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    posted a message on You can submit bug/suggestion for my War3 Mod here

    Hi Excellent mod ! Here are my bugs report/suggestions as I played yesterday (I only played orc and a bit elf) :

    - Can't collect the wood when interrupt an orc worker on wood collection (in War3 we can collect wood even if the worker has not finish its collect)

    - We can't have multiple workers on the same tree when collect a tree with an orc worker

    - When we finished build something, there is the VO orc sound "work completed" (with orc and even elf)

    - We need War 3 Font =) and smaller (for critical hits, gold, etc...)

    - On the map editor, there is only Data mod, no extra and terrain mod

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Official - War3 Assets RELEASED!!!

    One question : Will Blizzard going to release the datas of their War3 assets ?

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Campaign and multi units in a map

    @Mugen245: Go

    Ok thanks but in my case, I already have every data I need (multi+campagin). It's just that they have the same name and the game only create the campaign unit when we create one with a trigger for example.

    So the only solution is to duplicate the multi unit we want.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Campaign and multi units in a map

    @Mugen245: Go

    Ok so how ? I don't understand, what is "Lighting set to Haven" a map with this example ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Campaign and multi units in a map

    Ok thanks for the answers guys ! So there is no easy way to do it.

    So I will check the units from the campaign that are different from the multi and duplicate them.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Campaign and multi units in a map

    Is there a way to have both multiplayer and campaign units in a map ? I set the Swarm multi (mod) and the Swarm (Campaign) in my map. But for example, when I want to choose a queen or an infestor from the unit tab, there is only one type of queen/infestor, and it's the unit from the campaign. And it's the same with triggers, when we want to create a unit, it creates the campaign unit. And I need both of them.

    Someone have some ideas with this ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Check the level of a Hero

    Thanks Kueken531 that's it. I was looking for something too complicated by this solved my problem.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Check the level of a Hero

    Hi everybody.

    I want to create a Hero with the same level than an other Hero on the map. (ex : my hero is level 3, when the event occures it creates a level 3 hero) So how can I check the level of a Hero ? My levels are determined with a Veterency behavior which countain attribute behaviors.

    Does anyone have an idea ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] WoW models into SC2 with team colors.

    I just test the m3 export script of 3dsmax and I got this error during the export step: " Unknown system exception"

    I just import a model and change textures. I did it twice and I got the same error.

    Is that a common error ? What did I do wrong ?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Add Charges - Train ability

    That works for an effect target abilities for example.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Add Charges - Train ability

    In fact I just duplicate the Vulture - Make Spider Mine ability and I don't change that field. Maybe we can't do this with the training ability.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Add Charges - Train ability

    I want to add charges on a train ability by clicking on a button for example. So I look for the mine ability of the vulture as mentionned on this post. It's a Specialize ability which apply a modify Unit Effect and this effect is supposed to add 1 charge on the train ability. (Initially set to 0 with a max Count). But nothing happened when clicking the button to add charges.

    What is the problem with this ? (The test map is attached below)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] WoW models into SC2 with team colors.

    Ok in fact I didn't read carefully your first answer (language misunderstanding), I though you said to write "Ready" instead of "Stand Ready" and that was what I do first but maybe I just forget to apply before export. I retried another time and it works. Thanks Daara87.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Replace a depleted mineral

    @DaFunk86: Go That is what I tried first but that didn't work too.

    @KingRadical: Go Thank you, it works ! Problem Solved

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Replace a depleted mineral


    I want to replace a depleted mineral with a new unit, so here is what I did :

            Unit - Any Unit is being removed from the game
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == mineralField
            UI - Display "ok " for (All players) to Subtitle area
            Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a "my unit" using New Unit's Default vitals

    And nothing happened

    Then I remove the condition :

            Unit - Any Unit is being removed from the game
        Local Variables
            UI - Display "ok2 " for (All players) to Subtitle area
            Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a "my unit" using New Unit's Default vitals

    And then when a mineral field is depleted, the "ok2" appeared but the unit is not replaced. I also tried with a "creat a unit at position of triggering unit".

    What is wrong with this code ? It seems that triggering unit is not detected, or maybe something else.

    Can somebody help me with this ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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