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    posted a message on Reconsidering an ability on my hero

    No offense, but the idea of a psionic hydralisk doesn't make any sense lore wise :P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Removing Nuke Requirements


    Tried that, it doesn't work :/

    What exactly do you mean by Commands+? That exact line? I don't have it. I only have some other command lines, one which read something like command bttn array, and It gave me a requirement that said "nukes", which i already hit remove from.

    Just to clarify, the Nuke icon is no longer greyed out, but I still can't use it because it says I don't have any nukes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Removing Nuke Requirements

    Hey guys. I was just trying to make something on a map i was working on, and I ran into a bit of a roadblock. To keep things simple, how do you remove the Magazine requirement on the Ghost's nuke? I understand how to remove the requirement to cast it, that's simple just by going to the requirements menu, but since Nuclear missle has a magazine, it still won't work. I've spend like two hours looking for the magazine to the Ghosts nuke to no success :/. Does anyone know how to remove, or edit it?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Melee Map Requirements
    Quote from WraithChaser: Go

    I wouldn't even care about that, it doesn't make a difference of how much health they have. Like, if it's too low, people can get in fast, if it's too high, no one will ever use it. I would leave it. Oh yea, plus the map has to be completely symmetrical.

    It isn't a requirement for melee maps to be symmetrical.


    For instance.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to trigger unit to cast spell, but let player choose target?
    Quote from JohnnySmash: Go

    I've been trying to create a trigger that creates an action that causes a unit to cast a spell, but the problem is it won't let the player choose the target like normal. You have to define the target in the action, instead of the player choosing a target in-game. I want the trigger to happen, then the player gets the spell targeting cursor, then clicks to cast the spell.

    I essentially have a custom display button that is supposed to tell a unit to cast a spell when clicked, but I really need the player to be able to choose the target. Once I get this working there is a lot more to it, but if I can get this core idea to work then I can get started with everything else.

    I've been going crazy over the past two days just looking in the XML files and all over forums trying to see if there's a way to do this. Any help would definitely be appreciated!

    Well, off the top of my head, heres a clever "solution" that avoids this problem. Rather then forcing the player to cast a spell, force the player to use a hidden submenu button, and attach a that to a respective command card that can't be accessed any other way. Then trigger effects onto the usage of said submenu ability, if you want any effects. The submenu command card would only have one ability, (the one you want the player to cast) and there would be periodic events to prevent the player from clicking on anything else. The submenu itself would lack a back button.

    The only issue is that the player still has to click the submenu ability.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @halfthought: Go

    sorry lol it was a mis-quote i meant to quote the other guy

    lol, its soke, but if someones saying shit that really bothers you and you don't even want to argue, just ignore him, or say something succinct along the lines of "thank you for your input but I disagree".

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @Robbepop: Go

    @halfthought: Go

    you not even adding any criticizing value to the map you are arguing over arbitrary things like the word "original" Ive mad no comments agenst people who are providing info about the map, items ect... But you are criticizing my wording on the description of the map not the map it self. you are trolling just posting to be a jerk and providing no input on the map at all.

    I'm not even argueing for his point dude I was defending you. I'm was saying this kind of attitude towards criticism, no matter how invalid, is completely unprofessional and stupid.

    It's even funnier because you just called me a jerk and a troll after I defended you for the entire thread, because you apparently didn't even read what I wrote in context. If you're going to make a community project like DoTA, you might want to get better at interacting with a community kthxbye.

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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from saltygrapes: Go

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go you're not going to be a successful mapper if you can't handle criticism.


    I don't even agree with the criticism, but yeah, try to take it respectfully at face value, it'll help in the long run.

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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from BrotherLaz: Go

    Why not use these opportunities to create an even better game?

    Objectively, making a game better then DoTA requires you to make a game that is as complex and deep as most retail games or Starcraft MP itself.

    I'm not saying DoTA is a holy grail, but you're not going to be seeing any fanmade maps that are objectively better then DoTA/HoN for at least a year after release. Banks are great, but what just because you have cool features doesn't mean you should pointlessly use them. AoS shouldn't have persistence, its cool, but it detracts from the competitive enviroment overall. (Plus, manually editing a bank after game to modify your character would basically make it unusable for anything other then casual games like RPGs, it wouldn't work in any game with a competitive element)

    The tools we access are extremely powerful, you're right, but fun should come before coolness. 99% of WC3 custom maps were more tech demos then objectively fun stand alone games. People could sink thousands of hours into DoTA because the gameplay was so rich, even it was extremely simplisitic. in comparison to say, Diablo 3 Warcraft, ones certainly more well made technically, but the other possess far vaster gameplay depth? Those extremely well made RPS objectively have at tops ten hours of gameplay because the gameplay isn't incredibly deep.

    Is DOTA going to be the dominant map on the custom list three years from now? No way, but were not going to be seeing DoTA quality maps for at least another year, so cloning dota to hold the masses (Including me, who'd like to play it on SC2) is good as any other idea.

    Plus, DoTA can stand on its own legs and solely be played for gameplay value. Adding a technically superior map isn't going to kill it. They're always be people who want to play a free version of DoTA with shiny graphics even if we have a fully functional third person competitive tactical shooter with abilities or something.

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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from SCMapper: Go

    @halfthought: Go

    Icefrog already said he isn't doing a Starcraft II port because Heroes of Newerth and League of Legends took Dota as far as it could go. The "dota" if you will, of starcraft II will be a new and original Aeon Of Strife style map, not just a port. Because no matter how well done the port is, it will never have a Game Engine, matchmaking, etc built specifically for it. So people who want to play dota will play one of those two games, and the rest will be playing whatever brilliant substitute takes the bnet throne.

    I am not being negative, I am just being honest, and hoping Neo's project flows with originality.

    League of Legends isn't dota, and Heroes of Newerth will cost money. Of course, Starcraft 2 will cost money too, but remember, if I would have bought SC2 anyway, this map is essentially free. The only things I sacrifice #1 Ladder and #2Reconnect. Reconnect could possibly even be coded in, and ladders would be supported by blizzard if the map achieved sufficient popularity.

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    posted a message on Pandora - DotA and Heroes of Newerth based
    Quote from SCMapper: Go

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go I think the only way you can have success with a project like this is to be completely original in making it, porting over heroes and items is exactly what hundreds of other people will be doing.

    If you aren't original I can only imagine your project will be drowned out by the flood of others like it, and I am sure that there will be an endorsed port of it by the current manager of dota out there eventually, limiting chances of success greatly. It's a harsh truth but it needs to be said.

    I would defintely Advocate staying true to the original, but I highly doubt Icefrog would bother manually porting over another one if yours is already there. He'd just endorse it if it were well made.

    Icefrog himself has stated previously he doesn't intend to port the map to starcraft 2.

    dun be so negative man.


    amazing map.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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