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    posted a message on Realistic scale

    @Keyeszx: Go

    Honestly I would say make the ground units smaller, but not MUCH smaller, and maybe make the air units slightly bigger... at least the capital ships (Mothership, Carrier, Cattlebruiser, Corruptors, Broodlords).

    You can edit the Hercule's... Y? scale to be bigger... would stretch it out, make it longer. then edit the Marine to be... maybe 80% current size?

    But again, it's finding that balance between too small/too big for RTS and not small enough/not big enough for ThirdPerson.

    Mostly you would have to edit in the editor then check in game... it's all about how it looks in game, not in the editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Changing detection effective area/shape?

    @jobotslash: Go

    How do I learn?

    Well, I experiment ALOT.

    I read posts and try to solve the problems that arise. This is the only thing I open the Editor for... I just like helping people out.

    Eventually I will (re)create an amazing map, that I could not finish in Brood War. I was probably 2/5th finished my map, and I hit the max cap on allowed triggers / locations, pretty much everything. It was the saddest day of my life for a long time... stupid limitations.

    Honestly though, most things seem extremely basic to me. Just a few things are a little complicated, but then that's what experimenting is for.

    What I really want to get into is Terraining... it was my best strength for the Starcraft Editor. I haven't terrained since BW, and I never even touched Warcraft 3, so... the elements seem a little daunting, and all the things you can do... just waiting for the next WTE to be posted to start getting into terraining.

    But ya... I just try to solve data editor problems.

    ... and I only play SC2 on friday nights, haha.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] [Actor] Simple Tentacle Missile, strange visual behavior

    @Kueken531: Go

    Have you managed to figure this out yet? Nothing I've tried works, but I am thinking you would probably have to attach the tentacles to the overseer... I'm certain every tentacle missile in SC2 is attached to a unit or building, so your tentacle missiles might not be working properly because they aren't attached.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Changing detection effective area/shape?

    @jobotslash: Go

    Go to the Behavior Tab, find your Detection Behavior, modify Behavior - Modification + field, click on the unit tab of the new window, modify the Detection Arc to whatever you want.

    I modified the Overseer Detection Arc to 45 degrees, placed an Overseer on my map, and surrounded him with hostile dark templar... he only detects them when he is facing them, at a 45 degree angle.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Command Card Problem

    Nice Find for sure!

    Here's an easy way to determine which zero to turn into a one, with picture.

    Here's what the Raw "Submenu Is Sticky" for the Campaign dependency SCV looks like. (I am using the Campaign SCV because it has a slightly different command card than the melee SCV and depending on people's craftiness with filling command cards, could lead to some confusion(like 1 button with 2 submenu abilities)).

    • ((0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0|0|0|0)) Confusing and hard on the eyes, I know.

    For your sake, within the first section(which is Command Card #1 - in bold italics - also the only section we care about) there are 12 Zero, in the second(Com Card #2) there are 16, and in the third (Com Card #3) there are 7.

    Here's the command card #1 for the Campaign SCV. CC#1

    Simple! Top Left to Bottom right, each ability has it's own Zero(in the Raw field), blank/no ability squares don't have a zero, and if you look at the bottom right button, it's got 2 abilities in 1 button(#11 and 12)... that would take up two zeros, top to bottom for each ability(#11 and 12 red text).

    Each ZERO in the Raw Data is tied to an Ability, and not a button(11 buttons, 12 abilities, 12 zeros)

    So if you want Building and Advanced Building buttons to be sticky, you would turn the 9th and 10th ZERO in the Raw field to 1's.

    • ((0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|0)|(0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0|0|0|0))

    Or just the 9th ZERO into a 1 if you only wanted basic buildings to stick.

    And we don't care about the other command cards because Com Card 1 is the only one that calls up a Submenu through a button(in this example).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Small Beacons Overrides Selection of Units

    @davyswin: Go

    Question: Do you NEED to select the Beacons? If no... you could always just modify the Unit - Flags field and put a check in the 'unselectable' field. I JUST tested it and it makes whatever you want unselectable. But again, if you want it selectable... well...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Vehicle System DataOnly [Proof of Concept]

    @petrov1: Go

    Very cool! I took a quick peak and it's pretty well setup, works great.

    I noticed your Vehicle - Load-Unload (Vehicle) ability has the Bunker - Range Bonus effect, so I threw a few Player 15 aka Hostile zerglings on the map, because I was wondering if the Tank would shoot and if the marine could (but didn't think the marine would and didn't bother checking if the tank was setup for it) and lo and behold... the zerglings DO NOT engage the Hijacked Tank!!!! If I unload the marine from the tank, they'll try and kill the marine, but the minute I step back into the tank, they return to their position, and will run if being attacked by the tank.

    If you changed it so the hostile could engage the neutral, then an 'empty' tank would get destroyed very easily. But would probably require a trigger or 2 to tell hostiles to engage a hijacked tank, but to ignore an empty one.

    Either way, very nice!

    Posted in: Data Assets
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    posted a message on [Data] Trigger-free Leap

    @ProzaicMuze: Go

    Anyone try throwing a Point Defense Drone down? Too tired to test right now(had a rough night at work and need some sleep), but uh... place some hostile PDD's and try leaping around?

    If your unit teleports before the missile is sent out... haha?? Would look odd. Would basically be a blink without the puff of smoke.

    And I guess if you teleport after the missile hits, I guess it would just cancel the teleport midway through... but again... would look odd since you would 'snap back' to your default point.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Create a black beam with built in models?

