All of a sudden I'm getting a blue shaded polygon on all second level cliff. This is occurring on any map I open up. I was thinking I hit some visual setting but I cannot find anything remotely linking this phenomenon to one. Has anyone else encountered this and if so what did you do to return it back to normal? If this is a bug or some sort of corruption, what should I do?
edit... seems to be occurring on third level cliffs that border a second level base as well... :(
All of a sudden I'm getting a blue shaded polygon on all second level cliff. This is occurring on any map I open up. I was thinking I hit some visual setting but I cannot find anything remotely linking this phenomenon to one. Has anyone else encountered this and if so what did you do to return it back to normal? If this is a bug or some sort of corruption, what should I do?
edit... seems to be occurring on third level cliffs that border a second level base as well... :(
figured it out, I had "show pathing" enabled in the "view" menu. Must have randomly hit the hot key for it unknowingly.