
Footprints for SC2 Map Analyzer

Besides the terrain of a map, there are all sorts of doodads and units that may be placed in the Galaxy Editor that affect where units can walk. The shape of a doodad that blocks unit pathing is called its footprint, and SC2 Map Analyzer has a file call footprints.txt where you list all the footprints that the tool should recognize.

Declaring Footprints

Let's say you make a new doodad or Blizzard releases a patch with new doodads. SC2 Map Analyzer won't know about it until you add a footprint for it to the footprint.txt. A footprint in the config file is a list of unit or doodad names followed by the coordinates of the footprint they all share:

destruct BraxisAlphaDestructible1x1
doodad   PathingBlocker1x1Doodad
  0, 0

Here a tiny pile of destructible debris and the 1-cell pathing blocker doodad both have the same footprint, just a single (0, 0) coordinate. There are several types of objects you can list in the footprints config file:

  • doodad - it has a footprint that ALWAYS blocks units, and the editor calls it a doodad
  • destruct - a unit in the editor that is also destructible, like rocks
  • resource - a unit in the editor that can be mined, the analyzer needs to know about resources specially
  • nobuildmain - for resources you should also give a separate footprint for where a main building cannot be built, generally three cells from the resource, but you can see the exact footprint in the editor
  • unit - a unit that doesn't fall into one of the above categories, which also ALWAYS blocks units, like the Xel Naga Watchtower.

In general the global version of footprint.txt has all of the footprints already. There are many units and doodads, and Blizzard may keep adding them through content patches, so please comment if you find something missing!

If you make a custom unit/doodad you should add its any custom footprints in the local footprint.txt since new releases may update the global footprint.txt. Read this explanation of config files to understand the difference between global vs. local config files.

Footprint Coordinates

The coordinates of a footprint are relative to the object's position. The object's position doesn't always fall in the middle of a cell; if the position is ever on the border of two cells then the analyzer considers it to belong to the cell that is up/right (north/east). The cell with the object's position is considered cell 0,0. To make a footprint you list the coordinates of all the cells the object blocks, relative to 0,0!

Here are some objects and the coordinates of their footprint:


resource MineralField
  0, 0
 -1, 0

resource VespeneGeyser
-1, -1
 0, -1
 1, -1
-1,  0
 0,  0
 1,  0
-1,  1
 0,  1
 1,  1

unit XelNagaTower
  -1, -1
   0, -1
  -1,  0
   0,  0

doodad JunkPileSpaceShips
 -2,  2
 -1,  2
  0,  2
  1,  2
  2,  2
 -2,  1
 -1,  1
  0,  1
  1,  1
  2,  1
 -2,  0
 -1,  0
  0,  0
  1,  0
  2,  0
 -2, -1
 -1, -1
  0, -1
  1, -1
  2, -1
 -2, -2
 -1, -2
  0, -2
  1, -2
  2, -2


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