hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Zero respect for the map makers once again. At Least tell me that all what i have been working on isn't screwed over. My map depends heavily on the official war3 blizzard data mod in addition to the asset mod. Can you guarantee it will work once it goes live ?
thanks for response, which settings do you go into to find where this "string key" is so I can set it to standalone ? units tab? weapons tab? Im having problems finding it
bug: when modifying the names of weapons like, Weapon type: Hero . I dunno why but it tends to affect many units automatically.(riflemen with tooltip" weapon type: hero "is annoying)Same seems to happen for when i name armor type tooltips . Same tooltip problem in actor type text tag..
If you have global experience share on .. Even if you put :veterancy - kill share filters to "exclude dead and hidden" it won't make a difference. Dead heroes will continue to level up . This should be very high up on the fix priority list traysent!
i got another question renee . How did you allow manual targeting within highlighted unit groups? In was a feature in warcraft 3, and i remember it was in starcraft 2 initially , until blizzard removed it because it was making queen injects to hatcheries to easy. I see that you have it enabled within your mod.
Incase you got no idea what im talking about. Lets say death knight is in a unit group with 4 crypt fiends. 1 crypt fiend is being injured. In order for Deathknight to heal the crypt fiend , he can either target the death coil in the unit control group, or manually find the crypt fiend and target it with death coil.
TL:DR version.. How did you add targeting units within control groups?
Are all the units supposed to have there abilities automatically like peons repair/mining etc or are we still supposed to create the units our self? basically all i've got is models and everything else is broken like when I play a barracks I can't train any units from it.
from what i can see, if you enable the war3 data mod. You get war3 units with their actors and weapons. There are some abilities that are pre made, like the ones on Warden, but you have to add them manually to the hero .
Some heroes are missing veterancy and base stats etc. Its still definitely worth adding the data mod to your map, since it will save you time for creating so many new weapons/actors ...
Inventory is full validator definitely works. I used it in my own mod (War3 Mod (GA)), in which you can't buy items from the neutral shop while you inventory is full.
I haven't done the same to the player-built shops though.
I see, so i just checked out your data mod to see what you did, and apparently i see where i was going wrong. In the validator "find" catagory you had it set to disabled. While mine was set to enabled .
Oh ive got a few and i have experimented a lot with the War3 assets + official war3 blizzard data mod . Is this patch going to corrupt a lot of my map traysent? my map depends on the official war3 data mod and of course the war3 assets.
-The PTR editor won't allow me to edit the field ACTOR - Host Site Operations- Operations. If i want to change say SOpShadow to something else, I got to find another actor with a different host site and copy/paste it in. When you click the field, you can delete it but you cannot put anything in without it glitching up.
-The shadows of certain models are glitchy and appear square-like. For example shadow hunter Weapon projectile looks odd with maxed out graphics. HD archmage cape gives off a blocky shadow look when moving. I've seen this glitched shadow on a number of assets.
-When i try to attach actors to units while using the state "overhead" on say the footman or HD tauren chieftain.. ( for instance the inner fire crown effect animation).. It bends the animation to point forward, whereas for most other models it attaches overhead properly, HD tauren chieftain is probably the worst offender of this as any attachment for overhead looks funny..
-If you use the behavior to leech life on each attack of the weapon, Sometimes it will bug out and start to kill the hero instead of gaining life. It does not happen often..But it does happen frequently to be an issue. Its difficult to replicate under testing as it seems to just happen randomly... However i'd suggest if you can advise the data engineers to take a look at it and see if they spot anything.
-The Orc speed scroll Blue horseshoe animation appears way to high on any unit. Even if i put the attachment point as origin or center it makes no difference..... . I would like this to be fixed as its an item i use a lot in my map. I do want to use the proper speed scroll horse shoe animation :)
-The Validator to check if an inventory is full does not seem to work properly. I would like to make a suggestion. Can you advise the engine engineers if they can put in an easy to use Data method of preventing items from being purchased if your inventory is full ?When I put the validator in the autocast validators for an interact ability ( validator-unit inventory is full) it makes no difference. It prevents all items from being sold even if my inventory is empty.
