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    posted a message on (Solved) Behavior stacking question

    I have two items. One item gives 300 hp. The other item gives 350 hp bonus. The HP boost is a behavior. My problem is that the 300 and 350 stack but two of the same won't (non stack = good). How do I stop two different behaviors of the same property type (300 hp and 350 hp) from stacking?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Global variable for unit type heroes?

    I am trying to figure out how to make a global variable for unit type hero. A hero is any unit that has the filter Heroic in the data editor.

    That way, rather than making a revive trigger for every hero in my map with unit type = hero name, I can just refer to the variable.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need some trigger help

    I have a shop in my game in which I can purchase heroes. The idea is that the purchased hero will instantly replace the old hero, with items and exp carrying over while the old hero is deleted. How would that be done? Basically, I am replacing heroes.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is there an open source leaderboard?

    I made a leaderboard but it is too simplistic. Is there an open source one that can let me sort people into teams and display players not playing?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Leaderboard texture does not exist

    For some reason the color of my leader-board is glitched. It shows the blue-ish color that SC2 uses for textures that do not exist. This does this with any leaderboard, down to the basic "create leaderboard" trigger.

    EDIT: Fixed, my UI override had messed with opacity

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Is there a non video tutorial for making shops and a hero reviving system?

    Basically as the title says, is there a non video tutorial or forum post explaining how to make an item shop and creating a hero revival system where you keep your EXP and items?

    I already have an inventory system and I can make heroes and items. The problem is making a shop. I can't find a good tutorial explaining how.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Help] Chain queuing attacks from spawned units at points

    Thanks! How is my artwork?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Help] Chain queuing attacks from spawned units at points

    I am trying to chain attack points from spawned units. Basically, 1 Wrath spawns at point A, gets added to group 1, all units in group 1 have to attack point B.

    I got that working.

    The tricky part is, once the units reach point B, how do I make them attack point C?

    Here is an image of my current working trigger:

    Here is a crudely drawn visual of what I am trying to accomplish:


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Ground units jumping on/off cliffs

    @madlibrarian: Go

    I fixed the problem. I made cliffs really low hoping to create a deep water effect while having levitated ground units emulate ships. I ended up raising the bottom by one cliff level and it fixed the problem, but that resulted in a shallow water visual. I guess I created an abyss or something.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Ground units jumping on/off cliffs

    Basically as the title says. I made a custom map with decently high cliffs. However, my ground units have discovered the ability to jump up and down cliffs. I have no idea as to why they do that. After doing some research, I noticed players have encountered a bug similar to it in melee http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/9330/screenshot2011032722554.jpg (not my screenshot) where units move VERY RAPIDLY up and down cliffs. Any solution to this or is this a bug?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on WoW Model-Pack Requests

    I would like to request all the models available for the Sha from MoP beta. If you don't have beta access, you can download it here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6080661049

    I don't believe you need to log in to extra the models but I could be wrong. They would be a really cool to have some sort of shadow race in a starcraft mod.

    EDIT: is it also possible to reduce the model size by optimizing it somehow?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Request] Airships or dirigible style aircraft models

    I am working on a steampunk style map that is centered around airships, however I lack skills when it comes to making custom models. I would like to request that some awesome sir or lady make custom airship models. A good example to look at and start would be the blimp and maybe expand from there or modify it in a way so that it is still clearly a blimp but different enough to represent another unit.

    Here is an (outdated since its missing the inventory/more developed terrain/cool stuff) image of what I am looking for:

    Basically modified (possible steam-punkified) versions of the blimp. The current version is techno-punk but serves the purpose. I want to avoid using heaver than air units as much as possible since I think it would take away from the idea of the map.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Unable to equip certain items into my inventory.

    @Stormahawk: Go

    Self reply, fixed the mistake. I made the fatal error of forgetting to associate the unit item in the Units section to the Item item in the items section.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unable to equip certain items into my inventory.

    I can't seem to equip any items except the very first item I made. I used the exact same process to make the items.

    Screenshot of working item: http://i.imgur.com/flPx4.png

    Screenshot of non working item: http://i.imgur.com/7aB6Y.png

    Screenshot of my inventory ability (both detailed and table view of the same thing): http://i.imgur.com/6LDyu.png http://i.imgur.com/FMYn4.png

    What the inventory looks like in game with items equipped (pretty cool in my opinion): http://i.imgur.com/1t0gM.jpg

    I am not sure as to why the first item I ever made (gatling gun) works and the others I can't pick up. I had a friend who was having a similar problem except he couldn't pick up any items. Please note, I can pick up multiples of the working item.

    I used this tutorial for making the items: http://www.galaxywiki.net/Creating_a_weapon_item

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Help] Passively attacking inventory items.

    Is there a way to avoid the turret attachment? When I try to change the Arc on the weapon (Not the effect!) it resets to 0. Just to clarify, you do mean the effect? Setting it to 360 on the weapon (when it does not reset) did not seem to do anything. I will add more edits as I work on this. I just got to add, wc3 days were much simpler. I am not really sure what you meant by wiki forums standards. English is not my first language so try to bear with me please.

    Edit for my inventory, everything is checked to allowed. I modified my UI to look like the Aiur Chef inventory. I can pick up multiples of the same item (although it seems only one fires at a time but that's fixable). I can try what you suggested with the goliath thing.

    Here is what the inventory looks like as an item container:

    http://i.imgur.com/FMYn4.png http://i.imgur.com/6LDyu.png Note: both are screenshots of the same thing, one is table, one is detailed view. Item classes are the same on all items.

    Edit: This is what my inventory is like in game. Hopefully this will give a better idea of what I am trying to accomplish here: http://i.imgur.com/1t0gM.jpg

    Note: the "Combat airship" does not have an attack, the item weapon creates that attack.

    Edit # infinity: messed around with goliath weapons, didn't seem to auto attack

    Final edit: it appears I can make continuously attacking weapons out of anything, they just stop passively attacking after the first hit or so and I still haven't fixed it. This leads me to conclude that this might be an editor setting that I need to change but I don't know what it is.


    The arc HAS to be set to an EXACT 358.99 otherwise it will auto reset and NOT work. I feel like a complete idiot for not figuring this out and I guess this post deserves a huge face palm.

    Now this leads to the final question(s)...how to make all the weapons in my inventory attack? And why can't I pick up the other items?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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