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    posted a message on Which came first ? Hatchery, Larva, or Drone

    how can it be a larva that comes first? hatch -> larva -> drone -> hatch -> larva.... notice something? It has all the DNA, yes, but inherited by what? Nothing or everything came first.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Blizzard Policy in One Line

    True, I did not 100% knew it, but I thought it works this way. They are the creator of the game, I would definitely put these rules in a game of mine as well.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Any idea for a kickass name for a new terran force ?


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Info] Patch 1.1 Undocumented Editor Changes

    Err... b-net is down but I can use editor, and it became buggy :S when adding an event, every category on the left is listed 4 times. The action "reveal area" is somewhat gone, the action got replaced by "Undefined function()"

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes

    If you read closesly they said that it is going to be released on wednesday, 6am to 11am in german, so +/- 1-3 hours for ya. Or +0 :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What Music do you guys all like =P

    Uhh... soil, korn, a little muse, dragon force, linkin park and definitely Sonata Arctica.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Solved] SCV won't gather with trigger

    Are you sure you ordered the scv to harvest from the mineral field?

    Small tip: the AND condition is pointless in this context.

    Also, does any red error appear on the left when playing the game?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes

    "added action to deal damage from unit"... do they mean you can now virtually (not like the units are really fighting) let one unit's default attack damage a unit?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes

    Could be better, for example fix some events (enter/leave range of unit) etc. Or adding an event that when a behavior is added to a unit, though this should now be easily done by effect checking. :) That's actually good news when thinking about it.

    Also, I thought they would change the bad battle.net joining system and add chat channels -.-

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Explosion and Rotate

    So, I'd like to have the actor to rotate while a specific behaviour is attached to the unit, same goes for a sort of "jump" which is caused by an explosion, I guess you know what I mean. Both got different behaviours and I would like to make it through the data-actor-editor, is that possible?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mario Kart Battle

    So, I am currently creating a map which is just like Mario Kart Battle, allowing the user to choose between 4 or more arenas and quick or custom game. In custom mode you can define the car speed and the amount of wins needed for the victory. Additionaly the host can allow/disallow specific items (there are 14 different items, 11 of them working already, tripple (like tripple red shells etc) excluded from the list). Allows WASD Control, specific camera settings, neat background music and up to eight players :)

    The map itself is pretty far done right now, but it is lacking of special effects which (e.g.) lets the car spin while stunned after htting a banana peel.

    Thus, I am searching someone helping me with stuff like that, mabe some external models, ideas for level designs and maybe help at the green shell wall bouncing system (oh and optimizing one or two smaller systems, which is not required though). For sure, you would be credited. Not only credited, you would be somewhat valued as the original creator beside me. However, someone is in?

    EDIT: Please, only EU Gateway users.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on "Defines default value"?

    Ya, I know how arrys are normally working :) Thanks a lot for these fast replies, though I yet did not entirely understood the defines default value... can give a better explained example please? :S

    Like, we have 3 Unit Tpe Variables, one got Define Default Value and is 'Hellion', the others become Hellion as well while their value is not modified and that D.D.V is unchecked?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on "Defines default value"?

    I've searched for that but did not find something useful. What is the checkbox "defines default value" at variables for? And is there an advantage of using that?

    In addition, when making it an array, the first value sets the index size... and the other things in which you can enter numbers? Do they allow stuff like Var[1][2][5] or similar?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on linkin park - a thousand suns

    You say that this is learning? I would rather say that you changed your feelings about that, like everyone does. However :)
    @ Obsatz, ya you would not think that this is linkin park.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on linkin park - a thousand suns

    People need to learn? No. You either like it or not, you cannot learn to like a song.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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