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    posted a message on Weapons - Their additional damage and tooltips

    I've looked in the UI editor and Data editor, yet without finding the locations... Besides, the UI-search is stoopid, it searches only within the list and not within the XML-"files"... Or am I missing something?

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    posted a message on Weapons - Their additional damage and tooltips

    Yes, it is a behavior object, with the type "Attribute", which gives the additional damage.

    Guess I can live with the +4, though...

    Any suggestions on the rest of the tooltip, moving the "targets: ground" to the bottom...

    Where is the text "Damage: ", etc. defined? Think I've looked all over the place... :)

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    posted a message on Weapons - Their additional damage and tooltips


    A question about weapon tooltips...

    • Want to remove "vs mechanical, vs light..." on the tooltips. I have up untill now got around this by creating a dummy effect, with the same damage but without the attribute factor, so it diplays as I want... But when I now create upgrade,I need to upgrade both damages, its tedious.
    • I want the "(+4)" damage display to be added to the main damage, so only 1 damage is being displayed.

    Here's some photos, I want to go from here:


    To more or less here:


    I might also want to change colors of the tooltips...

    So far with the "dummy weapon effect", I have this:


    Any guidance would be appreciated.

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    posted a message on making a simple ability

    So, I've took myself the time to continue from my previous post, to answer your further questions, how to make the ability not castable before, say, level 3 of the unit.

    • Note 1: for all names, objects, that will be created/duplicated, please remember to click suggest, even though I forget to mention it.
    • Note 2: whenever I say "CTRL + Q" below, it is a hotkey for the "plus sign [green plus sign]" within the current dialog, or you could also right click and click "add new..." whenever I say "CTRl + Q".
    • Note 3: Within 20-60 minutes, following these steps, you should have it "all done".

    Step 1:

    • Download the map from the PREVIOUS post by me, further up in this thread, so you can proceed following the steps below, then open the map in the editor.

    Step 2:

    • Enter Data Editor, open the Behavior tab and right click the tab-button itself, select "Close all other tabs".
    • Also set the "Data source:" to the map "tutorialAbility", so we are not bothered/distracted by other default objects during the process. DataSource

    Step 3: Behavior Tab:

    • Right click and add new Behavior.
      • Name: "SCV Experience"
      • Sugesst
      • Behavior Type: "Veterancy", click OK.


    Select last created behavior, fields:

    • Behavior: Share Filters +, edit its values
      • Select the filter "Kills", and right click on "Air - Allowed", and set its state to "Excluded".
      • Now air units with this veterancy level, do not share our experience if we kill a unit, all other heroes will share though. - Click OK
    • Behavior: Veterancy Levels, edit its values
      • CTRL + Q, to create a new level. First level is "level 0", which we will set its minimum experience (the required experience) to be 0, so our SCVs all start at level 1.
      • CTRL + C, CTRL + V while the newly created level is selected.
      • Set "Level 1"'s minimum experience to 15
      • Select the "Level 1" row, which has set its exp. to 15, click CTRL + C, CTRl + V, then repeat CTRL + V 4-5 more times.
      • Ive pasted so the last row is at "Level 7".
      • Note: 15 experience is required for each level. So from level 1 to 3, it requires 15*2 = 30 experience.
      • Click OK

    Behavior Experience

    Step 4: Actors Tab

    • Right click, add new Acotr
      • Name "SCV Experience Level Up"
      • Suggest
      • Actor Type "Model"
      • Parent "Buff One Shot"
      • Click OK
    • Select newly created actor, fields:
      • Art: Model, chose a model for the effect you want displayed on the unit, when it levels up. Ive chosen: Hero Nuke Exlpode
      • Art: Scale: Ive set it to 1.5
    • Event: Events+, edit its values
      • Within the Events+-dialog , right click at the left panel, below "Actor Orphan", chose "Add new event"
      • Change the newly added event msg type from "Action Damage", to "Behavior Level"
      • Set the new events "Source Name" to be our "SCV Experience"
      • Sub Name: leave alone.
      • Again, look to left panel, below "behaviorLevel.SCVExperience", there is another field, select it:
      • Set msg type to "Create"
    • Click OK

    Actor model done

    Step 5: Units Tab

    • Select our SCV, fields:
      • Behavior: Behaviors +, edits its field and CTRL + Q, find our "SCV Experience"-behavior. Now our SCV can level up.
      • Combat Experience Amount: 15, set it to 15.
      • Stats Life Maximum: Set to 1
      • Stats Life Starting AMount: Set to 1

    Step 6: Effects Tab

    • Right click, add new effect:
      • Name "SCV Snipe Switch"
      • Type "Switch"
      • Click OK

    Switch to effect

    Step 7: Abilities-tab

    • Select Snipe-ability, fields:
      • Effect: Effect+, edit its value, replace "Snipe Missile" with our newly Switch Effect, click OK.

