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    posted a message on [Data] Accumulative and Multiple Upgrade with Queue

    Problem fixed.

    it seems i first had to remove the mineral costs in teh info tab of the ability. Then add it again with new mineral and vespine cost. After that i had to put in a seperate effect for both the minerals and vespine..

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Accumulative and Multiple Upgrade with Queue

    For some strange reason the costs wón't accumulate :S Did what Ice_bane posted but still no effect. it seems when im in the effect editor of the tech and set it to add it keeps putting it back to set been at it for a while now but am starting to see stars atm :P and also the client seems to crash often when working in the upgrades tab.

    If anyone has a clue could you let me know please ?

    Also atm it seem 255 lvls do not work but 100 is (saw someone make a post about it).

    Posted in: Tutorials
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