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    posted a message on [solved] Adding attack sound to actor

    @Azzaaer: Go

    How do i link the new actor to the unit? I have done what you said, and its still not linked (attack actor does not appear in unit explorer).


    ok, it works. I have created event in this attack actor this way:

    Effect.nameofeffect.Start - at caster -> create

    then made sure to set this sound in eveyr possible place at "combat" tab of the attack actor, and now it works :)


    But wont it create memory leek? There is event for actor to be created, but no event for actor to be removed. Isnt it bad?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Adding attack sound to actor

    @Kueken531: Go

    But i have checked, and i.e. ultralisk have no attack actor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Adding attack sound to actor


    I have a problem with my unt that dont emit any sound when it attacks, even tho i see this sound is connected with the unit. Im talking about Virophage Feederling. How do i tell actor to emit sound without creating some unwanted memory-leeks?

    Thanks in advance for the answers.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problem with trigger


    Problem is that i have a trigger that changes variables for owner of killing unit and owner of dying unit with event "any unit dies".

    This gives me error when civilians with molotovs start killing stuff. Is that becouse the killing unit is the molotov bottle which have no owner? What do you think? How to fix that?

    ok i have made condition that owner of killing unit must be one of the players and the error seems to be gone :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Making disguised changeling able to attack

    @MrZ3r0: Go

    yes, it have weapon and attack ability added. Its just greyed out, and unit can do only scan-move.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making disguised changeling able to attack


    Where is attack ability disabled for disguised changeling? I have added changeling (marine) ability "attack" becouse it was removed, but in the game its greyed out.

    edit: ah ok, nvm i will just change the unit it morphs into, to the real one :) edit2: it was bad idea :) doesnt work like that

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ghost cloak on auto cast - problem.

    I have made ghost cloak ability an auto cast ablity with auto-cast validator "caster is in combat". It would work, however it also auto-turns it off aswell... Checking/unchecking "toggle", toggled on", "transient" doenst change anything. I even added another validator: "caster is not cloaked", but it also doesnt do the trick... ghost cloak itself and decloaks instantly like neither of moves i have done in editor didnt changed a thing...

    Please advise.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Removing siege breaker's range indicator...

    @Kueken531: Go

    Oh thanks... i didnt thought that there are actors related with unit, that are not linked with it in object explorer. Anyway thanks a lot :) Actually i just had to add term "selected" that siege braker was missing compared to siege tank and it bugged my view with auto casting that they had.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Removing siege breaker's range indicator...

    After working on new map for hours my perception drops to [random integer].... i cant find a way to remove siege breaker's radius indicator while they are in siege mode... Is there a way to do that?

    thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Siege tanks autocast siege mode out of range.

    @Mastershadow: Go

    I have just figured out how to make tanks act correctly. First prepare validator called "SiegeTankHostileSearch (Unnamed)". Edit it's areas values to:

    0. Equal to: 0, Radius: 2
    1. Greater or equal to: 1, Radius: 13

    (i have no idea why they were set wrong by default)

    Then set this validator to your automatic siege mode ability (Tank will autocast siege mode if there is nothing to close, and there is anything hostile in range of siege weapon). Its important to set siege ability not just on "auto cast" but also on "automatic". Remember to set this validator under "Validator Array" - not on "Auto Cast Validators".

    Hope its gonna help you :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Exporting/importing units between mapfiles?

    Is there a way to export/import units with their data entries and links? - complete custom units? Or do we need to make them again and again if we work on several maps with plans to use same units?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem with medic heal model.

    @Ulab: Go

    Still noone figured the "right" way to duplicate abilities with beams? I have tryied all of them, and im stuck with ability with no beam model and with infinite heal model (the crosses) above healed unit and infinite sound. Curse this editor once more... Piece of junk.

    ok found the solution. After duplicating healing ability with its effect and all actors but beam's actor, and then making new beam actor from the scratch, calling it "medivac zbeam" (someone mentioned to make it alphabethically lower than host and launch sites actors becouse of some editor bug), then adding manually all the actor events analogically to original medivac beam i was stuck when i said i was. I found out that in my "medivac zbeam" actor in the tab called "hosting" i did not set references to host and launch sites same way as the original beam had.

    I have checked it countless amount of time, but not looking for it, i simply overlooked it every time... ehh the nature of man.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Double beam heal seems to cancel scan-move.

    Why is that happening? How can it be fixed?

    thanks in advance.

    It was like that even in the campaign missions.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ordering all units to use their skill number x?

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Quote from RileyStarcraft: Go

    The "Set ID" ability field lets you type in a string identifier for any ability. If a unit is ordered to use an ability it doesn't have, it will try to execute an ability with the same set ID. This is how, for example, giving a burrow order to one zerg unit will order other types of units to burrow, even though the burrow ability is different for each one.

    So, for all the abilities that you're going to use in slot "A" then make the set ID "A", etc. Then when you order an ability to use any of the A-slow abilities, it will try to use whatever its own A slot ability is.

    Oh thanks, sounds promising. But how about abilities that have "sub-abilities" like "barracks train"? I would need to make many copies of barracks train ability then? Or am i missing some more optimal solution? :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on <d ref> in tooltips.

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Woo :D Trough freaking blind walk trough the raw data names and comparing with other tooltips i figured out, that its:

    <d ref="Unit,Marine,LifeMax"/>

    :D Thats the text right after CUnit_ in raw data table

    Now its time to go further, and to replace "Marine" with some code that will return type of trained unit by ability to which this button links... If someone gonna give me idea i will give you candy! 2 candies even!

    If there is no better possibility, i could call each train buttons same way as the units they woudl produce, and then we coudl input somehting like this:

    <d ref="Unit,AlertName,LifeMax"/>

    But without proper indication for the game that its this button's alert name, and not unit called "AlertName", it wont work... How do i indicate such thing? Please help, it goes beyond my knowledge about this code.

    If you dont understund what im tryign to achieve, i will show you example of not working code (to noones suprise ;)), with the same idea im trying to achieve:

    <d ref="Unit,<d ref="This,ButtonName"/>,LifeMax"/>

    Thats mean, putting reference into reference :) but it wont work becouse of doubled tags.

    Why am i tyring to achieve it? Becouse then i would be able to create one template for plenty for plenty of tooltips where i wont need to change "Marine" to any other button im trying to give this tooltip to.

    Posted in: Data
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