    Step 8: Validators-Tab

    • Right click, add new validator:
      • Name "SCV Snipe"
      • Suggest
      • Validation type "Unit Compare Veterancy Levels"
      • Click OK
    • Select our newly created validator, fields:
      • Validator: Behavior, edit its value, set it to our "SCV Experience".
      • validator: Compare, set it to "Greater than or equal to"
      • Validator: Unit+, edit its value, change value "Target" to "Caster", click OK.
      • Validator: Value, the required level of our SCV, before he is allwoed to cast our Snipe ability, ive set it to 4, so when our SCV is level 3, it has the fourth level of our behavior [level 1 is actually no experience, so when our scv is level 1, it is actually the second level of the behavior.].


    Step 9: Effect Tab

    • Select Switch-effect, fields:
      • Effect: Cases+ [important, Cases, not the effect field] edit its value, set it to "Snipe Missile".
    • Select another effect, Snipe Missile, fields:
      • Effect: Validators+, edits its value, CTRL + Q, search for "SCV Snipe" and select it, click OK.

    Step 10: [Optional] Abilities-tab

    • Select Snipe, fields
      • Cost, change time use to 4.

    Step 11:

    • We are now done, SCV's are leveling up upon killing other units. Once they reach level 3, our spell is throwable.

    Step 12 [OPTIONAL, NOT WITHIN THE MAP, NOT PART OF THE ANSWER] If you want the ability to be hidden on the SCV's command card, untill it is level 3:

    • Requirements tab, add new requirement, name it something.
    • Fields, basic: requirements+, edit its values:
      • Add a new node under "Show", type "Greater than or equal to"
      • First find "Count Behavior Level", select the SCV Experience
      • Second right click and add new node, set this type to be Constant, and set it to level of SCV requires to view the ability.
      • Questioning why I chose "Sum" as a node, to then add the Count Behavior there? I always find myself wanting to add additional values for the requirement, say "2+LevelOfBehavior", so... :)


    • Abilities Tab, select Snipe ability, fields:
      • Ability Commands, edit it, select the "Execute" command and set the requirement to our newly created requirement. Click OK.
      • This would make switch and validator obsolete, not required, and you can change the "Ability Snipe's field: Effect to be Snipe Missile instead of the Switch Effect". Because a castable spell without passive behaviors at least, is not castable (not by a hotkey,nor the button) due to it is hidden on the units command card. Not tested with a passive spell that adds behaviors, then it might also require you to put a requirement under "Use" instead of only in the "show folder".
      • Do note, if you want the ability to be displayed, but not castable, you can swap the requirement, to be located under "Use", and leave "show" empty. :)

    Final notes:

    • This might look like a tutorial at first glance, or even the second, but it is not. Its simply an answer to a question.
    • Attached the map
    • Last but not least, I did this with a switch effect and a validator, due to seeing that other people mentioned these two objects. But I would actually have added a requirement for the ability, counting the behavior level... Million ways to Rome. ยจ
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    posted a message on Hero Ability - Button Level Update?

    How far with the ability are you?

    Can your hero level up?

    Does your hero have the "learn" ability?

    Does your hero learn level 1 of the "Grenade", but when it learns level 2, its just the tooltip that will not update, but the ability does damage equal to the level 2?

    Anyways... For tooltips for level 1 of any ability, you create the tooltip on the Button itself (Button-Tab):

    Tooltip level 1

    Assuming you want a different tooltip on other levels, this is how you do it:


    1. Go to your ability

    2. Command card: Level Button Tooltip (depends on ability type, if it is on/off ability, effect target, instant..., but in general the tooltip)

    3. Add a value for the tooltip, the first value will be for level 2 of your ability

    4. Add a key like so: "Text\Button\<abilityName>2" (where 2 is level 2) (Name it whatever you want, it is just a reference later on, so you can simply write the key in and the text will show...)

