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    posted a message on Assist With Developing/Reviving My Map


    A while back when Wings of Liberty first came out, I decided I would get back in to map making (Warcraft III map making was my hobby). I created a map called Beast's Team Tower Wars, which is a 3v3 tower defense type map where you send units to fight and push 2 lanes to eventually fight each other in a middle arena and destroy the other team's Command Center. You can create towers and upgrade units and my map is playable, but it needs some TLC and a second mind to get me back up to speed. I'm looking for one person who would be interested in assisting me with ideas and a little customization. You don't need to be the best map maker out there, I just need someone who can check my work and be creative with me.

    If anyone is interested, I'll give out my in game name and you can check it out with me!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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