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    posted a message on Complete Noob's Guide to DOTA-style maps [part 3]

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Thank you for that. Now the buttons work and all. But I still have this problem:

    When we are e.g two players testing it, and one of the players clicks a hero, the dialog is hidden for all players, so the other player can't choose a hero.

    How do I fix this? Shouldn't there be a Hide Dialog - (Triggering player) ? Instead of (All players)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Complete Noob's Guide to DOTA-style maps [part 3]
    Quote from Nerfpl: Go

    .6 says about saving buttons and second picture shows how they connect (also it's written in 10 11)

    Yes, how they connect but not which unit that will spawn. This is written in .13 correct?

    Like: Unit - Create 1 Hero Choices [(triggering player)] etc.

    All I can make is: If: (Used dialog item) == hero_buttons[1] Unit - Create hero_choice[1] Legend (Chaingun) for player (triggering player) at Spawn using default facing (no options)

    Is this one correct? Because all I can do is to spawn the first hero, hero number 1, and the other 2,3 and 4 fails.

    Please see attached image of choose_hero trigger and the spawn hero trigger.

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    posted a message on Complete Noob's Guide to DOTA-style maps [part 3]

    Sorry if I've missed something. But where do you assign the buttons (dialog items used) to create unit (heroes) for the specified player? Because right now I just have an empty dialog with buttons that don't do much. This is where I got lost :O

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    posted a message on (Solved) Library Zhakul'das (Can't get AI to attack it)

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Heh, I actually pondered over this button earlier but didn't think to change it. But it worked now, thanks a bunch ;)

    It was under Unit > Editor > Editor Flags > Default to Neutral Player.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Library Zhakul'das (Can't get AI to attack it)

    I'm trying to get the AI to attack the Zhakul'das Library. I have tried it issuing order to attack in that area, point and also that specific unit, but the AI just stands there looking at the Library.

    Now, I also couldn't get my own marauders to attack it, only marines, until I saw there was no specified plane array for it (neither Air nor Ground). So I checked the Ground box, and the marauders could attack it when I told them to.

    But the AI still won't do anything with it.

    Any advice on this is much obliged.

    Posted in: Data
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