    5. Add the text "Sniper deals <d ref="Effect,SniperDamage2,Amount"/> damage".

    6. Click OK

    7. Repeat 3-6 for all levels of the ability, make sure to change the Index of the array "<d ref="Effect,SniperDamage<index>.Amount"/>". Where of course the "SniperDamage1" and 2, etc, is a real effect, that has the ID "SniperDamage1", etc. The ID is the one you "suggest" on whenever you create a new effect.

    Tooltips higher than level1

    PS: This is for tooltips, it works the same way for images and ability names.

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    posted a message on making a simple ability

    Two questions:
    Do you want this ability to have multiple levels?

    Do this ability level up based on a requirement, for instance hero level?


    Sniper ability

    Sniper ability, only one level, with effects,models, actors. Contains:
    One button, one ability, one unit, two actors and two effects, in steps 1-11 below.

    Note: no steps (apart from Step 8 ) nor any sentences can be skipped. Read one line/sentence and do what it tells you to do, within 30-60 minutes, you have the ability completed.

    PS: Whenever you create or change the name of any object in data editor (unit, ability ,effect, actor, etc.) click "Suggest" so you give the object a decent unique ID, mentioning it here, in case I've forgotten it somewhere.

    "Multiple Levels": Some fields that are being modified below, is for level 1 of the ability. If you add more values to some fields, each represent another level of the ability.

    Step 1:

    • Right click and add a new button, give it a name, I named it "Snipe", click OK.
    • Skip adding tool-tips, icons etc. for now.

    Step 2:

    • Right click and add a new ability, give it a name, I named it "Snipe", ability type Effect - Target, click OK.
    • Select "Snipe"-ability, fields:
      • "Ability: Commands" - double click the value of it, not the "Ability Commands"-text, so you get a dialog up, select "Execute button", and set the Default Button to "Snipe", click OK [Optional, not really required for it to work]
        Ability Commands
      • "Ability: Progress" - double click the value of it, find the "Prepare" index and set its value to "Snipe"-button.
        Progress buttons
      • "Ability: Target Filters" - double click the value of it, add new filter, select "enemy", click OK. Then set things to allow or deny. I've set Excluded on air and heroic and structure (not allowing cast on heroes or air or structures, but all other enemies) [Reference "Multiple Levels"]
        Target filters on ability
      • "Stats: Prepare Time" - double click the value of it, this is the casting time of ability, I've set it to 0.25 (seconds). [Reference "Multiple Levels"]
      • "Stats: Range" - double click the value of it, cast range of the ability, I've set it to 5.0 [Reference "Multiple Levels"]

    Step 3:

    • Search for "photon cannon weapon" [this will be our so called "Ammo Unit", is required]
    • Right click the Photon Cannon Weapon and chose Duplicate, select Model, Actor and Mover, click OK.
      Duplicate unit
    • Go to the "object explorer", if it is not shown, or unsure what it is, go to View > "Show Object explorer" and see what changes, the view that changes is the object explorer.
    • Object Explorer:
      • Double click Movers - Photon Cannon Weapon Copy, change the name to "Snipe Movement" and click Suggest, and click OK.
      • Double click Models - Photon cannon weapon copy, change the name to "Snipe Weapon Model", click suggest, click OK.
      • Double click Actors - Photon cannon attack missile copy, change the name to "Snipe Attack Missile", suggest, click OK.
      • Double click "Weapon - Photon cannon weapon copy", the first Node, rename it to "Snipe Ammo", remove the prefix "weapon", suggest and click OK.

    Step 4:

    • Search after "Photon Cannon Attack" right click it (not the missile, but the Action-Attack, we already got the missile duplicated).
    • Choose duplicate and select Model - Photon Cannon Attack Impact and Sounds - PhotonCannon_AttackLaunch, click OK.
      Actor duplicate
    • Object Explorer:
      • Double click Photon Cannont Attack Impact Copy, change name to "Snipe Attack Impact", click Suggest and OK.
      • Double click PhotonCannon_attackLaunch Copy, change the name to "SnipeLaunch", click suggest and OK.
      • Doucle click "Photon Cannon Attack Copy", the first node, rename it to "Snipe Attack", suggest and OK.

    Select "Snipe Attack", fields:

    • "Combat : Impact Map", double click the value of it. Select the index "none" and remove the Impact Sound by clicking the "-" sign next to it. Removing impact sound, since we did not duplicate it and don't want it.

