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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Basic Icons

    Well... I'm an idiot. I figured out how to attach.

    Doing so now.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Basic Icons

    After having spent the day looking to see if anyone had the extracted and converted versions of all of the basic SC2 icons I was unable to find anything. Although I found copious copies of icon packs that people had created on their own, that didn't really serve my purpose, so my friend (the one and only magnificent behemoth of awesomeness and glory and heavenly Canadian resplendence, JaXm) and I set about to find where it was stored, extract it, and convert it for the use of anyone else attempting a project that might need these. In our case, we're both making a Guide as well as a Loading Screen, but others may have more imaginative uses for these.

    Here are the fruits of our efforts:

    Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't know if the reason nobody had posted this stuff before was because it was "too basic" or "too easy", or if there's something in the Blizzard Terms of Service that prohibits you from sharing this information. If the latter is the case, then I humbly request a Moderator take this down, because I'd rather not get on the bad side of Blizzard or Curse. All of the stuff contained inside these .rar files belongs to Blizzard, of course. I am simply offering my own effort and that of my skilled friend (who, to be honest, did most of the work in finding these. I wandered around in an MPQ reader for the better part of 3 hours before he tries for 20 minutes and gets it all) to the public. I did the conversion from DDS to JPEG/GIF, and he found the DDS files.

    Anyway, I'm going to be honest and say I probably won't check up with this thread that often, except perhaps in the first few hours/days. If you need the .zip file, I can provide those, as well.

    Regards, - Tehr

    Posted in: Art Assets
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