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    posted a message on Detecting Chat (mostly out of game)

    Put this in Miscellaneous because I'm not sure where else this would go. Also not sure why there's no tutorials or anything on here about doing things with chat (changing where it shows up, changing the font, suppressing it, etc.) for what I looked through.

    I'm posting in here because Starcraft Universe has an issue concerning chat between someone playing SCU and someone on Starcraft 2 but not in-game with the other person. This was sort of fixed by putting the part of the default UI that had the "Social" button (the one that looks like a person and brings up your friend list and chat window titles) so that you can click that button and use chat pop-ups to carry out the conversation.

    The actual problem with in-game to out-game chat is that you normally don't know when you are being PMed by someone other than the short chime that goes off when a new chat window is made. If you don't hear that chime, you have no idea you got a PM, and the out-game person may have to wait for hours to hear from who they PMed that's playing SCU.

    Is there a way to detect chat? How about private chat specifically? Could a notice appear as someone receives a chat message from someone outside of a game where chat is handled differently (as illustrated in the image below (originally put on the Upheaval Arts website))?


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Some wiseguy keeps saying "scam"...

    @Mille25: Go Ya, I refuse to post in that thread anymore and will just downvote and report anything like what he's posting if I see it anywhere else, and obviously delete it if it tries to sneak into the Upheaval website.

    Quote from DuckyTheDuck: Go

    @Setho961: Go

    Yea, I've been watching that thread. My suggestion would be for you to go out and breath some fresh air, (etc.).

    Don't worry, I get plenty of fresh air walking between classes on my college's campus (learning to program btw). Even between college stuffs, there's always time to spend on random things like posting in forums. Though, I don't mean to say that posting constructively in forums is bad or that I'm not taking my classes seriously, I already did an SQL related assignment that I spent at least 10 hours across 3-6 days on to get 24.5 out of 25 queries working (the .5 I didn't quite figure out but got close).

    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @FenixKissKerrigan: Go Yes, when you don't even care about supporting your arguments, don't care about the arguments contrary to you, and keep repeating the same phrases and words non-stop as if it could make them acquire any sense.

    Ya, there were actually two people like that in there (one of them being the guy I already pointed out) :P.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Some wiseguy keeps saying "scam"...
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @Setho961: Go There are other threads about that around here.

    Ya, mostly made a brand new thread because I was in a rush to post, had to leave the keyboard quickly.

    Although, I never heard of a guy calling a Starcraft 2 mod a scam before.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Some wiseguy keeps saying "scam"...

    ...at Starcraft Universe (SCU) on the Battle.net forums.

    The thing grinding his gears is that Upheaval Arts (a group of Starcraft 2 modders) made a kickstarter to get about $80,000 from donations from supporters so they can focus on developing their mod, with his issue being that its "free" to make any mod.

    I'm posting around here partially to ask: What is the cost of modding for Starcraft 2, if there is any form of cost?

    I'll also admit I'm mostly asking people around here to tell him that the general populace, including Blizzard, doesn't consider SCU to be a "scam."

    Anyway, his side of the conversation mainly starts around here on the Battle.net forums, post #51: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/9572528443?page=3#51

    And here's the webpage of the (now funded) kickstarter for Starcraft Universe in case you're interested in knowing more about SCU: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/747939120/starcraft-universe

    Update: Looks like he's done on that thread now.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Burning Tide?

    What exactly is/was Burning Tide?

    I've seen it on the home page of this site every time in the "What's your favorite Blizzard Mod so far?" poll, but I've never seen it once in the Arcade, even well before it was called the arcade.

    Posted in: General Chat
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