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    posted a message on NA Map Nights

    I was going to do this before, and I forgot, but I'm moving map night back an hour to 9pm eastern, 6 pacific. I'm doing this both because I think we will get more players initially if we wait an our for the west coasts. Also I'm doing something tomorrow, and I can be certain when it will end. I should be back by 9 no problem, and we can do up some map night. Last week we played for over 8 hours.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Does your map drop players at load?
    Quote from Vexal: Go

    However, all that's needed is to find a single person whose map uses any of these things with no disconnects to rule them out.

    This isn't very scientific, and doesn't actually prove anything. "Absence of evidence does not imply evidence of absense." This type of analysis lacks a control group, i.e. something to compare results against. You're basically saying "this apple is broken, but this orange is fine, therefore..." Therefore nothing.

    What's a great deal more scientific is to do what Soul is saying. Make changes to what you have now and compare the results. You map as is becomes the control group, and it's easy to compare the results of an experiment against it. If you try something, and it doesn't fix the problem, then you know without a doubt that it was not the cause of the problem and you can rule it out. If it you try something and the problem actually goes away, it doesn't actually prove that the problem is gone. It's easy however to determine that the problem is less dramatic at the very least. It's important to have something to compare it to, make small changes, and compare again. This is how debugging works.

    You should listen to Soul. I'm fairly certain he knows what he's talking about.

    Quote from Vexal: Go

    When the map was originally created (the actual file) is probably very important.

    This is an assumption. When you are debugging, it is important to question all assumptions. Is this true? Can you actually evaluate it? I'm not saying it is or isn't true, but you can't just state that it's important without actually determining that it is first. Otherwise it becomes a red herring. You'll send yourself down the wrong road looking for answers, and you won't find them until you step back and question the assumptions that you've made.

    Remember, debugging is not about finding the answers, it is about searching for the answers. You can't find the answers if you don't search for them. There is a science to searching.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Pokemon-style game with SC2 Units + Full Banking

    @Tekaichi: Go

    It's actually a simple evolution from Pokemon being short for "Pocket Monsters". Units in this game aren't exactly monsters, so I started calling them warriors. The name was originally just a working title, but over time it's just kind of stuck.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Pokemon-style game with SC2 Units + Full Banking

    So I've been looking over the Pokemon types some, and I'm thinking of removing the "Dragon" type, as I don't feel it's very relevant. I'm also thinking of removing the "Rock" type as it is semi-redundant and there aren't a lot of rock/ground units in SC2. I'm thinking of going with one or the other... probably ground.

    I'm wondering what people thing about this change, and how it might affect balance. I may decide to add more relevant types. One possibility I'm thinking of in "Mechanical", but that may or may not overlap with "Steel". I'm open to opinions.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on NA Map Nights

    I'm trying to get Sixen to correct the post: Map Night is at 8pm EST, 5 Pacific.

    I have doubled my upload bandwidth so we should be able to utilize Ventrilo once more without causing lag. Have your microphone ready if you think you want to participate.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Pokemon-style game with SC2 Units + Full Banking
    Quote from TheAlmaity: Go

    Btw, if you need help with some data work, i could try and lend a hand.

    I'm looking for moves. Moves are weapons, but they can have spell like effects. I can show you how I set up a weapon that actually buffs the user (growl) if that would help. The two most immediate moves I'm looking for are Slam, and Thunder. For slam, basically I want to shoot the unit at the enemy. I remove the weapon afterwards, so they should just walk right back. Thunder would be an electric attack coming from overhead. The flashier the better. I'd like to be able to demo Probichu with Thunder as soon as possible.

    Also, literally any other move you can think of, I'd be interested. Hyper Beam would be fairly easy to do, but if someone else set it up instead of me, it frees me up to do other things and I'd very much appreciate it. I'm sure there's plenty of easy moves to create. I currently have about 2, so anything helps.

    Weapons should have a period of 2. I don't want the unit firing more than once in a turn. Multiple attacks are fine. The best way to test a move would be to place 2 units about 4.5 squares apart with no weapons. Give one the weapon and then take it away 0.5 seconds after the attack hits. The units will most likely need a "Behavior - Response" set to "No Response", otherwise they will probably run away.

    This is an extended invitation open to anyone.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on What is your speedtest?
    Quote from deleted_4934777: Go

    Oh did I mention that I was wireless?

    Since your wireless speed is most likely at least 54 Mb/s, this will not be a bottleneck to your internet throughput. It will only intra-network transfers.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on best first car?

