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    posted a message on Consuming items (attributes)

    @Deadzergling: Go

    Yeah I have the veterancy attributes done perfectly, but I really need this shop system to work! Also, I'm looking in the triggers and there is no such event "unit gets or receives item". Or am I missing something? I feel like I am missing something because on this forum, everyone posts triggers in program editing format (which I'm quite familiar with programming), but in my editor, it only has the usual table view... This might sound really silly but I am brand new to this forum/editor so I suppose no harm in asking lol

    @BasharTeg: Go

    If it counted how many tomes were in someones inventory every time the ability was used, wouldn't it increase everyone's attributes by what they already have every time someone buys something new?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @PatchOne: Go

    To be honest, I'm a very low skilled editor! haha so don't be too harsh on yourself.. I would have never thought to just have an unlimited upgrade! That's so much easier than item stacking.. I'm fairly certain I could do my instant consumable idea, but that would take a long time of messing around, whereas I'm quite familiar with upgrades... This will definitely help, at least for now so I can get a beta version up and running!

    Regardless, I await your response too khalanil about the potions!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Casual Publishing

    @TacoManStan: Go

    That sounds great but to test it with multiple people playing at once, don't I have to publish it? Or is there something really simple I'm missing...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @Khalanil1: Go

    Yeah I have it set to cost(charge max = 10, charge start = 1, charge use = 1). And the flag destroy when depleted is checked. I intended it to be you buy one up to a max of 10, and then use each one individually... But instead, when I buy it from the shop, it automatically gives me 10, and then I can click it infinitely and it will stay at 10...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Consuming items (attributes)

    So after much confusion on the best way to set up a tome (attribute) system, I've determined the best way to do so is to have the item instantly consumed by the hero when bought. This (I'm told) is done in triggers. MY CURRENT SETUP: I have a shop with abilities that let my hero interact and buy from it. The tomes are items, linked to units, which the shop uses the "train" ability type to create these items and place in my hero's inventory. I need this item to be instantly consumed (since stacking is apparently near to impossible with this editor) and on consumption, I want the corresponding attribute of my hero to increase. MY PROBLEM: I don't know which triggers to use. I've messed with it for a while now and I can't seem to get it working. ALSO, from what I've seen, the triggers which appear to be right, only return the unit actually creating the item, which is the shop.. So even if I got it to work, it would increase the shops attribute by 1.. which clearly isn't right... Help?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @Khalanil1: Go

    Yeah I've made it to the point where I believe instant consumption is the right way to go... But I have no idea how to actually do this! I can't even make my potions consume (they work, they just don't deplete!)... I suppose I will post a thread on my problems in that regard in the trigger editor as I feel guilty asking here..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @Khalanil1: Go

    Well similar to PatchOne's last comment, I could count the number of charges into some variable, saving that so if the hero dies, that number can be brought back.. My main problem is I can;t figure out how to instantly consume them, adding to the current buff. And sure items can create a passive buff, but that would require an inventory with thousands of slots, since stacking is apparently near to impossible with this editor...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @PatchOne: Go

    I would like to even just do that! You use the ability type "train" to create the items right? Because I currently have my pylon 'training' strength +1 tomes, and putting them in my hero's inventory. The problem is in the triggers, because the trigger returns the pylon since its whats actually training the unit (item). How do I get my hero's strength to rise when the pylon is whats actually training the item. I know trigger questions are another forum but I figure its okay since this is an extenuation of the original question..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    So I've determined the easier way would be to have the item consumed immediately upon buying it and applying the permanent buff. That sounds beautiful, although I have no earthly idea how to do that! Anyone know of how to actually do this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Casual Publishing

    @Mozared: Go

    Well you know I'd post the map on Sc2mapster but I'm not familiar with any of the licenses so when I hit that part I backed out lol I have always been afraid of someone taking a map I've created and using it as theirs... So I've always been against early publishing, but that's why I figured I'd ask if it was common..

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @Khalanil1: Go

    Whichever is easier! I would love for the tome to just be consumed when bought and the attribute immediately changed but I had no idea how to do that either. So I tried where the hero holds the tomes and the buff is applied depending on how many he holds, but stacking is extremely difficult and I cant make the number of charges affect the total attribute increase... PLUS, the unit creating the item is the pylon, not my hero, so I'm having trouble with that as well... Your thoughts Khalanil1? Consumed on buy would be great if you could show me how to do that!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    @PatchOne: Go

    Thanks that would be awesome!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tomes! (Atrributes)

    So I need to set up a tome system in you can buy 12 different tome 'packs': Strength +1, Strength +10, Strength +50 Intelligence +1, Intelligence +10, Intelligence +50 Agility +1, Agility +10, Agility +50 All +1, All +10, All +50

    I am using a pylon as the shop. I have the ability shop interact and shop buy and the buying system seems to work with potions, and I can also spend money on tomes, but I have no earthly idea how to make buying the tome increase the attribute. I assume I need to make an inventory with 12 slots where the items stack and each one applies a buff to a behavior... But I've been trying that for hours upon hours now and I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas how to get the game to stack each tome, and increase that attribute for each tome (charge)?

    I've messed around with triggers but I would prefer not to go that route, I'm sure there is a practical way in the data editor...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Casual Publishing

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    Good idea! I'm actually making X Hero Siege from Wc3 for anyone who remembers that! It was always one of my favorites and the current versions on Sc2 are unfinished or poorly built in my opinion... And the only way to test the balancing is for me and friends to test it together but It has to be published to do that!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Usable items!

    Do you think instead of an 'instant' item, maybe I should use an 'ability' item? In which case, it would be linked to the ability potion, which is linked to the effect. I don't think this would change anything from my initial 'instant' item which is directly linked to the effect, but I'm trying to look for the best ways of connecting things from more experienced editors.

    Posted in: Data
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