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    posted a message on A grab-bag of questions which hopefully have simple answers

    The plot thickens! If I place an actual Pylon near the build slot, it works. My central pylon structure doesn't seem to, whether it's a pylon or no.

    Also, when I click on a Pylon I have placed, the central structure has, like, a ghost power generation field around itself. But when I click on the central structure itself, it doesn't and I can't see the one generated by the Pylon. Strange behavior imvho

    EDIT - not sure why, but a regular Pylon with its Power field model increased in size slightly seems to work to power buildings now. So that particular one is taken care of.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A grab-bag of questions which hopefully have simple answers

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go

    1. I believe I am applying this, but it says they need to be placed near a pylon anyways.

    2. ah that may be it, I was trying to do it the other way

    3. I'll take another look, thanks :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A grab-bag of questions which hopefully have simple answers
    • I'm trying to create a system which requires buildings to a) be built on specific points (like Vespene Geysers) and b) require power from a specific structure (like Pylons). The 'Pylon' structure is located in a circle of building bases, and powers a number of buildings - it's intended to be like an artificially created Artosis Pylon situation. I've tried both duplicating the Pylon itself and applying the Pylon Power Generation behavior to different structures, but for some reason, I can't get buildings to recognize that they're in a Power Field. I've increased the pylon power generation behavior to range, like, 50, in attempts to get this to work despite the structure bases being like, maybe range 7 or 8 apart from each other. Anyone have any clue what I might be doing wrong?
    • Similar to above, the structure bases in the system I've described currently have Energy reserves and work like Shield Batteries or Moonwells, giving power to nearby friendly units on autocast. I'd like their energy gain and ability to be disabled as long as they have a structure on them. Thoughts on this?
    • I am trying to find out where I determine what does and doesn't show up on the minimap. In my map I'd like resources to show up like structures and only be visible once they've been scouted. This is -very- important to my map actually and I have no clue where this setting is


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Want units to decay into resources (minerals) when they die

    Ok so... I've basically copied the Viper Consumption ability and applied it to the new Mineral patch upon creation. It kills the origin unit (the unit it was spawned from) but its HP remains at... 1, regardless of the life points that are supposedly being leeched by the effect.


    Sorry to be a pain, thanks for all the help :D

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Want units to decay into resources (minerals) when they die

    So, it turns out adding the resource behavior to a non-resource unit doesn't seem to do anything (unless I'm doing it wrong) and I can't seem to add a resource value to a unit (again, unless I'm doing something wrong) so we're back to creating a new unit and giving it all of the original unit's health.

    Photoloss, you said something about getting both units in the same scope... would you mind explaining this, or any mechanism I'd use to select the source of the unit creating the effect and the unit created by the effect, and how to transfer health from one to the other? I tried the Leech Fraction effect but it didn't seem to do anything

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Want units to decay into resources (minerals) when they die

    I have a separate system that sets the minerals value of any unit with a specific behavior to the hitpoints of that unit... Hmm... maybe I can just grant the unit the Scrap behavior at the end of the effect. Then it'd just... turn into resources. I'm going to try this. Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Want units to decay into resources (minerals) when they die

    OK, so I've got this almost complete, thanks to TheUltragon. When the unit dies, a buff is applied that sets its HP to 75% of that of the original unit, has 1 charge, and increases armor by 10 while disallowing movement or abilities. When the buff duration ends, the unit turns into a mineral field.

    What I'm still missing is:

    I'd like the unit to provide 0 population cap while it's got this buff applied. I don't see a simple way to set the unit's population impact to 0 (though there is an option to modify the population impact of the unit), but perhaps it could change the ownership of the unit to Player 0? Unsure how do do this.

    I'd like to have the resulting mineral field to have the same Current health as the unit which spawned it. The current implementation of this is a Kill Effect and a Spawn Unit effect, though I'm happy to change this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help w/ simple trigger that changes unit ownership

    I got it working! Thanks for your help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help w/ simple trigger that changes unit ownership

    Ok that makes sense! How would I determing owning player? Is a simple way to check the unit group for which player has more units in the group?