I have more but I cant remember them at this time, will edit this post when they come up.
you sure this is correct? From my testing, say I have a hero with 1 armor. If i add an item that grants 12 armor via the behaviour (Modification-Life Armor Bonus field) to the hero i see a noticeable reduction in damage taken when the hero is attacked. You sure the scaling is off? It should be roughly 1+12 = 13 total armor times .06... Which is roughly 78% damage reduction, However armor should stack diminishingly the more you get so it should actually be considerably less than 78% damage reduction.
Your maths is incorrect. As I explained earlier WC3 armor increases EHP/Toughness (Diablo III terms) to attack damage. Although it appears to increase damage reduction with diminishing returns you must remember that damage reduction is exponential as far as toughness goes. The result is a linear increase in toughness.
The formula for Toughness multiplier...
armormod * armor + 1
In your case...
0.06 * 13 + 1 = 1.78 which means you can take 78% more attack damage before dying.
The formula for Damage reduction...
(armormod * armor) / (armormod * armor +1)
In your case... (0.06 * 13) / (0.06 * 13 + 1) = 0.43820224719101123595505617977528 = 44% damage reduction
Armor like this is useful for scaling in RPGs without having to resort to inflated health numbers. It also can make some attacks more or less effective.
yea i know, hence why i need it for my map as i got lots of heroes in it with techs. For years i've been using a terrible method ( combination of sc2 armor+ some buffs to reduce the damage while limiting the stacking of certain armor increasing items.).. It was a terrible method and i'm so relieved we got access to an ez to implement war3 armor so i don't have to worry about stacking armor from massing defense items
And yes i knew my calculation was off, as i said in the last sentence "should be considerably less than 78%". I just didn't work it out but i know that if its war3 armor and its working correct, that 44% is what i expect due to the diminishing returns of stacking armor.
I like this system alot , because the first few armor points really make a big difference but prevents the late game abuse . Items like maul of corruption ( reducing 5 armor on the target) is huge.
you sure this is correct? From my testing, say I have a hero with 1 armor. If i add an item that grants 12 armor via the behaviour (Modification-Life Armor Bonus field) to the hero i see a noticeable reduction in damage taken when the hero is attacked. You sure the scaling is off? It should be roughly 1+12 = 13 total armor times .06... Which is roughly 78% damage reduction, However armor should stack diminishingly the more you get so it should actually be considerably less than 78% damage reduction.
Thanks imperialgood, I didnt even realize it was possible to do warcraft 3 armor in sc2, and it seems you have figured it out . and very ezz as well to implement.
quote "You knew how effective your armor was simply by reading the amount (something SC2 UI does support)."
is there a way to put it in UI so that when i mouseover the armor on a unit i see the Armor number plus the percentage reduced written out ?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Zero respect for the map makers once again. At Least tell me that all what i have been working on isn't screwed over. My map depends heavily on the official war3 blizzard data mod in addition to the asset mod. Can you guarantee it will work once it goes live ?
thanks renee, it worked !
@Renee2islga: Go
thanks for response, which settings do you go into to find where this "string key" is so I can set it to standalone ? units tab? weapons tab? Im having problems finding it
bug: when modifying the names of weapons like, Weapon type: Hero . I dunno why but it tends to affect many units automatically.(riflemen with tooltip" weapon type: hero "is annoying)Same seems to happen for when i name armor type tooltips . Same tooltip problem in actor type text tag..
Bug Report. Pretty big one as well..
If you have global experience share on .. Even if you put :veterancy - kill share filters to "exclude dead and hidden" it won't make a difference. Dead heroes will continue to level up . This should be very high up on the fix priority list traysent!
i got another question renee . How did you allow manual targeting within highlighted unit groups? In was a feature in warcraft 3, and i remember it was in starcraft 2 initially , until blizzard removed it because it was making queen injects to hatcheries to easy. I see that you have it enabled within your mod.
Incase you got no idea what im talking about. Lets say death knight is in a unit group with 4 crypt fiends. 1 crypt fiend is being injured. In order for Deathknight to heal the crypt fiend , he can either target the death coil in the unit control group, or manually find the crypt fiend and target it with death coil.
TL:DR version.. How did you add targeting units within control groups?
from what i can see, if you enable the war3 data mod. You get war3 units with their actors and weapons. There are some abilities that are pre made, like the ones on Warden, but you have to add them manually to the hero .
Some heroes are missing veterancy and base stats etc. Its still definitely worth adding the data mod to your map, since it will save you time for creating so many new weapons/actors ...
