was completely finished. It peaked at #2 for the first week of beta (after they released the regular custom lists that we have now). Now this faggot comes in and steals it!

    Proof that its mine: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=125636

    More proof: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/turret-defense-2010-final/

    Can someone do something?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Girl Commentator Wants UMS maps

    commentating is all about the viewers

    if you want viewers, then just flirt with your partner for the whole broadcast and moan every now and then for the audience -- they will eat that shit up.  we're a bunch of internet nerds — just play to your strengths and nobody will care how good of a commentator you are

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Curse Premium?

    well then thanks... but i'd really like to know what contest i won, because i'm pretty sure that i never entered myself into one.

    i'm thinking that someone submitted my name into a contest somewhere or somehow.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Curse Premium?

    I have no idea why I was given it because I've been away from this community ever since the beta went down. I'm clueless.

    If it was because of my maps' success, though, then thanks I really appreciate it... but I didn't see that anywhere in the e-mail.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Curse Premium?

    I just got an email randomly saying that I have been given a complimentary premium subscription thing. I have no idea why. Can anyone explain?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dibs!

    I call dibs on recreating FF7 Murder Mystery.



    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on No point in creating more maps - popularity sort

    As happy I am to learn about this new method that xenrathe just said above... it makes me very sad that because of this knowledge, the custom map list will not really be the list of most popular maps. It will become the list of people who spent the most time promoting their maps.

    I want Brood War's Battle.net.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Turret Defense 2010 -Final-
    Quote from Zanez: Go

    Why play this one when that one is available?



    Pick a location and argue there, faggot. Stop copy/pasting, because you're wasting my time.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Turret Defense 2010 -Final-

    For the sake of consistency, I'll post my reply from TL on here too:

    I really appreciate the commentary man.

    I just disagree with you on all counts. I never had any intention going into making this map of using all (or even any!) of the new features in this editor. To be honest with you, I actually had SCMDraft2 open in another window the entire time that I was making this map so that I would be able to keep it as "true to scripture" as possible. I wrote this in the comments section of the sc2mapster page when someone else brought up the same point you're making now:

    "Perhaps in another map I can make a map LIKE this one with more modern features and whatnot... but right now I just want this map to remain as it was. Think of it as like a memorial. A modern example of what we appreciated in the past, if you will."

    I think that that kind of sums up my feelings and intentions with making the map. Perhaps just Turrets and maybe a Photon Cannon is nowadays considered to be not enough, but as for me I very much appreciate the way things used to be. I think I'm just a rather traditional person who appreciates old things too much to bother trying to improve on it, that's all.

    I'm like the kind of guy who appreciates SNES games just as much as XBOX360 games, if not more... or like the guy who plays Brood War and CounterStrike instead of Gears of War and HALO 3 or whatever it is nowadays that people play. I think that everyone in this community can at least empathize with me here on this.

    In my mind, this map (or rather its predecessors at least) is the epitomy of Tower Defense. I find nothing wrong or boring about building my turrets and trying to focus fire them to beat each level. I think its really fun, actually!

    Besides, if I wanted to make a Tower Defense map that used more of the editor's engine, I wouldn't have dared to use this name because then it wouldn't really be [i]Turret[/i] Defense, would it? I don't think it would, personally.

    You're completely correct that I did did not use this powerful engine to its fullest extent... but what if I did? I personally think that if I had done that, I would have made something very messy and unrecognizable... like when Hollywood makes a sequel to a movie or something based on a novel (or even worse, "a true story!") or whatever that ends up having hardly anything to do with the original, then justify it with the word "re-imagining!" or "reboot!".

    I [b]hate[/b] that shit!

    And I know that there are people out there who very much appreciate this kind of thing like I do, because the guy who tried to recreate Brood War in Warcraft 3 as a mod before SC2 was announced literally [b]gave[/b] me his old unit models and textures and shit that he made for the mod before it was scrapped when SC2 was announced back in May 2007. I used some of them in this map!

    In fact, the very same guy, when he heard that my next effort was to recreate Sniper Paintball for SC2, which I finished last night actually, he just volunteered out of the blue to create the Brood War Flag unit for me right after I announced that I was doing it (which is necessary in order to call dibs on a map idea) on the website! I also used the original Ghost sound effects for the [url=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=126178]Sniper Paintball Bald +Locks[/url]Sniper Paintball Bald +Locks map.

    PS: I swear I fixed that "kills too many units" spire thing! I've tested that out extensively over the past few days. It works for me in my tests and when I release it I still hear about it happening. UGH!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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