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    posted a message on Street Empires
    Quote from OoehKzoO: Go


    What would you like me to add in the update? I felt like the game had enough stuff, so I haven't worked on it for a while. Lots of the complaints are from people being confused with all the stuff already.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Street Empires

    Ahli that map is cool. I loaded it up in SC2. Looking at the source would be interesting too. I haven't seen that yet.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Street Empires

    I updated the OP with a new video about Co Op mode, original character models, hats, and other updates.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Auto click inventory button

    Necroing this thread to add that I just figured out how to do this. An action to do this was added in the 2.0.1 HOTS Beta Update.

    There is now an action called Open Inventory Container. This can be used to open that unit's inventory container when selecting the unit. Below is a screenshot of the trigger I wrote to test this. It asks for an integer to refer to the container. I assume this is for a unit with multiple inventory containers. All my units only have one inventory so I just set it to 1.

    Hopefully people didn't already talk about this on another thread. I found this thread a couple days ago while trying to figure out how to do this. Glad to say it is not impossible anymore.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on having trouble with Triggering damage amount

    You could use "damaging unit" or "unit type of unit (damaging unit)" to detect who attacked then look up how much damage their attack does. It would take a fair bit of code and you will probably need variables to keep track of how much damage a unit does based on it's upgrades.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Editor

    Also if there was an editor people would make rooms full of gold and other things that would mess up the auction house.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Unit keeps level after death

    When the unit dies store it's XP as a real variable with the function "Unit Property". Then after creating the new unit use the action "Set Unit Property" to set the XP to what is stored in the real variable.

    I assume you are using the built in "Bounty(XP)" property to store your XP. I haven't made a map where units gain XP yet, but it looks like this should work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Start with workers already mining gas

    You can just create the nexus, assimilators, and probes in the terrain editor. Then on your "Melee Initialization" trigger add the action "Start Campaign AI for Player" and set it to whatever player. The units will mine, but not spend their resources. Here is a simple example.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transfering Inventory to Trained Unit

    So you can create an array of unit types that is the size of the max number of inventory slots. Then pick each item carried by the SCV and store it at an index in your array of unit types. Then remove the scv and create the marine in the barracks. Then step through the array adding each unit type it finds to the inventory of the marine. If this is done more than once per game you will need to clear the array of unit types each time. Here is a screenshot of the code I wrote to test this. Though I did not recreate all the things your trigger will be doing. It should work fine.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Modify a Player's Status Bar Settings?

    There is an action in the trigger editor called "Override Player Option". You can use that and set the option to "Display Team Colored Life Bar". Loop that for all players and set to disable.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Timer Trouble

    @UltimaNecros: Go Here is a simple example map showing a timer that counts down from 20 repeatedly.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transfering Inventory to Trained Unit

    @HappyGoLucky3: Go

    This seems very possible. However I don't want to write all the code for it. Can you be more specific about what you can't get to work and how it fails? How do you order the unit to the upgraded?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help on difficulty selection trigger

    By Streaming data do you mean the size of your map file? What people have to download to play it? Or lag while playing the game?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help on difficulty selection trigger

    I wrote a version of your "Set Difficulty Count (Timer Expires)" trigger. This deals with people not selecting anything or people not agreeing by setting the game to normal difficulty. I also moved some actions around to avoid so many copies of the same thing. However I am not familiar with all your code and I can't test it because of the dependency thing. So try it out and see what happens. I only modified that one trigger. Also this doesn't address your second question.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger not works for computers

    @Form01: Go

    Have you tried "owner of unit (triggering unit)" instead of "triggering player"? There could also be a bug in your code we aren't aware of. Being able to look at the trigger in the editor would be helpful. Though I would understand you not wanting people to have access to your source code.

    Posted in: Triggers
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