    Step 5:

    • Right click and add a new effect, give it a name, I named it "Snipe Damage", click suggest, choose type "Damage", click OK.
    • Right click and add another effect, give it a name, I named it "Snipe Missile", click suggest, choose type "Launch Missile", click OK.

    Select Snipe Damage, fields:

    • "Combat - Amount", this is the damage done by our ability, I set it to 100. Be aware that for each level of an ability, a new effect Snipe Damage is required.
    • "Effect - Validators" and remove them all, if there are any.

    Select Snipe Missile, fields:

    • "Effect Ammo Unit", and chose our "Snipe Ammo", click OK.
    • "Effect - Impact effect", set it to be our "Snipe Damage", which is the impact effect.
    • "Effect - Validators" and remove them all, if there are any.
      Snipe missile

    Step 6:
    We have created our effects, lets set our actors' token:
    Select "Snipe Attack", and at the bottom of the "Fields" in your window, there shall be a few "Tokens".
    Token example

    • Impact Effect - To be our "Snipe Damage"
    • Launch Effect - To be our "Snipe Missile"

    Select the "Snipe Attack Missile"-actor

    • Unit Name - Set this to be our ammo unit, "Snipe Ammo".

    Step 7:
    Select "Hero Snipe", fields:

    • "Effect: Effect", if an effect is there, remove it, then add our "Snipe Missile", click OK.

    Step 8: (OPTIONAL)
    Adding mana cost or cooldown
    Select Snipe-ability, fields

    • "Cost: Cost", edit this field to control mana/energy and cooldown. Image shows 10 seconds cooldown and 3 seconds cooldown from "start", whenever the unit was created. So the ability starts in a cooldown...[Reference "Multiple Levels"]. Do note that if the image was able to be scrolled down, the mana/energy cost is also shown, which is 5. Optional: You can set the cost of the ability to be life/shield instead or both!
      • Do note, for the cooldown to work, you need to select your ability. Sometimes the link is blank by default, chose your ability.

    Step 9
    Select the Snipe button we created, fields:

    • UI - Icon, select any icon you want as the button-image.
    • UI - Tool-tip, insert a TextKey, I am using things on the format: "Text\Ability\<ability name>", so I am using Text\Ability\Snipe as the key, and text:
      "Sniper deals damage from a long distance, dealing " and there I stop, then I click "Choose field" just below the tooltip I've wrote, and I remember that the effect "Snipe Damage" was dealing the damage, so I chose effect and chose my snipe damage ability, then click OK, then click "Insert" and suddenly this text appears:
      <d ref="Effect,SnipeDamage2,Amount"/>, which is a reference to the 100 damage amount in our ability. If we change 100 damage to 105, tool-tip is auto-updated.
    • UI - Hotkey :Here you can also set the hotkey

    Step 10:
    Unit Tab
    Search for SCV

    • Select SCV, fields:
      • "Stats: Energy Maximum" - 25
      • "Stats: Energy Regeneration rate: " - 2
      • "Ability: Abilities: " - removed repair, build, etc, except move, attack and stop, then add our own ability "Snipe", click OK.
      • "Ability: Command Card" - removed all useless buttons (repair, build, etc. but kept move and attack, etc...), adding a new button in any of the open button-spaces/slots: Chose "Snipe"-button
        The type is "Ability Command", the ability is "Snipe", and the ability command again is "Snipe".
        Command card
    • Again select the SCV-unit and click CTRL+P, takes you to terrain editor. Start placing 10-20 SCV's. While still in the terrain editor, select half of the SCVs, then click "1" on your keyboard (this will make units belong to player 1), then select the other half of the SCV's and click "2". Now you have some enemies to cast the ability on.

    Step 11:
    Triggers, remove the melee triggers, if this was created in a new map.

    Final notes:

    • Attached a map following the steps above.
    • To change the model of the ability, or impact, go to "models"-tab and search for "Snipe". There you have the two models.
    • There are other ways to Rome. I could have duplicated the effects too, but wanted the user to create the effects from scratch.
    • It might look like a tutorial at first glance, or the second, but in fact, it is a response to the post above. :)

    Test the map [Ctrl+F9].

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    posted a message on Hero Ability - Button Level Update?

    I am not really sure what you want.

