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    posted a message on How do I save a hero's inventory in a bank

    @Talon0815: Go

    Will try it. Thanks!

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    posted a message on How do I save a hero's inventory in a bank

    The question is just as written on the tin.

    I am making a hero based RPG mod and need to be able to save the hero's inventory so they can keep their items across play sessions and maps.

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    posted a message on Using an ability causes the unit's weapon to disappear?

    Nope. I flagged the search effect for both levels of the ability to exclude items and it didnt work. The weapon still disappears.

    It also seems that it's removing objects from the hero's inventory as well.

    Alright, so it is an issue of the idem being damaged by the ability but that doesn't make any sense. I have the item flagged as invulnerable and Invulnerable and Item are both excluded on the search. Why would it be damaging it?

    A pseudo fix i have in place right now is to set the life of the item to 100000 and the armor to 9999. It doesn't die but that is messy. Any other suggestions?

    I think I fixed it, I didn't have any filters set on the Damage effect. Only the search area. Finicky -.-

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    posted a message on Using an ability causes the unit's weapon to disappear?

    @BorgDragon: Go

    That's exactly what i thought but i did a test where i just casted the ability next to myself and the weapon never disappeared. I'll take a look though.

    Also, the unit for the weapon is invulnerable and the search filters exclude invulnerable.

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    posted a message on Using an ability causes the unit's weapon to disappear?

    I'm making an RPG map atm. This map uses equipment for the weapon on each hero. Problem is, there is an ability on one of my heroes that causes the weapon to disappear from the hero's inventory after a few uses (Seems random) I've done several debugging tests disabling and re-enabling different things and the only thing that is consistent is that the weapon only disappears when the ability does damage to something (I.E. If i cast it 15 times into open space the weapon doesn't disappear.)

    The ability: It's an AOE ability that does 50 damage within an area of 1.5 using 50 energy. It creates 3 effects (visual not functional) when it hits.

    Is there any specific thing i should look out for that might be causing this? it's got me at my whits end here. This RPG has item drops and rare items as well as an economy that just breaks if your rare weapon disappears when you use an ability. Driving me insane!

    Any ideas?

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    posted a message on TBD Rpg

    Should be a pretty easy one, I want to set certain units NOT to attack unless they are attacked first. I've played with the sight radius which makes them passive if they cant see you but they also run away when they get hit which doesn't work. I set the AI filters to exclude the player which (Logically enough) had the same effect. They wont attack you (ever). Setting their combat default acquire level to Defensive (And passive) also makes them never attack you.

    Does anyone have any insight on this one?

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    posted a message on Making a new weapon from scratch (Data Editor)

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Thanks for the reply, but none of that made sense to me lol. I got it working though, see edits on my last post :)

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    posted a message on Making a new weapon from scratch (Data Editor)

    Alright I've watched a few tutorials and have a bit of a better grasp on how to do this but I'm stuck on one thing, I've made an ability that fires a missile at a target (or point) and deals damage to the surrounding units. It works but I have 3 problems. 1: The cool-down doesn't show on the ability card. 2: The prepare bar doesn't show on the character (1 second cast time) and 3: I want there to be a secondary effect that shows when the first projectile hits the target unit or point for 1 or 2 seconds. (Kind of like the Ghost EMP) I want it to show a mini vortex (and a few other accent effects) I have looked at the mothership ability and cant figure out how the vortex model is actually linked to the effect. There are no references to it anywhere unless i'm blind. I have also looked at the EMP ability and didn't find the links to the actual models on that one either.

    Any ideas on this one? Thanks for the above replies btw.

    EDIT: Okay so the vortex effect works on rank 2 but not on rank one and there are no noticeable differences between the rank other than the damage effect. I do get this error in the debug window when I use rank 2. Rank one (The one that doesn't show the vortex effect) doesn't error for me.

    EDIT AGAIN: Fixed the errors in the debugger but the effect still doesn't show on the first rank.

    EDIT: Alright, cool down and progress feedback work now, just need to get that vortex to show up on rank one and this ability will be finished.

    EDIT: Alright I fixed it. There was a little switch up in the 2nd effect.


    the AnimBracketStop was in the wrong place on the level 1 section. Dont really know how that fixed it or how it works at all but its fixed to meh.

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    posted a message on Making a new weapon from scratch (Data Editor)

    Alright, so I'm trying to make my own version of the Mothership Purifier Beam to give to a new unit I'm working on. problem is, whenever I get to the effects (To change the damage amount and things of the like) the weapon completely breaks. It won't pull any actors over I've "explained link" on the actors for the original purifier beam and it says they are linked through Events on the Effects but there is no place to specify events on the Effects. Can someone link me to a resource that shows in depth how to create a brand new weapon from scratch in the data editor? I've googled to no end and just found broken links or tutorials that are severely outdated because of the editor changes.


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