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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    @DEFILERRULEZ: Go It doesn't matter if your feedback is short if it's useful, which it definitely is. You come up with some interesting points and suggestions. Thanks for playing the maps. I hope they were enjoyable. And also, I love how you challenge yourself with Brutal difficulty everytime :D

    Now, to answer some of your points:

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Mission 3: Nothing of too hard, the secret is to tank all the damage with the Hero, with this technique you will be able to lose 0 units...

    Wow, you must be really good at these kinds of missions. You thought the right way, Khaduros' amount of health and his "Shield Recharge" was intended to be used together to make him an effective tank. I'm glad you utilized that strategy. However, I have yet to succeed in not loosing any units. I usually lose at least 1 or 2 Stone Zealots during the final part and they usually get quite low during the first battle after you get them.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Suggestion for stone zealots, they have too much HP, so my suggestion is to remove 100 HP and add 1 to the range of the weapon and put the movement speed to 2 or 2.25

    I appreciate the suggestion. I’ll have to take it into consideration but I can’t promise anything. I personally felt like the stats I’ve given the Stone Zealots worked quite well, but I will experiment with the changes you suggested and see how it works.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    On the boss battle (i already did this battle before :P) there is not enough space to move the HT hero on the beacons, if you don't pay extreme attention your hero will activate the beacon and will go on the other beacon, instead of going ahead to the next objective, so the suggestion is to add space on the quadrant that contain the beacon.

    I’m not sure I understand the issue here. Couldn’t you reach the beacons and what objective do you mean? The way the issue is formulated is a little confusing, sorry.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    The Warhound doesn't have a circle that indicate their vision radius, you could put it like an indicator of his "special amplified vision range" or something like that, because if you are 1 mm too near he turns and says "HAHA! I see you!", and this is pretty annoing... Even if crushing the head of one of that stupid Northest (left part of the map) was pretty satisfying... And fuck that dumb squad, when he arrived i was already at the start location of the mission (so scared that they would search me even here :O)

    You can kind of already see their vision range since you have shared vision with them, but I assume you mean a way to know their exact target acquire range. Unfortunately, this seem to require a behaviour or something else data-related, which I’m not the best at.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    You must add one or three drops/reaper incursions on our mineral lines... I was campering at 9000 minerals and 12 gateways on easy style and no one dropped on my base... Drop are one of that simple thing that add a bit of difficulty.

    Now this is something I like. I myself found the second part of the mission to be quite easy once you got your stuff going, and for a while I thought of ways to increase the difficulty, without just increasing the number of units per base. I will definitely consider the drops. I think that could be a neat feature to implement into the mission.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Add one or two predators on the defence/waves... They really crunch zealots, not more or the mission could be a bit broken...

    That would be a good idea too. I know I added one but maybe I should try adding them to the waves. I’ll see what I can do.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Add 3 ghost that does EMP and 3 spectre that uses stun or the psy wave of 200 damage on the last base... This would be another deterrent to a+click and an incentive to use more of your stalkers.

    Spectres and especially Ghosts are very powerful specialist units against protoss units, and I feel adding too many would break the game, considering the high amount of tech restrictions you have. I’ll try to find a way to balance all the difficulty-suggestions you had until it feels comfortable enough but still a bit more difficult.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    @EivindL: Go

    Thanks for all the help. I did sorta the same thing with the doodads in this updated version. I just basically set it to hide them every few seconds, so when you load the game, you might get a glimpse of it, but then it'll go away. It's not the best solution, but at least the doodads won't be in the way of the action now.

    I also fixed all of the other bugs you mentioned, so I decided to go ahead and release an updated version.

    If you have time, do you mind taking the updated mission 4 for a short test run to make sure it works fine for you now? You don't have to play the entire mission, but just check if the music plays for you now, as I honestly have no idea why that happened to you, but not to me. Perhaps it bugged out?

    Please notify me of the results.


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    @EivindL: Go Thanks for playing as and as always, your feedback is heavily detailed and great to read, which I absolutely love. :D

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    I love that the story has multiple persectives. Can't wait to see how it all will intertwine. I was wondering, have we met the R.S.S.I. before? I seem to have forgotten.

    A few tiny hints have already been given that can connect the two perspectives together in certain ways. However, there are so subtle that I don't expect anyone to figure it out until more information has been given in future missions. In regards to the R.S.S.I, I also understand the confusion as I guess it does kind of seem like they appeared out of nowhere, but that was completely intentional as I wanted the player to question and come up with theories as to who and what exactly these guys are, and how to connect them to the story you've been told so far. The truth is, no. Mission 3 is the very first mission in which they were introduced, so you haven't missed anything, story-wise.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    I also loved your music. It really was perfect for the context at all times. I think I even heard some SC1 protoss music. Am I correct? That was cool.

    I have always loved the old-school Protoss music, and I thought if I made a Protoss mission, I just had to include them!

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    I was told to destroy a door opener after I had destroyed. I think (it was a bit confusing). Maybe use a boolean variable that checks if it's still alive before the transmission plays?

