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    posted a message on Couple of questions regarding multiple weapons

    I just did that and it didn't seem to work :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Couple of questions regarding multiple weapons
    Hi, I'm new here with the editor (and on this forum), and I just wanted to play around with creating custom units with wacky traits and etc. What I'd like to do is create a unit with multiple weapons. For example, a Goliath that can shoot Mothership lasers and it's regular weapon simultaneously. Right now I've been able to equip it with the two weapons, but it appears it can only fire one weapon at a time, and not simultaneously. In addition to that, I'd like it to be able to move while shooting, just like the Phoenix. On top of that, I was wondering if it's possible to configure the range of an attack so it's unable to attack units at a close distance, such as the Siege Tank in Siege Mode for example. I want it so that the Mothership laser with a range of 10 can't attack close units at the range of say 3, allowing the Goliath's regular weapons to fire instead, as it has the range of 3. I hope this is all possible. EDIT: I found out how to attack while moving
    How do I get a unit to fire and move at the same time? You must go to the Weapon Tab in the data editor and uncheck the "Only Fire at Target" and "Only Fire while Attacking" Option flags. As well as change the Allowed Movement field to say "Moving".
    but that still doesn't allow me to have two weapons fire simultaneously :( EDIT2: I've figured out how to do everything now, except have multiple weapons fire simultaneously! Thanks
    Posted in: Data
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