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    posted a message on Siege Tank Nuke not working either way
    Quote from Photoloss: Go

    360 arcs and unturnable units work just fine for me, are you sure there isn't some additional flag or effect causing this? I know the Nuke ability reveals the impact zone during the drop, are you sure you didn't accidentally mess that up somehow?

    And of course make sure the ability is actually being cast at a fogged location, if the cast range is too short the AoE might get placed at the maximum cast range rather than giving a "cannot reach target" error. I believe there is a flag to fix this directly (Wait To Spend?), if not at least the Transient flag will work, but may also allow attacking/casting other abilities during the cast.

    I literally only changed the arc of the initial ability.

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    posted a message on Siege Tank Nuke not working either way
    Quote from Narudek: Go

    For the vision try check the flags > Require Vision

    Require Target Vision is checked.

    • edit: looks like target vision stuff is ignored if the arc is 360. Kinda fixed it by setting the arc to 359.
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    posted a message on Siege Tank Nuke not working either way


    I have a Siege Tank type unit which can nuke in mobile and stationary mode (same ability). However, naturally the (ghost) Nuke ability won't work in Siege Mode, as the sieged up tank can not turn. I then searched all the attributes and forums and set the Ability arc from 0 to 360. Now the sieged up tank can Nuke.

    New problem: Nuking now no longer requires vision. How did that happen? How can I make it work from a stationary non-rotating unit and still require vision? I haven't changed any other parameteres.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on New photon cannon
    Quote from Bayly: Go

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    <CWeaponLegacy id="PhotonCannon2"> <EditorCategories value="Race:Protoss"/> <Icon value="Assets\Textures\btn-building-protoss-photoncannon.dds"/> <DisplayEffect value="PhotonCannonU2"/> <DisplayAttackCount value="10"/> <TargetFilters value="Visible;Missile,Stasis,Dead,Hidden,Invulnerable"/> <Range value="12"/> <RangeSlop value="0"/> <Period value="2"/> <Effect value="Persistant"/> </CWeaponLegacy>

    <CEffectCreatePersistent id="Persistant"> <EditorCategories value="Race:Protoss"/> <InitialEffect value="PhotonCannonLM2"/> <PeriodCount value="10"/> <PeriodicEffectArray value="PhotonCannonLM2"/> <PeriodicPeriodArray value="0.1"/> </CEffectCreatePersistent>

    <CEffectLaunchMissile id="PhotonCannonLM2"> <ValidatorArray index="0" value="PhotonCannonTargetFilters"/> <EditorCategories value="Race:Protoss"/> <ImpactEffect value="PhotonCannonU2"/> <Flags index="Retarget" value="1"/> <AmmoUnit value="PhotonCannonWeapon2"/> <RetargetRange value="1"/> </CEffectLaunchMissile>

    <CEffectDamage id="PhotonCannonU2" parent="DU_WEAP"> <EditorCategories value="Race:Protoss"/> <Kind value="Ranged"/> <Amount value="20"/> </CEffectDamage>

    this is the first time ive used a persistant effect in a new weapon so i probably made a basic mistake

    You need to set the effect in "Effect periodic".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Remove Distortion Effect from Guardian Shield


    Or does anyone know a similar "shield dome" model that I can use which is not that performance intensive?

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    posted a message on Remove Distortion Effect from Guardian Shield


    I use the Sentry's Guardian Shield in a larger version on a powerful unit which protects all nearby units. Problem: performance goes down big time and I suspect it is partially related to the many distortion effects on screen. Can I somehow remove them from the model/actor? How are they even generated? I took a quick look at the actors and models, but my knowledge of models is pretty limited.


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    posted a message on [solved] Hide Hero F3 button thingy

    Sometimes the solution is just way too easy. Thanks.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [solved] Hide Hero F3 button thingy


    I have some units which are flagged as "Hero". Is there a way to remove their F3 portrait in the bottom-right corner without removing the flag on the unit?

    What is the "right way" to do this? Can XML UI thingies have a flag visible=false or something? If so, where can I look up its exact syntax and which one of all these hero search results in the ui manager is the actual F3 pane?

    Thanks, reagards,


    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Orion: Ground Zero

    Going to play it with a friend. What difficulty do you suggest for your first game if both are sc2 veterans?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on How to change design of life/shield/energy bars?

    You can also download my map "Crap Patrol 2" into your editor and check out the hero units. The bosses and heroes in my map use a highly customized status bar. You can probably edit that into whatever you need.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Randomly heal to full life (permanent behaviours bug)?
    • update*

    I have added triggers to store and restore life percentages just before and after life changing upgrades are applied, but the bug is still present. It also seems to affect different players and always at the same time. This is highly annoying!

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    posted a message on Randomly heal to full life (permanent behaviours bug)?

    I am using vital maximum fraction and I am not changing that value. The behaviour in question is also permanent and is never removed or reapplied. The bug still does happen.

    I will try your suggested band aid fix by storing %life+shields before I apply any other upgrades to the unit. At least this way I can fix it for my heroes maybe.

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    posted a message on Randomly heal to full life (permanent behaviours bug)?

    I use several units which get % increases and decreases to life and shields from a permanent behaviour. Everything works fine except that they are sometimes randomly healed to full life. I think this bug has been in the game for a while now and I wonder if there are any workarounds?

    I have thought about using upgrades, but their values only modify the current stats right? Plus upgrades count for all units of a player and I'd have to seriously adjust code, duplicate and replace units for that to work out.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Prevent Interceptor Death
    Quote from TyaArcade: Go

    @BlacKcuD: Go

    Yes, and just uncheck the "Disable abilities" flag. Instead, suppress movement and turning, supporess attack and pretty much any ability that isn't "magazine".

    So if you do it the other way round it should work? Guess I'll have to try that one.

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    posted a message on Prevent Interceptor Death

    Hi folks,

    I have created a hero unit which has "combat drones" which attack the enemy similar to interceptors from carriers. I made the drones unit external so the drones always hover your hero and attack whenever the hero attacks. Everything works fine except for one thing.

    I have an enemy based on the Hybrid casters which can life you in the air and stuff. Whenever a Hybrid lifts the hero, all drones get destroyed. How can I prevent this? Has it something to do with the Hybrid's lift spell disabling abilities for the duration? How can I turn this off?

    • edit I tried adding the ability to the "abilities enabled" on the graviton prison buff, but it didn't help.

    Regards, BlacKcuD

    Posted in: Data
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