Re: QuestHelper or CurseClient Keylogger Rumors

There are a great number of people who are claiming that after downloading QuestHelper and/or the CurseClient that they are getting hacked, keylogged, or that their babies are being stolen by ninja mutant Elvises (or would it be Elvisi?).

I'd like to point out that the first two are as likely as the last, providing that:

  • You're only using versions of the CurseClient that have been hosting on Curse/CurseForge or ones linked to you directly by myself or other staff members (aka alphas).
  • You're only getting QuestHelper from reputable addon sites, such as,, or To my knowledge it's not been uploaded anywhere else by the authors.
  • You haven't paid a ninja mutant to dress up as Elvis and steal your baby.

Sadly these type of rumors are often started and perpetuated by people looking to discredit others and most of the attacks I've seen recently are slanted as anti-Curse.

There was recently a 24 page thread generated (in one freaking day!) on the official WoW forums. The instance of some of the posters there into ascribing guilt to various people and groups combined with some obvious misinformation makes me wonder if it's an intentional propaganda move. However, this is mere speculation as I have no evidence to support the thoughts as fact.

As far as keyloggers go. Please keep in mind it's most likely not the last thing you did that got your account comprised. It is a fairly common practice for these the groups responsible for hacking your accounts to wait weeks or even months before attempting to use a password.

Also, brute force attacks are not completely unheard of. So if your password is 'god', 'sex', or 'secret' please change it right away!

Lastly, a few things to remember:

  • Curse does in no way support the keyloggers, account hijacking, or gold selling.
  • You can't get a keylogger from an addon as long as you just put the files contained therein in your addon directory. You'd have to run an executable somewhere!



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