    Yes, HDR stayed 1, never toyed around with it honestly. Maybe it might affect other beams that cannot be tinted black?

    Yes I did it in the actor event of the beam. Actor Type - Beam (Simple). The first screenshot is the entirety of the Event - Events + field.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Lurkers build-able like in SC1?

    @deleted_5871551: Go

    • You have to add the Morph to Lurker to the Hydralisk 's Ability - Abilities+ and then add it to the Ability - Command Card +.
    • Add Morph to Lurker (Burrowed) to the Hydralisk (Burrowed), same steps as above.
    • You have to link the Muscular Augments upgrade to their proper Research (Hydralisk Den) through Ability - Info + (in the Abilities Tab)
    • Give the Hydralisk Den the Muscular Augment upgrade by editing the command card.
    • Create a new Requirement Learn Muscular Speed(This will control your muscular augment upgrade, however the Grooved Spines is called Muscular Augment in the editor), click Express (box/circle/button) and paste the following in the Use box:
      • CountUnit(Hive,CompleteOnly)[TechTreeCheat]
    • then paste the following in the Show box:
      • !CountUpgrade(MuscularAugments,QueuedOrBetter)[TechTreeCheat]
    • Create a new Requirement : Learn Seismic Spines, paste the following in the Show Box(use box remains blank for this requirement)
      • !CountUpgrade(SeismicSpines,QueuedOrBetter)[TechTreeCheat]
    • Create a new Research ability called Research (Lurker Den) and then link Muscular Augments, Seismic Spines, and Grooved Spines through Ability - Info +
    • Give the Lurker Den the abilities Research Lurker Den and Research Hydralisk Den.
    • Modify the Lurker Den Command card.
    • Give the Lurker the (proper)Stop Ability so you can force the lurker to stop attacking while burrowed. Modify the Command Card.

    Um... that's alot to do, and also, there's more little things. But you can take a look at my map... I even made the Evolution Chamber upgrades affect the Lurker, Lurker (Burrowed) and Lurker Cocoon, armor life, armor life icon, damage, effects, all works perfectly.

    Armor upgrades give +1, Attack(missile) upgrades give +2 base, +2 armored damage. The lurker range upgrade increases range from 7 to 10(or is it from 6 to 9 i forget already) and has the proper visual(extended spines), hydra speed upgrade works aswell.

    Like I said, for any of the rest, take a look at my map. Collect the gas/mineral pickups, buy 3 overlords, upgrade stuff and morph the lair to a hive (Hydra Speed upgrade locked until Hive completed). Enjoy.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on problems with my duplication of supply depot

    @macattackk: Go

    Sorry, when I download your last blockade map, the fields are missing... my only suggestion is to either

    • a) get a pen and paper, and copy the event + field for the regular Lowered Supply Depot, and then recreate it for your Blockade.
      • or more preferably, because it would probably be faster...
    • b) completely redo the actor from scratch... delete & re-copy the depot actor and edit to your needs.

    Because I sure as heck wasn't going to do A) lol. and I'm sure you can do B) on your own :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weird Problem: Energy & Upgrades

    @DivinoZarathos: Go

    Maybe try this: On the unit, make it's default Max Energy set to 0. default Starting Energy to 75. Should still look like a regular unit without the energy bar. Then, apply the upgrade in game and see if you still start with 0/150 energy.

    If that doesn't work out, then maybe instead of Set StartingEnergy 75, perhaps ADD StartingEnergy 75.

    EDIT: Haha, I have a bad habit of not finishing posts... and sure enough you tried the default Starting Energy 75 trick, hehe. But give my second idea a shot.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on problems with my duplication of supply depot

    @macattackk: Go

    that is... extremely odd. I tried switching some settings around seeing if I could see exactly what you see... but I could not.

    I re-downloaded your map, making sure it's fresh/unedited, and went and edited the actor, attaching it here so you can check it out.

    EDIT: Just noticed in my second post in this thread that

    • create

    should be

    • destroy

    but.. I don't think it matters but it's for future reference I guess.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Lurkers build-able like in SC1?

    @deleted_5871551: Go

    If you've been following the tutorials... well then it should be fairly easy.


    Just add Lurker Morph to the hydralisks Ability - Abilities + and Ability - Command Card + sections. Create a new upgrade for the Seismic Spines, just copy the Hydralisk Range upgrade and change the numbers and link it to the Lurker Den like the other abilities are linked... You'll also need a new button and new ability.

    Oh and you didn't "successfully make" the Hydra Den morph into the Lurker Den... it's already setup by default if you load the Campaign Dependency. So you placed the Hydra Den on your map and you clicked the button :P

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on problems with my duplication of supply depot

    @macattackk: Go

    Um, it's in there... right at the bottom of the full list. I looked directly at your Blockade 1(lowered) actor... look again? :)

    Messing around with the Raised Blockade 1 actor won't do anything... Raised Blockade and Lowered Blockade are separate units, so trying to make the raised Blockade control how the lowered Blockade looks & functions is just not possible.

    Just check again, it's in there.

    Check this pic out; http://i54.tinypic.com/wj6ulz.jpg

    Red Arrow:: Selected Actor == Blue Arrow:: Term to Edit == Purple Arrow:: Unit to Change To

    Also, notice that in the Object Values window, that the vertical scroll bar is all the way down.

    Posted in: Data
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