    So, any time a unit enters region 001, add it to unit group 001, then check to see which player has more units in unit group 001 and set all structures in region 002 to the resulting player.

    Then, any time a unit leaves region 001, remove it from unit group 001... something like that?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help w/ simple trigger that changes unit ownership

    Hey y'all, hopefully this will be easy.

    I've created a simple trigger that, when a unit enters Region 001 its controlling player gets ownership of all structures in Region 002. Another trigger reverts control to Player 0 when a unit leaves Region 001. And... well, that's kind of the problem. A direct but unintended result of this is, if you ask more than 1 unit to go stand on Region 001, and one of them passes through it, control will revert to Player 0 even if other units are standing on Region 001. Furthermore, there's no 'ownership' state where the FIRST player to put a unit in Region 001 has preference until they no longer have units there.

    Additionally, Region 002 has 5 structures, each of which are enumerated in the Trigger. To clarify:

    Event: Any Unit Enters Region 001 Actions: Change Ownership of Unit 1 from (Power Station 01 Unit Group) to Owner of Triggering Unit and Change Color; Change Ownership of Unit 2 from (Power Station 01 Unit Group) to Owner of Triggering Unit and Change Color, etc

    and there's a trigger that's Any Unit Leaves Region 001 that does the opposite.

    The actual desired behavior would be for the to control Region 002 via Region 001 as long as they have any units in Region 001. Other players don't get control of Region 002 so long as the initial player has any unit in Region 001

    I'm not looking for anyone to write a trigger for me. Something like "use Player Groups to do X" or "Use Data Tables to do Y" would at least point me in the right direction.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trying to create a system for my mod, looking for some direction

    Reviving this in the hopes I can get some more help...

    So, I've duplicated the Vespene Geyser and changed the model. I'm pretty confident I can continue to get structures to require these Power Pads for placement (tested with 1 already).

    As a follow up to this, I have a few questions:

    1. I'd love for the "Power Pad" or "Geyser" structure to disappear when a building is built on it, but am not sure how to do this. Like a Geyser, the Power Pad should reappear should the a structure built on it be destroyed.
    2. I'd like to set up a system where the player moves a unit adjacent to a structure (like the Xel Naga Watchtower) and gains control of a series of structures located in a region. I've tried a trigger: basically "any unit enters Region 001, Change Ownership of Unit 1 From Unit Group X to Owner of Triggering Unit" but this doesn't seem to work. Or rather, it seems to pick a random unit from the group and change its ownership. I'd rather do this for ALL units that meet the criteria, at once.

    Unit Group 1 is defined as any structure owned by player 0 in Region 002.


    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Trying to create an ability like the Zerg Larva, hitting a wall

    Hey everyone,

    One of the things my mod calls for is a system where units gain the ability to turn into one of various upgrade options. So, a unit could (upon meeting the requirements) turn into Unit A, Unit B or Unit C. The closest analog for this as far as I can tell is the Zerg Larva.

    Thus far, I have duplicated the Larva unit, removed the "death off Creep" and "wander" behaviors and changed its stats and Actor scale slightly. However, its Morph ability does not work as expected. Instead of turning into a Zerg Cocoon and then running through its timer and turning into the resulting unit (I've removed the Requirements and used the Hydralisk for initial testing) it just turns into a cocoon. There's no timer, no cancel, no nothing. It just turns into a cocoon and stops.

    I've looked at the abilities and effects of both units and see no obvious differences. I've used both the copy of the Larva - Morph Unit ability and the original ability, and both do the same thing. I can only assume I haven't copied something from the base unit that I would need, or accidentally removed something that passes on the command to change into the specific unit from the Larva to the resulting Cocoon, but I can't determine what I might have removed or not copied.

    I'd like some help with either 1. figuring out what might be missing. The only thing I can tell for sure is different is that my copied Larva doesn't have the 'suicide' effect but I can't figure out where that was initially applied. 2. Figure out an easier method for this. I could conceivably make a different Morph ability for each unit I wanted my 'larva' to change into but that seems a little inefficient. Or, maybe copying a different unit like the Zergling would be better? 3. Find a good tutorial that talks about Larva behavior. I found this http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/490-data-making-larva-morph-into-new-zerg-units/ but it doesn't give me any indication of what I might have done wrong

    As a side note, It seems like it should be really simple to create a count-down or count-up timer bar (as you see on some units/abilities such as countdowns for when hallucinations or changelings will expire) and I seem to remember finding a field somewhere that controls this behavior but I cannot currently locate it. What is the name of that field?