    Oh yeah, that's right. I completely forgot to add a "Unit Is Alive" condition to that part. I'll make sure to do that. Good thing you noticed it.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    The pacing was awesome. Action all the time, making me feel like I really was on an invaded spaceship (cool that you use terran too, as you'd expect zerg, really).

    That was exactly how I wanted it to feel like, and I'm glad it created the right effect. I feared that things may have been happening too quickly, but the fact that you liked it, is really awesome. I feel a bit more satisfied with my decisions.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    However, the heroes don't have "army select" flagged, so they're not included when the player presses F2.

    I would like to do that, however, I'm not the best at the Data Editor and I didn't know where I could turn it on. That was at least, until you arrived and said the word "flagged" which now makes me realize where I need to go to fix this, lol.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    Upon opening, I get the message "All devices has been drained!". First of all, "devices" is plural, so it's "have", not "has". Secondly, I'm guessing it shouldn't be there?

    That is incredibly weird, since I don't get that error at all. (I did initially, but then I turned off the trigger until you got to the boss and could drain the devices.) Perhaps I forgot to add that change in the version I gave you guys? I might just go fix these minor bugs you mentioned for both missions, and then re-release them.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    There are a lot of cinematics with lag, caused by the camera direction being horizontal. It looks cool, but it really slows things down to a halt, which is unfortunate, considering the cinematic possibilities of it (which you showcase).

    It really is unfortunate. I would like to find a way to avoid it, but it would really ruin the cinematics. The skybox/distance shots really add a lot to them imo.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    Why was there no music? I wondered if perhaps I had turned it off, but no. At first I thought you simply wanted the wind to be soundtrack, before you played a track later, but there was never anything.

    Now this is a terrible bug. Where exactly did this occur? The whole mission or a certain cinematic? I had music during every single playtest and found this comment to be incredibly odd. This is something that indeed needs to be fixed.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    I love the gameplay in this one. Hunting down objects while avoiding warhounds was so cool, and so difficult. I got spotted like a million times, but that was my own fault, I guess. Loved the inclusion of the incursion team. Nice mechanic! Would have been better with some kind of alarm sound too.

    As I have mentioned before, I also thought that this was my best mission so far as well, gameplay-wise. I just feel like there are so many different gameplay mechanics in play, and I'm glad the first part of the mission turned out well, because you wouldn't want to know how many bugs there was during testing lol. I'll take what you said about the alarm into consideration. That might be quite neat.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    During the cinematic where they discover the secret lab, the camera suddenly turns very odd (there was a brief shot of a strange, white-looking area).

    The camera must be obstructed by the walls or something. I think it just needs some camera adjusting that's all. Thanks for notifying me about it.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    A boss? Cool! He did seem familiar, though. :p It was quite difficult, and I had to save so much. Had to think too, to figure out what the second hero's role was. I liked that.

    I obviously got inspiration from your bosses, as they really inspired me. Your tutorial also really helped me out, and once I got things working, I realized that you were right. Boss battles really aren't that hard to make when you think about it, which is great! You can definitely expect to see more than I had initially planned now. I'm really glad you also figured out how to beat him. What I have always loved about boss battles is how there is most times a very specific strategy that you have to utilize in order to be victorious, and so I really thought about different ways in which I could do the same.

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    By the way, when you hide doodads (like I assumed the thor corpse was supposed to be), they will reappear when they player loads a game. I did that several times (even before I met the boss), so I kept walking through the corpse of the enemy I was supposed to be fighting.

    Aww, that’s really annoying. Happened to me a few times as well and I thought it was just because it bugged out sometimes. Do you know of any way to fix that or is there perhaps another way you know which could make it work the way it’s intended to be? Anything would really be appreciated.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    As promised (or as I have hoped, rather) the completed versions of Mission 3 & 4 has finally been released.

    To download, click here.

    These missions were a ton of fun to make but phew, they were actually quite challenging to make. This was mostly because of a lot of trigger-related things that I'm not used to, but after a long struggle, I finally managed to make the missions in the exact way I had envisioned.

    I hope you guys enjoy them and as always, I'll be excited to hear what you thought of them and what can be improved :)

    A few notes:

    • Mission 3 is VERY fast-paced, and there's not much room for breaks (trigger-wise.) Meaning things happen really fast. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think of the pacing. Was it too fast at certain points and if yes, where was it and how would you suggest I fix this?
    • As for mission 4... Well, I'll just say good luck. I hope you like it. It's one of my personal favorites so far.
    • And then as always, all kinds of feedback are appreciated: Terrain, Difficulty, Story, Bugs etc.

    Also, with the release of the missions also comes certain changes to other maps, which are as follows:

    • New icons are now in the game, ranging from both ability buttons, tips, etc.
    • Changed the Skybox of Mission 1, including minor bug fixes like grammatical errors and various scripting events.
    • Managed to remove various error boxes previously located at the top of the screen.

