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    posted a message on [Video] Morality System [Update]

    Bump for update! See original post.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit explode when unit comes within X range behaviour?

    @FraindorX: Go

    Read this tutorial: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/9277-applying-an-aura-to-a-unit-easy-difficulty/

    And then experiment with the values and effects of the aura so that if anyone comes within the radius, instead of applying a buff, the unit commits suicide and applies splash damage to the radius. :) Also, maybe look at the Spider Mine unit to get some ideas. I'm sure it's possible to simply copy that unit, remove it's "Move" command and then when people come within it's range, instead of chasing people down it simply pops up and boom... would look like an Anti-Personnel Mine :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on explosions

    @thommiej: Go

    There are a lot of explosion animations in the game. Try using actors under actions... Create Actor at Point, Attach Actor to Unit, etc... under the "Name" of the actor, search for explosion.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Triggers 101, I Fail

    @thetwitch1812: Go

    SC2Mapster can be a huge, huge help for Galaxy Editing but no matter how well done a tutorial is, there's no real substitute for actually going into the Editor and messing around and making mistakes. I recommend checking out OneTwo's YouTube page, he has excellent video tutorials from the most basic to fairly advanced. Get yourself comfortable with the Editor, and then try doing something hard like a WASD movement system or something which will let you experiment with a lot of different elements (ie: variables of different types, If-Then-Else actions, conditions of all kinds, etc etc)

    Now, to your questions:

    • What OneSoga said is probably the best way to identify the triggering unit and "pick it". You can also create Unit variables and in a separate trigger assign x unit to that variable, ie: in the Campaign maps, Raynor was always assigned to a "Raynor" Unit variable... so any actions involving him looked like:
            Unit - Raynor Enters (Some region)
        Local Variables
            ------- Such and such actions here.
    • I don't remember much of the Editor from SC1, but in Galaxy Editor you have the "Run Trigger" action which can run actions off of actions. So that when your 300 second timer expires, Run Trigger: Load Next Timer, (Wait Until it Finishes) which means it'll call up another trigger you've created and wait (or don't) until all actions in that trigger have finished before moving on. So you could setup your timers in a cascading effect like that... in each new trigger start a new timer. But there's probably a million ways to accomplish what you're trying to do. :)

    What I usually do if I'm experimenting with new triggers is create a Test Map, very small like 56x56, set preferences to "Run In Window" and set up all my triggers in this map... this cuts down on loading time, and this way you can test the triggers you want to without having to sift through all your other stuff. gl hf :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes

    @Trembelwick: Go

    Should be up now.

    Anyone else used Galaxy Editor yet? I'm editing triggers, and when I add an event, action or condition, everything in the list to choose from (ie: Unit, Unit Group, UI, etc) is duplicated.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Video] Morality System [Update]

    @s3rius: Go

    Well the integers work fine for the most part, I'm going to work more on them today, but basically because I've created effects for each "tier" I'm having trouble reversing the effect.

    Let's say at 100% corruption (Corruption Index[20]) my Zealot scales to 1.2/1.2/1.2, has a glow, etc. I'm having trouble working out what I'll need to do so that if the Corruption Index drops from 20 to 19, the effect is taken away. He should scale back down, the glow should be removed, etc.

    Also, the way it is now, you could kill 20 good guys to get 100% corruption, then you could kill 20 bad guys (well actually 40 bad guys since each kill currently grants +1 -1 to either purity or corruption) to get 100% purity, and the effects of both would overlap and not be removed.

    I figured simple Booleans would help with that, ie: if Corruption Tier 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 are true, don't run Purity Tier 1... something like that I'll have to play with it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Video] Morality System [Update]

    Hey everyone, I need some feedback on a little project I've been working on. In order to add replayability to RPGs or any map generally, I decided to start work on a morality system. I've come up with an extremely bare bones system which currently uses real variables to simply +1 or -1 for units killed. There are 3 tiers (easily adjusted by expanding the array and changing the triggered levels) for each side: either Pure, or Corrupt a la Fable 2. :) See the screenshots and videos below and a test map if you'd like.

    I figured some of the more talented among you could take this idea and run with it since it really would be a brilliant way to add more depth to your maps.


