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    posted a message on [Solved] Wall/No walk zone bouncing system

    I'm not good enough at math to follow this thread though... If you can break down what they are talking about it will help a ton, Ty :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Wall/No walk zone bouncing system

    Ya I would need to reshoot the missile, and that's easy enough to do through triggers, but I need a way to get the point the missile needs to target.

    People have said they have used the normal of the wall to calculate this, but

    1. I don't know how to find the normal of a plane/triangle 2. Idk how to find the points of this "triangle" on the wall. :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Wall/No walk zone bouncing system


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    posted a message on Different Map Sections

    You can make a player only able to see a certain portion of the map by make a region that covers the are u want players to stay in, then create an action, I think it's "lock camera bounds" or "set camera bounds" and set the region to the region you created. I don't want to try and explain how to create dialog to do this. I would probably just confuse you. Hope I helped with the "camera bounds" deal :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Learn ability problems

    I thought there was a way to make the ability cost more or less attribute points... or was I wrong?

    A way to work around this is to set the learn to have as many stat points as needed, and then make the actual learning of the ability cost gas or do it through triggers with integers and such. You can hid the number of attributes you have by not setting the submenu to the learn ability.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Different spawn locations

    Im not very good at explanations, but I have made a few maps like the one you are currently trying to create.

    To answer question 1

    1. If you want to make it random, make a random variable in your second trigger that gets a random integer between 1 and 2

    2. Make another variable that is a boolean (True/False), if above integer is 1, set it to false, if it is 2, set it to true. This will have to be done via an if statement

    3. Then, at the end of your trigger, make an if statement that says: If (Boolean) is true create player 1 unit at spawn point 1 and create player 2 unit at spawn point 2 else create player 1 unit at spawn point 2 and create player 2 unit at spawn point 1

    Thinking about this however, it will only work if you make the players wait until all players have chosen...

    so on to answer 2

    1. Create a variable with an array of however many people will be able to play your game at any one time. Make this variable a unit type.

    2. make another trigger than does what i previously mentioned in answer 1, but create the player's variable unit instead.

    3. You will have to change the second trigger you have to set the variable of the player to the unit type they have chosen, you may have aleady done this, i cant really see if very well...

    4. Make the second trigger check to make sure all of the active player's unit type variable is not "No unit type" when you press the select button. If all the active players have chosen a unit, then run the 3rd trigger I told you to create in step 2.

    I'm sorry if this is hard to follow or understand... as I said, I'm not very good at explanations.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Wall/No walk zone bouncing system

    Im trying to figure out how to make a missile/ unit reflect off of a wall or no walk zone when te hit it. I know how to make a unit check for these zones, but I'm having trouble making a way for the unit to bounce off at the mirrored angle of its impact.

    Example: Missile hits a perpendicular wall at 60 degrees, negate the impact and add 360 = 300 degree facing distance after impact.

    The equation would be different for each wall angle (45, 180, 90 etc).

    If no one can think of a way to do this, another thing that I would like to know how to do/ would help me would be a function that returns the angle of the wall hit.

    Please help, other threads have been too advanced for me to follow...

    Posted in: Triggers
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