Template Maps

==== Check under "Files" for the entire portfolio. ====

Template maps contain terraining works only, they are free to use in any singleplayer / multiplayer mission you want to create. I might do request on terrains or other works, but only if the project interests me ^^

I am only doing terrains, I am not doing any gameplay. Theise maps are for your use and are ready free to use modify etc. I am just passing time. There might be a unit placed at some random place and an old trigger still laying around, but luckily everything is deleteable!

Feel free to use any content created here. If you decide to use it, and got spare powers then let me know, I would be happy to see the end result of anything you make out of the terrains I created.

Overview of Maps

- Hover mouse to check file name

Home Soil

Wasted Lands

Korhal Carnage

Temple of Adun

Face Off


Space Hub

Lava Giant

River Temple

New Folsom

Mining Operations


Mar Sara Wastelands

Dueling Colonies

Deepspace 10

More maps are under files but not included in the overview.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 7, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Jan 19, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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