
Trigger Editor


Player Info[Player]

Allows Developers to reference their players level, the amount of points they've spent, how many points they have available, how many many points they have available, and whether they soft commit or hard commit on talent point spending.


Tree Frame(User Data Instance - Trees)

Returns the tree panel for the user data instance.


Clear all talents(Int - Player)

Resets the players level in all talents in all trees to 0. Also returns any points they had spent on said talents.

Clear all talents in tree(Int - Player, Tree <User Data Instance - Trees>)

Resets the players level in all talents in the tree to 0. Also returns any points they had spent on said talents.

Commit Changes(Integer - Player)

Commits any changes a soft commit player had pending. Also any pending talent upgrades go into effect at that time as well.

Commit Changes in tree(Integer - Player, Tree <User Data Instance - Trees>)

Commits any changes a soft commit player had pending in the specified tree. Also any pending talent upgrades in that tree go into effect at that time as well.

Create Tree(Dialog - Dialog, User Data Instance Trees - Tree, Anchor - Anchor, Integer - Offset x, Integer - Offset y)

Creates a tree with all its buttons for the user data instance in the specified Dialog, using the specified anchor and offsets.

Create Tree with size(Dialog - Dialog, User Data Instance Trees - Tree, Anchor - Anchor, Integer - Offset x, Integer - Offset y, integer - size x. integer - size y)

Creates a tree with all its buttons for the user data instance in the specified Dialog, using the specified anchor and offsets. Setting the view portion of the tree to the specified size, if the view portion is smaller than the actual tree, it will automatically generate scrollbars for the tree. If larger than the tree it will automatically shrink down to the trees size.

Create Tree in Panel(Dialog Item - Panel, User Data Instance Trees - Tree, Anchor - Anchor, Integer - Offset x, Integer - Offset y)

Same as Create Tree, except in a panel.

Create Tree with size in Panel(Dialog Item - Panel, User Data Instance Trees - Tree, Anchor - Anchor, Integer - Offset x, Integer - Offset y, integer - size x. integer - size y)

Same as Create Tree with size, except in a panel.

Modify Player level(Integer - Player, Integer - Levels)

Adds (subtracts if negative) Levels amounts of levels to a player and then updates the trees to allow disallow talents for them. Also adds the points per level.

Modify Player Spending Points(Integer - Player, Integer - Points)

Adds (subtracts if negative) Points amount to the specified players available point pool, and then updates the trees to allow disallow talents for them.

Revert Changes(Integer - Player)

Reverts any soft changes for a player, also refunds them their talent points.

Revert Changes in tree(Integer - Player, Tree <User Data Instance - Trees>)

Reverts any soft changes for a player in the tree, also refunds them their talent points.

Show/Hide Tree Panel(Show/Hide <Show/Hide Option> Tree <User Data Instance - Trees> Player Group <Player Group>)

Shows or hides the specified Tree Panel for the specified players. Also updates the Talent button availability for them.

Set Talent Button Sizes(Button Size x <Integer> Button Size y <Integer> Button gap x <Integer> Button gap y <Integer> Edge Gap x <Integer> Edge Gap <Integer>)

Must be run prior to creating a tree, run it between 2 trees to get different styles. Sets how the talent buttons are sized and spaced.


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