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    posted a message on [attack waves]

    Hello all,

    I've got a problem with getting attack waves to work correctly. I've made a map in the SC2 editor in which the following trigger fires:

    Event: Unit X dies Action: Create 20 zerglings for player 2 at point A Action: AI Set the target for player 2 attacks to enemies of player 2 Action: AI set the attack wave gather point at point B for player 2 Action: AI add an attack wave point at point C for player 2 Action: AI add an attack wave point at point D for player 2 Action: AI set the target for player 2 attack waves to point E Action: AI add 20/20/20 zerglings to the attack wave Action: AI send the attack wave from player 2 to attack in 5 seconds and don't wait

    In the editor whenever this trigger fires, it creates some zerglings for player 2 and after 5 seconds sends it along the waypoints to attack player 1. In the published map it creates the zerglings but then it does nothing

    Player 1 and 2 are enemies (via trigger and via team placement options) Player 1 is a human, player 2 has its campaign AI started on map start

    I've tried some experiments and if i use normal attack waves (computer creates the units when he has resources and buildings) it works great. Problem is i want these units to spawn and then attack. Does anyone know where i went wrong?

    Posted in: Triggers
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