[Library] Talent System

I've been working on a Talent System so I figured I'd make it a library that anyone can use.

If you're planning on using Talents in your map I suggest giving this a try because making a talent system from scratch can be time consuming.

Importing libraries is currently glitched. It deletes all grammar text and hint text. Import the library, delete the files, then copy the library from the example map.

TUTORIAL: http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/talent-library/pages/tutorial/

Feel free to use however you want but please give me credit. I spent a lot of time on it XD

- Has built-in triggers. Updates itself automatically!
- Uses upgrades to create the talents' effects
- 3 Color Schemes: Blue, Green, Red
- Talent dialog is automatically created and organized to specifications
- Up to 3 Trees, 4 Columns, and 8 Rows
- Talent Types: Ability and Passive
- Allows for custom tooltips for passive talents and automatically created ability tooltips pulled from the data editor!
- Left, Up, or Right Talent Prerequisites
- Saving/Loading Talent Builds!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 27, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Nov 8, 2010
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