    • Purity / Corruption system, 3 tiers each, 6 abilities total
    • Currently the abilities are a little generic and boring, just to show the effect... see the screenshots for higher resolution of each ability in-game



    • Tier 1: Divine Alacrity
    • increased movement speed
    • increased attack speed
    • nice blue aura :)
    • Tier 2: Sacred Light
    • maximum life +50%
    • life regeneration +50 hp p/s
    • unit glows
    • Tier 3: Wrath of the Gods
    • passive ability which attacks 3 random enemies with lightning every 5 seconds


    • Tier 1: Fiendish Bloodlust
    • slightly increased movement speed
    • slightly increased attack speed
    • increased melee damage
    • orange aura
    • Tier 2: Unholy Leech
    • 15 hp leeched from target units per strike
    • cloud of flies above the unit :)
    • Tier 3: Hellfire
    • passive ability, attacks 4 random neutral units nearby with fire, instantly killing 1, every 6 seconds
    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/kmd7FO0SP9s?fs=1 Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/gKAm8s1RrTA?fs=1

    System basically works like this: if the Hero kills an enemy unit, +1 Purity, if the Hero kills a neutral or friendly unit, +1 Corruption. Tiers at 5 kills, 10 and 15. The Hero is considered to have "neutral karma" if Purity and Corruption are between 0 and 4. The system is now fully reversable... so effects don't hang on if you drop in your karma level. Karma caps out at 15, kills are not recorded above that point except to decrease your karma.

    You could apply this system in an RPG by expanding the array or reducing the amount of points you get per kill. With real arithmetic it would be easy to add .02 points per kill as opposed to 1. :) You could also use this system to award karma points for completing quests.

    Please feel free to download and try, or improve it! Enjoy.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transitions Between Different Fog?

    @s3rius: Go

    lol Guess I should get to work then... thanks for the reply.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Transitions Between Different Fog?

    In the map I'm currently working on, I'm trying to make the atmosphere a big part of the gameplay... when a unit moves into a region, I'd like the fog the change height, density and color. I can already do this, but I'm looking for an action that will blend them, as opposed to instantly changing the fog stats.

    Any ideas? If there isn't an easy option, I can do it the long way by changing the fog increment by increment... just checking to see if there was a "blend mode" for enviro effects. lol

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Diablo: the curse of Tristram *Blizzcon DEMO Video* Part 3

    @QMJ3: Go

    I'm going to bump this for you because I'm a little surprised at the lack of responses, given all the hype good looking RPGs usually get around here... lol Maybe when Monday rolls around you'll get more attention.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Strange Terrain Issue? [SOLVED]

    Hey guys, I have a weird problem.

    The terrain in my editor looks oddly stretched, but it looks fine in game. I've adjusted my graphics settings in-game and out and played with the terrain settings in the editor... nothing's fixing it. It looks this way on every map I open, not just mine. I figure it must be something I've done to the editor...

    It's not exactly a problem cause like I said it looks normal in game.

    EDIT: Waste of space, my bad. Solved my own problem. I had pressed CTRL+T which toggles "Show/Hide Hidden Terrain Cells" in the Editor. Delete this thread if you want.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Diablo: the curse of Tristram *Blizzcon DEMO Video* Part 3

    Very impressive! Excellent UI skills. Keep up the good work, I look forward to trying it!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Small animations for showing over the head of units (Fear, others)

    @fr0d0b0ls0n: Go

    I'm sure you're already be aware of this but in the Attach Actor To Unit trigger there are a tonne of small overhead animations to choose from. In the second drop-down under Actor, look in ModelAnimationStyleContinuous .

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Brainstorming - A Whole new Idea?

    @EternalWraith: Go

    I agree with you about RPGs (in SC2) for the most part... they're supposed to be epic, generally single player, and an immersive storyline is one of the most important things... which nearly all of the SC2 creations are lacking. Because a good storyline can take a long time to flesh out, add to that the cinematics, data editing and triggers involved and most people just can't be bothered to go the whole 9 yards.

    It seems fruitless, unless you're just a casual hobbyist who's not in any hurry to churn out a "popular" game and isn't on any timeline. Unfortunately that does no good for those of us waiting for a good game... lol Replayability wouldn't be hard to work into an RPG with simple variations in story; ie: a calendar system where quests are only available for x amount of time, and then they're gone, or the ever popular morality system (which would be so easy to implement) or setting up Boolean choices which effect your next set of choices, or even just a comprehensive skill tree.

    Now, someone read this post and get to work. Cause I don't have time to start an RPG. lol

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [WIP] Custom Protoss Hero Voices

    No comments? Feedback? lol Are these terrible? Do they sound like Protoss voices? I need some direction. :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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