    Thanks for your help! Please let me know if I can provide additional information on what I'm trying to do...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trying to create a system for my mod, looking for some direction

    Oh duh! Vespene Geysers! Yes! Like that, only I want the player to have to control them, in addition to the 'must be powered up' requirement. The reason I called them 'moonwells' is I want them to recharge unit Energy (like Moonwells in WC3) but only when not attached to/covered by a structure. But I think I can handle that bit by myself.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Want units to decay into resources (minerals) when they die

    Hey y'all!

    Sorry to bombard the forums with requests, but I have a data (I hope) specific request that is somewhat different from my "power" system that I asked for direction on in the Melee section.

    One thing I'd love to be able to do is to have units die, and then after a countdown (currently thinking 3 or 5 minutes) turn into Minerals worth 75% of the cost of the unit.

    Specifically, here's the process I want to implement for any unit.

    1. the unit dies (if an air unit, it would have to die over normal terrain - if traveling over impassable terrain it would not generate a wreck)
    2. the unit turns into a "burning wreck" with hit points equal to 75% of the Mineral cost of the unit. I'm OK with this using the same model as the initial unit with a fire effect going off on top of it - in fact, I think I prefer that
    3. this burning wreck persists for X (thinking 3 or 5) minutes and then turns into minerals
    4. if the burning wreck is destroyed before its timer runs out, it will disappear per normal for units
    5. the value of the mineral deposit created is the amount of remaining HP the burning wreck had (thus if the wreck were to take damage the resulting minerals deposit would have a lower value)

    This would effectively create timed mineral fields in areas where battles happen, without worrying too much about players killing a bunch of cheap units to block players in with mineral fields (since the burning wreck can be killed)

    I'm hoping all of this can be done with Data, as Triggers thus far elude me >.>

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trying to create a system for my mod, looking for some direction

    Hey all!

    I've been working on a mod (if anyone's interested: Mod overview) and want to implement a system somewhat like Halo Wars' bases, where you can only build structures on certain locations, or hard points, I guess. I have no idea where to start, to be quite frank.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    • The player must use a unit to capture a structure. This would behave exactly like a Xel'Naga watchtower, with the structure being invulnerable and requiring the unit to remain adjacent to the structure to maintain ownership.
    • Having a unit standing adjacent to this structure (let's call it the Station, for ease of reference) would convert a series of structures to the player's team. Let's call these the Pylons and the Moonwells.
    • Pylons provide power to Moonwells, and extend in a chain from the Station to where the Moonwells are located.
    • If a Pylon is killed, everything 'outwards' from it in relation to the Station is unpowered (as Protoss structures are when all Pylons near them are destroyed). Think of this like Christmas Tree lights... if you lose one light, everything past it turns off too.
    • Players would only be able to build on top of Moonwells, replacing the Moonwell with whatever structure they're building. I'm not sure of an analog in SC2, but this is exactly like how it works in Halo Wars, where the hardpoints or w/e on the base are replaced with the individual structures (only, as in SC2, a unit is used to build it)

    Picture to help illustrate my point: power

    As far as the player is concerned, they:

    1. capture the Station
    2. Guard the Pylons
    3. Build on the Moonwells
    4. harass their opponents' Station or Pylons

    I think the system is fairly simple for the player, but have no idea how to:

    • create the stations effect (player gaining control of all structures so long as the Station is in their control)
    • create the 'christmas lights' effect where destroying one of these structures unpowers other structures
    • create the 'moonwells' that are either built on top of or replaced by structures (if the structure is sold or destroyed the moonwell would come back) - for this, I'm also OK with the structure being an 'add-on' to the Moonwell, if that's easier.

    I know this is likely a tall order and I'd appreciate any direction or help you would be willing to provide :)

    Posted in: Melee Development
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