I see, so i just checked out your data mod to see what you did, and apparently i see where i was going wrong. In the validator "find" catagory you had it set to disabled. While mine was set to enabled .
Thanks, its working now. :) My bad.
Oh ive got a few and i have experimented a lot with the War3 assets + official war3 blizzard data mod . Is this patch going to corrupt a lot of my map traysent? my map depends on the official war3 data mod and of course the war3 assets.
-The PTR editor won't allow me to edit the field ACTOR - Host Site Operations- Operations. If i want to change say SOpShadow to something else, I got to find another actor with a different host site and copy/paste it in. When you click the field, you can delete it but you cannot put anything in without it glitching up.
-The shadows of certain models are glitchy and appear square-like. For example shadow hunter Weapon projectile looks odd with maxed out graphics. HD archmage cape gives off a blocky shadow look when moving. I've seen this glitched shadow on a number of assets.
-When i try to attach actors to units while using the state "overhead" on say the footman or HD tauren chieftain.. ( for instance the inner fire crown effect animation).. It bends the animation to point forward, whereas for most other models it attaches overhead properly, HD tauren chieftain is probably the worst offender of this as any attachment for overhead looks funny..
-If you use the behavior to leech life on each attack of the weapon, Sometimes it will bug out and start to kill the hero instead of gaining life. It does not happen often..But it does happen frequently to be an issue. Its difficult to replicate under testing as it seems to just happen randomly... However i'd suggest if you can advise the data engineers to take a look at it and see if they spot anything.
-The Orc speed scroll Blue horseshoe animation appears way to high on any unit. Even if i put the attachment point as origin or center it makes no difference..... . I would like this to be fixed as its an item i use a lot in my map. I do want to use the proper speed scroll horse shoe animation :)
-The Validator to check if an inventory is full does not seem to work properly. I would like to make a suggestion. Can you advise the engine engineers if they can put in an easy to use Data method of preventing items from being purchased if your inventory is full ?When I put the validator in the autocast validators for an interact ability ( validator-unit inventory is full) it makes no difference. It prevents all items from being sold even if my inventory is empty.
I have more but I cant remember them at this time, will edit this post when they come up.
yea i know, hence why i need it for my map as i got lots of heroes in it with techs. For years i've been using a terrible method ( combination of sc2 armor+ some buffs to reduce the damage while limiting the stacking of certain armor increasing items.).. It was a terrible method and i'm so relieved we got access to an ez to implement war3 armor so i don't have to worry about stacking armor from massing defense items
And yes i knew my calculation was off, as i said in the last sentence "should be considerably less than 78%". I just didn't work it out but i know that if its war3 armor and its working correct, that 44% is what i expect due to the diminishing returns of stacking armor.
I like this system alot , because the first few armor points really make a big difference but prevents the late game abuse . Items like maul of corruption ( reducing 5 armor on the target) is huge.
Thank goodness, you had me scared. I put in a ton of work into my map under the assumption the armor was working correctly. Glad it is :)
Yea any idea how fix that UI so its easily recognizable how much reduction each hero is getting?
@TyaArcade: Go
you sure this is correct? From my testing, say I have a hero with 1 armor. If i add an item that grants 12 armor via the behaviour (Modification-Life Armor Bonus field) to the hero i see a noticeable reduction in damage taken when the hero is attacked. You sure the scaling is off? It should be roughly 1+12 = 13 total armor times .06... Which is roughly 78% damage reduction, However armor should stack diminishingly the more you get so it should actually be considerably less than 78% damage reduction.
@Renee2islga: Go
not really a suggestion , but a question of how for 2 things.
1) how did you create the top left hero ui ( displaying life bar and mana bar with picture)?
2) how to prevent items from being purchased if your inventory is already full?
Thanks imperialgood, I didnt even realize it was possible to do warcraft 3 armor in sc2, and it seems you have figured it out . and very ezz as well to implement.
quote "You knew how effective your armor was simply by reading the amount (something SC2 UI does support)."
is there a way to put it in UI so that when i mouseover the armor on a unit i see the Armor number plus the percentage reduced written out ?
anybody else getting difficulty in entering "war3 Extra (GA)" ?
It says, dependancy data could not be loaded, then it goes on to say Dependencey file could not be found (mods\warcraft\warcraft.sc2mod)