    You want the button's image/text to change for each level of the ability?
    For instance:
    Level 1: Marine-icon, "Deals 100 damage"
    Level 2: Zealot-icon, "Deals 200 damage"

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    posted a message on Leveling an passive ability

    Are you talking about the actual command card on a unit, to chose "Passive" on a slot in the command-card. To then chose a requirement there for the button. Then stacking buttons within the same command-card slot, linking them each to their seperate level of the behavior, etc.. If this is what you mean, this is tedious, and I wont do it, if not, or if it is not tedious, care to elaborate? :)

    Or care to download the map and add the requirment and reupload?

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    posted a message on How to make the Marauder use the Firebats attack?


    Gave you a like, no idea how to +1 your reputation, unless like is reputation? :P

    Lol, Like is reputation... way to... Tested by unliking your post, and updating the site... Its liked again now though! :)

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    posted a message on Leveling an passive ability

    Last Edit: Solved!

    Followed the few steps above, then also made sure the ability had "Stats- flags" set to Toggle On, so the behaviors are being added.

    Then I had issues with the icon not displaying on the hero, due to the abiltiy being of type "behavior". If I changed the ability type to "effect instant", I would get an Image, but then this would require effects for each level of the ability, which again would need to be linked to each of the behaviors... what a mess!

    Instead I did this:

    Followed the few steps in the post above.

    Made sure the ability Attribute Bonus has flag set to "toggle on", leaving rest unchecked.

    Created a new dummy ability, named it "Dummy Attribute Bonus", gave this ability tooltips, icon, and costs (5 levels of cost, else the ability will only have 1 level).

    Added the dummy ability to my unit.

    Triggered the rest, hiding the ability from start (so level 1 is not shown and not added), after that whenever hero learns attribute bonus, +1 level to the dummy ability too.

    Attached the map!

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    posted a message on How to make the Marauder use the Firebats attack?

    Could you care to upload an empty map with this working for the marauder, with the firebat weapon?

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    posted a message on Leveling an passive ability


    Veterancy and leveling a unit (hero) is up and running.

    I am now creating the "Attribute bonus"-ability from warcraft 3 (gaining +1 to all attributes [strength, agility, int]), a passive spell, which shall show the icon on the unit).

    PS: Ignore the fact that "Hero ability Button" is the name on the pictures, which shouldve been "Attribute bonus"... :)

    What I've done, step by step:


    - Created a button for "Learn Attribute Bonus", with image...

    - Created a button for "Attribute Bonus", with image...


    - Created an ability for the spell, type "Behavior" and gave it a Name.


    - Created "attrib level 1", and modified the behavior to add some bonuses to the attributes.

    - Created "attrib level 2", and modified the behavior to add some bonuses to the attributes.


    Added the two previously created behaviors to the ability, under "Ability : Behaviors"- field. Ability contains therefore two levels (attrib level 1 and attrib level 2).


    -Created "Attribute bonus skip"-requirement, on this format:

    CountBehavior(LevelUpShield,CompleteOnlyAtUnit) > {Not learnable yet.}(CountAbil(Button,CompleteOnlyAtUnit) + CountAbil(Button,CompleteOnlyAtUnit))|(None))

    Learnable on the levels: 1, 3, 5, 7 ... (this works, its exactly the same as other non-passive spells of mine).


    The "Learn Ability"-itself for the specified hero (an ability of type Learn, was created before started creating this ability), changed the Info-field on it, and on that Info field I have added the Requirement that I craeted above and the attribute bonus ability craeted above, like so (Image is cut n pasted to fit in smallest area possible):

    Fields on the Info-field of the Learn ability


    On my hero unit that levels up, I've added the ability under "Ability : Abilities"-field.

    I've added the two buttons "learn attribute bonus" and "attribute bonus" on the Command card of the unit.

    Expected result:

    My hero gets bonuses that are within the behavior equal to the level of the ability. Level 1 ability, adds level 1 behavior,...

    Results I am getting:

    Behavior is not added at all, but the level up/learning seem to work properly.

    I am having a bit of a battle with the command card on a unit:
    If I add the ability on the command card as an "Ability command", and chose my ability "Attribute Bonus", the third option "Ability Command:" displays nothing inside the drop down list.

    Command Card Ability

    Command Card Passive

    Any suggestions on why my behavior has not been added and that the ability is not shown on the hero? What have I missed out?

    Do I have to set the command card to passive, but then also create a different requirement for the ability/button on the command card?

    Edit: Wow, this forums "wysiwyg" is hard to get properly, adding a new line, leaves the line on the same line, adding two, adds one new line, but also adds additional spacing... Oh well... Markup Type, who knows whats what!

    Posted in: Data
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