    Omg. God forbid you drive a 7 year old car with 100,000 miles that you got for free!

    My first car was a 1983 Plymouth Horizon (about the same as an Escort from that era), and it was a piece of crap! I also had to pay for it ($500). I loved it because it was mine.

    I know from experience that something you didn't buy for yourself is something you won't truly appreciate. Deal with the hand-me-down car. Consider yourself lucky. If I was your dad I'd make you go half on a car, because it's the only way you'd truly respect the automobile. Otherwise, you'd like get in an accident and/or mistreat the car because it has no value to you. I know because I've been down that road.

    "What we obtain without sweat, we give away without regret."

    The cars you drive when you're a teenager are supposed to be pieces of crap. They have character. They make great stories.

    When you get out into the real world and start making some money, then you can start thinking about your dream car. I, myself, still have never owned a new car, but last year I was finally able to get a car I had wanted for a long time: a 2005 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GTS. I respect and love this car a great deal, because an awful lot of my hard-earned money went into getting it. But man does it look sexy with the top down.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Pokemon-style game with SC2 Units + Full Banking

    I've added to the OP a working Pokedex and a list of possible models. Feel to to fill in some question marks or scratch off some units.

    @Barbasol > I'll have to check out the Zealot Chef model. Preserver also fits in that model "chain".

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Dialogs] Really Great Looking Dialogs, Part 2

    @Xtremedesyr: Go

    I use notepad. You can use a program specifically designed for XML files if you wanted. Any program you can modify a text document in will work.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on NA Map Nights
    Quote from Mandrilx: Go

    Quote from jaminv: Go

    Map night tomorrow night! 3/17/2011 at 8pm Eastern.

    Never week (3/25/2011), however, I will not be available to host. If someone would like to take the reigns as the host for a week, it would be greatly appreciate. I'm also willing to reschedule if people are interested.

    If no one has volunteered yet I can host tomorrow night. Not sure I can get the broadcast all setup right but I'm def up for game night this Friday!

    You're more than welcome to. Thanks for the support!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why do not people upload maps on sc2mapster?

    I've upload an unfinished but well-featured RPG that is the result of a project I dropped. There's a lot of good trigger bits in there. Check it out if you're interested: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/triggers/19713-asset-triggers-unfinished-map-rpg-wars/

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Pokemon-style game with SC2 Units + Full Banking

    @Tekaichi: Go

    No, I'm referring to the name of the game.

    However, the game will not be named Starimon. I thought I liked it, but the more I think about it, I hate it. I just can't remove the stupid poll from my thread for some reason...

    Most likely, the game will be named "Pocket Warriors". I've stuck with that name for a while, and at this point I'm starting to code a lot of things with that name in it. Unless someone can recommend another name, quickly, then that's what it's going to be.

    Thanks again for all the support! I'm working hard to release a new demo video as soon as possible. The upcoming video will be leaps-and-bounds beyond the last video. Stay tuned.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Asset] [Triggers] [Unfinished Map] RPG Wars

    I'd like to offer my unfinished map "RPG Wars" to the public. The map was unfinished because of lack of interest and balancing issues with PvP, and I eventually decided I would rather work on my current map: Pocket Warriors. (http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/project-workplace/16942-pokemon-style-game-with-sc2-units-full-banking/).

    The map does not have a lot of data assets (there are a few), but there are an awful lot of triggers covering some pretty useful subjects. I've learned a lot since I worked on this map, so I'm not going to pretend that it's the cleanest code in the world. There's so good stuff in there, however, that I think people could learn from or use.

    The map has a fairly comprehensive banking system (using StarCode) that works fully and is capable of saving about 80 units + upgrades and hero data. There are some pretty interesting dialogs as well, including a tech tree dialog that is quite complex. There are also so pretty useful inventory and catalog functions. There are a number of other features to the map. Explore and enjoy.

    The game itself is an RPG. It started as a Protoss RPG, but I eventually decided I wanted to support all races. The game is completely playable, but incomplete. The Protoss race is much more fleshed out than either of the others.

    I am releasing the code under the public domain under the license Attribution - Unported (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). This is a very open license that basically says you can do whatever you want with it. If you use my code directly, please give credit.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on NA Map Nights

    Map night tomorrow night! 3/17/2011 at 8pm Eastern.

    Never week (3/25/2011), however, I will not be available to host. If someone would like to take the reigns as the host for a week, it would be greatly appreciate. I'm also willing to reschedule if people are interested.

    Posted in: General Chat
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