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    posted a message on Best Way to create new towers in the editor

    I have only been able to get my custom towers to face their target using the free rotate turret with their default weapon and adding a trigger to manually force units to face the unit they are attacking. how can i make them turn on their own without triggers? As suggested in this thread, i only duplicate the unit and it's actor, and reuse what already exists.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Ultimate Tank Defense

    Hey Cyrileo, I've been playing Ultimate Tank Defense for a while now, and I also use this site frequently for my own mapmaking purposes. I was actually rather happy to have stumbled upon this thread.

    I've always had one minor balance idea in mind for you. I would suggest making the zealot attack buff a % damage increase as opposed to a flat one. Because it is currently a flat increase, the overall DPS increase is a function of the attack speed of the unit being buffed. The faster the tank attacks, the more effective the buff is, while slower attacking tanks get less of an overall damage increase.

    Unless, of course, you'd like to intentionally leave things the way they are for the sake of strategic depth.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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