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    posted a message on Inside buildings and Underground?

    basically to get an underground area you lower or heighten the terrain somewhere on your map.. you put some doodads like rocks there, use page-up or page-down to let them float, you then press enter when selecting those doodads.. make it so that it ignores pathing and has no doodad footprint that way your units can move underneath it, and it allows you to position it on any coordinate rather than in a roster. I am currently trying to make an underground area for my own map. It's rather hard finding a proper doodad that won't look really ugly if you are trying to cover up large areas. As to how to make enterable houses, you should search the forum there was something with a footprint on this forum telling you how to do this.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Your ideas for a Help menu.

    You can create awesome menus with dialogs. Almost anything is possible with them from what I've been trying out so far. It is a bit different to set up and can take alot of time but it can give you a very similar result.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Editing terrain properties (height, texture, etc) with triggers

    I've been looking at applying textures but so far I haven't figured out a way yet, there are some actors with a terrain in their name but I don't know how they work or if at all for replacing textures. The terrain deforming works like a charm though.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data,Terrain,Actors] How to do Live/OTF Terrain Deformation + Demo

    I have just found a much much easier way to apply actors (if you want to let it get done through triggers, like player does this or time elapsed is this:

    Actor - Create actor <actorname> at point (Center of region).

    You can change it so it puts the actor at either a region, point and much more. Using this I could make a hole or bump in the terrain by putting a region there and letting the actor get created at that region. You also do not need to create dummy units or custom abilities for this to work.

    This is just a quick deformation I made so don't expect this to be the most efficient, it should show enough info for you to make it yourself though.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Unit Turning Rate

    It is possible to use missiles and let them fire to the camera angle, then you simply remove the attack ability all together and then use missiles to attack instead with a hotkey. There's an explanation on how to use missiles somewhere on mapster, don't have the link right here.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Triggers for changing fog density on the fly

    Time of day works by making custom lighting and then using a trigger to gradually change the settings from i.e. a light set you made called 'day' to 'night' I have not checked for an exact way to make it work yet. But what you could give a shot is going to module, lighting and add a new light then adjust the values till you have light that you like to have during the day or night, then make another and make light for the second half of the day (depending which you made first obviously). I have only messed with light for a few minutes today so my map became a bit darker so I am not exactly sure how to make them transition smoothly yet.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Roads problems

    Roads are currently buggy and I recommend placing them when all your terrain is finished. You can select roads if you go to the terrain palette, press space bar or escape so you dont have any terrain things selected, then find your road and select the triangles on them which you normally use to move the road around. Simply press delete and they will be gone.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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