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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void
    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    Completely disagree. There's nothing more disappointing than watching developers adopt this attitude in a self-fulfilling prophecy that degrades the story and in which you get things like dialog going off during gameplay instead of a cinematic, as if the player's valuable and precious time is wasted by listening to mediocre exposition instead of mashing buttons.

    Is it bad that I don't have a problem with that at all?

    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    There's a reason people upload playthroughs and cinematics to youtube. If it was just the gameplay, then nobody would watch those videos.

    Well there's this thing called esports. Also lots of people upload and watch videos of games that take a lot of skill and show off.

    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    If you put gameplay first, why did you even bother having a story?

    I see your point, but you could also say if you're gonna put story first, why have a game?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Ok, but i have a different opinion, personally the story on a campaign is really important but... De Gustibus ...

    Well you're welcome to your opinion. We can disagree and not be enemies. And I think we only really disagree a little anyway. One of my favorite custom campaigns right now is Marauders, which hardly even has any story.

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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    So the campaign is not meant to tell a good story?

    Come on, that's not what I said.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCII legacy of the void

    I don't think the main draw of the campaign should be the story, but mission variety and lots of different unit types and abilities to have fun and experiment with. That said, I really don't think Tychus was a wasted character. He's a very bad man, a thief and a murderer, and he probably didn't deserve better than he got, but you still feel sorry for him because he's being forced to betray the only man he ever thought of as a friend and you can clearly see that he doesn't want to. Now, for him to have been wasted, he'd need to be like Arcturus Mengsk, who has a lot of backstory and character development that you only get in supplementary materials such as the books. To me, Mengsk, who spent most of his life being hunted by the confederacy and ended up becoming the very thing he hated, should have had a death that felt every bit as tragic if not moreso than Tychus'. In the end even his own son is against him.

    Also, I like the atmosphere and campaign style of Starcraft 2 better than the original. I don't mean the tone or the story, since SC and BW did those better. Before you jump on me, let me explain what I mean and why I feel this way. The flora and fauna in SC2 stick out a lot more than in the original. The presence of colonists, gas stations, and miscellaneous vehicles make the game more immersive to me because I feel like the world wasn't just put there so I would have somewhere for my units to fight, even though it really was. (Although I have to admit, during the Korhal mission, my immersion was broken when my Thors were blasting a dominion base that was by the side of the road and one car was still trying to through them. I like to think he either has really huge balls or maybe he just really, really, really needed to get somewhere.) Sorry for getting off track there.

    Anyways, there's also some of the subplots and things in the background. For example, there's Egon's subplot. He's not important to the main plot at all. He doesn't even have any dialogue, and he's just there so that you'll have someone to run the lab after Dr. Hanson leaves. But if you read the notes he keeps on the zerg and protoss research, you see he's actually got his own story going on where you can't see it, where he's trying to understand how the crystals are affecting the ship while keeping an eye on the zerg specimen while keeping all of this a secret from Raynor and the others. There was nothing like that in the original game, and I wish they could've done something similar with the crew's mutiny instead of relegating that to one cutscene and resolving it before anything interesting happens.

    I also liked the relationship between Kerrigan and Zagara, with Kerrigan teaching her to be more strategic. During those conversations Kerrigan actually sounded like her old self and I feel that it did a lot for Zagara's character.

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    posted a message on War World (Planning)

    Some crude visual aides ahead, I apologise in advance.

    War World - What is war world? War World is a campaign experience combining Risk, normal sc2 battles, and one-on-one hero fights as several factions vie for dominance while searching for hidden Protoss weapon caches and one Xel’Naga lab holding many ancient secrets.

    Each faction starts with at least one territory. Each territory gives you more units and resources. You take territories by attacking, which triggers skirmish mode.

    During skirmish mode, a segment of the map is set aside for you to battle an enemy force. Skirmish mode plays like a regular game except you start out with army units and buildings plus additional resources. This is meant to give the game a faster pace and put greater focus on combat over economy. Warning: Enemies may also try to take your territories, so keep an eye out. Sometimes you may be forced to give up a unit type permanently. Also, you may only hold a limited number of territories at one time.

    An alternative to skirmishes is Single Combat. In Single Combat you control a single hero unit who dukes it out with the enemy hero unit while normal army units stand on the sidelines. During battle they will shout hints and suggestions at you; in Single Combat, your army gives YOU orders. Single Combat is completely optional, but you may also choose to do Single Combat ONLY.

    After each skirmish you go into Camp Mode. During camp mode you may interact with your own forces or enter diplomacy with an enemy force, suggesting a truce.

    A few points on the map, called endgame points, give you something called an Endgame Mission. Completion of an Endgame Mission wins the game.


    Abin - Executor of the Sur Tribe. Abin leads your forces. (Abin does not participate in battles outside of Single Combat.)

    Petrus - A young zealot and Abin’s steward. (Takes part in battles implicitly; Petrus exists to give a “name and face” to your armed forces.)


    Graith’s forces - Graith is a Stalker who will offer to join up with you, giving you access to various Nerazim-themed-units. If you turn Graith down, he will join forces with K’rjak Pack.

    Vasil’s forces - Vasi’s forces are more focused on straight-up offensive rather than stealth like Graith’s Dark Templar. Vasil distrusts Graith so you cannot ally with both factions. If you choose to join up with Graith, Vasil will help the Sixth Sons.

    Boargar’s Berserkers - Boargar… This guy is such garbage. He’s an archon that leads a group of Protoss space pirates. His faction will ally with no one.

    Sixth Sons - In the mid-22nd century, a group of humans were genetically manipulated to become ideal soldiers in peak physical condition. They were sent into space and forgotten. Eventually, they ended up on a habitable planet and developed their own society. Sixth Sons possess greater inherent psionic ability than their cousins the Terrans, and also possess an enhanced regenerative ability.

    K’rjak Pack - A group of Primal Zerg lead by a Tyrannozar named K’rjak. Primal Zerg share many units with the Swarm Zerg but do not use creep or overlords. K’rjak Pack also uses stolen terran vehicles on occasion.

    Normal Zerg and Terran forces will also be present. Be wary if you see Zerg engaging the Sixth Sons.

    Some planned units:

    Paladin - A light protoss melee unit that provides increased shield regeneration and unshielded armor to nearby allied units.

    Crusader - A boisterous light protoss melee unit that urges other soldiers on with damage and attack speed buffs.

    Soul Hunter - A Stalker alternative with a chain-lightning attack. Best used against large numbers of low hp units.

    Godslayer - A heavily armored protoss warrior armed with a gravity cannon. High damage output with low attack speed and no splash, best for use against Ultralisks, Archons, and Thors.

    Arbiter Prime - Upholder of Protoss Justice. Arbiter Prime is a powerful stone zealot warrior only available in certain endgame missions.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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