
As was likely anticipated with most of you (I know I anticipated it) I've put the project on hold. As a bit of a validation for myself, I suppose, I never intended to get even one person (though there may be more) interested in the project until at least the open alpha. The main project page was mainly a placeholder and this page mainly for those in development. I apologize if this announcement seems sudden or comes rather unappreciated, I just have a...lot on my plate right now and don't feel much like coding anything let alone this map.

This is more-or-less for those involved in development. As popularity pick up, it will be a place for people to keep detailed tabs on development and see stages of completion without being able to view them themselves (I.E. updates to the map that haven't/won't be uploaded).

-------------------- PRE-ALPHA VERSION --------------------


  • IDEAS (35%)
  • TERRAIN (10%)
  • UNIT PLACEMENT (N/A Units randomly spawn as part of triggers)
  • TRIGGERS (25%)



* 10/31/2013 (Date of last change)

As the beginning of the pre-alpha, this section will list was is planned to be released to start, what will be released in future patches, and what the end goal is.

Please note a few things:

  1. Ideas as noted in the pre-alpha will only be basic versions. I hope to seriously expand on any and all as time progresses on development.
  2. There will be copious bugs and trouble. Remember that this is a pre-alpha and all that's really thought out thus-far are the ideas.
  3. Progress will progress to 100%, please note that this is ONLY FOR THE PRE-ALPHA! I cannot stress that enough. I hope to have TONS more content by the end of the alpha, even more for the beta, and maybe a bit more for the release. Release is mostly spricing up of the finished product and the like.


What is finished

  • Dungeon Randomization
  • Door creation and monitoring
  • Preparation and Point creation
  • CORE bank for points (only thus-far. Core will also contain character data at some point)
  • Music (may not be included in your version, for size reasons)


What is in progress

  • Basic UI
  • Advanced UI
  • Custom Controls
  • Basic Controls
What is planned
  • Dungeon Clearing
  • Ability to Finish Dungeons and Move On
  • Creature Creation
  • Easy Mode (There will be more sometime around alpha release)
  • Weapons System
  • Loot Randomization
  • Basic Ability AI Engine
  • Basic Weapon Ability and Behavior Modification Engine
  • Basic Weapons Tiers (Grey (trash), White, Green, Blue, Red, Golden, and Red to Orange (God-like/Very rare))
  • Basic Crafting (Items that allow you to combine other items, these will be rare)
  • Hero (One to start, more as the project comes to beta-readiness)
  • Basic Leveling System (Skills and Ability upgrades will come later. Probably during Alpha development)
  • Basic Attributes (Thought, Physical Strength, Nimbility, Accuracy)


What is the next stage of development
  • Pre-Alpha to Pre-alpha 2.0 Stage.
What is the next stage's focus
  • Development with a heavy leaning on working out bugs and cleaning up UI.