    Enjoy the missions!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    I'll see if I can't release the next 2 mission later today. The only thing I need to do, is make the final cinematic for mission 4, and then of course make one last test playthrough of both missions. I know it's been a really long time since the last 2 missions were released. I have had tons of things to do, and these missions also required A LOT of extra attention and time, as I find myself trying out many different things that I am not used to with the trigger editor, and thus I needed a lot of playtesting and trigger editing in order for it work the way I wanted, but I'm almost finished and I'm really excited to see what you guys think of these next missions, as I think they're really interesting. :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Siege of Palmyra - Abandonment 02
    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    The sound has been a major pain for me. I've looked at everyone's maps and was doing exactly what they were doing and for some reason it doesn't seem to work for me. It is probably something I am missing in Init, but who knows. Argh!! The soundtrack really makes the map too...oh well.

    I took a short look into the triggers of your map, and to be honest, I can't seem to find the issue myself. You appear to be doing the right thing by using "Play Soundtrack" but I don't see where it goes wrong. I can try looking a little deeper later maybe. I would like you to know that it wasn't a major issue though. It only happened on two occassions. It is definitely noticable, but not game-breaking. (Should be fixed at some point nonetheless.)

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    That is my pride and joy. The ending will be spruced up a lot!! I just wanted someone to actually play through and see if it is even playable and so the ending cinematic wasn't finished.

    That explains a lot. I am pleased to know it :D

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Glad you like my goofy cliffs! Is there a way to spruce that up? I'm sorta at a lost as to what do about the horizon line except for my goofy cliff solution.

    Hmm, it's hard to explain it to you, but when you make cliffs (Organic at least) just try to let your mouse go and paint all by itself, without no real pattern. And then change what is neccessary afterwards. You need to make it look natural. And with manmade cliffs, try to make small curves every so often, but make it a little less intense with the randomness. (I'm terrible at explaining it lol) Trust me, you'll learn it quickly as you go, and also when playing other maps. The doodads should also be placed more in the edges. I understand some of them were to help create the environment and the effect of a city, but most doodads should not be in the way of the player.

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Do you have a map or tutorial to refer to for cameras? Something you have made or something that taught you a little more about cameras.

    What kind of camera are you referring to? The gameplay camera or cinematics? I don't really have a source I can give you, unfortunately. Cinematic camera are hard to explain, but as improve you slowly learn how to move your cameras in just the right way to make it look good and smooth. For the gameplay camera, you can see my answer to question 2.

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Do you know how to or what to change the Cameras in the Data Editor to so you can have a zoomed out gameplay camera?

    To change your camera in game, use "Set Active Camera" and change it to the default one. This should make it the correct height. If you wish to create a specific camera for something like micro-missions (zoomed in) you can copy the camera data from missions like "Piercing the Shroud", and then set that to the correct setting.

    I hope this answers your questions right. If it doesn't, please say so, and elaborate on it.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Siege of Palmyra - Abandonment 02

    Finished playing the mission.

    Good work. The overall mission itself was better than the first one, which is always a plus, however, it was more buggy.

    I've listed the bugs I found here.

    -The loading screen image didn't take up the entire screen. When you select the image, you have the option of choosing "Aspect Scaled" or "Stretch". You want to pick the one that says "Aspect Scaled" to fix this issue.

    - When the mission starts, two sets of music were playing at the same time. The same thing happened during the second cinematic.

    - You didn’t set the race in player properties<sub> meaning the ui at the bottom changes to both zerg and protoss, as well as the “need more minerals” etc. We don't want that now, right?</sub>

    -Passive abilities like Tigrinus Radar and Valens “Hail of Lead” still says “Tychus” and “Raynor”. Might want to change that to their proper names. I think little things like that really improves a map. As well as their description. (When you mouse over their wireframe).

    -Remember to deal with Nydus Worm pings when they've actually been dealt with.

    Now let's look at the cinematics: As I said in mission 1, your cinematics needs a bit of work, but they're certainly not bad either. I especially loved the first cinematic. I thought it was awesome. You established a really good scene. I would have liked maybe some more/smoother camera work, but that's really it. You'll improve slowly as you go. (This is from my own experience here.) Terrain is improved definitely. The layout of the cliffs themselves were a bit goofy sometimes, as there are many small pathways with doodads in the wrong place, making it hard to move. What I did like was the level of infestation we saw on things like the ruined buildings and such. That was a nice touch. I also liked the effect you made with the mountains in the background during the first cinematic. Although, I would suggest maybe adding the same to the final cinematic, as it looks really flat and empty as the cinematic goes.

    Difficulty-wise, nice job. The nydus worm attacks to the west of your base got quite strong. Maybe a little too many Ultralisks, but that's mainly because I wasn't prepared for that many so I just got owned. I liked that you utilized the different Zerg strains to increase their difficulty. Those jumping banelings and zerglings really kept me on my toes.

    I can't think of anything else right now. I'll return if there's anything else I discover or am reminded of. Good work so far. Although there are some bugs, you seem to improve at certain points. Good luck on the next mission :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Siege of Palmyra - Abandonment 02

    Great to see you finally finished it :D

    I'll be taking a look at this as soon as I have time, and then I'll be providing my feedback here.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign

    I was bored and decided to make a short video showcasing some of the environments you're going to see for the next few missions. I thought it would be pretty interesting to do videos like this regularly because it's quick and easy to pull off.

    Thanks to EivindL for telling me how to embed this video.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/0BUeFj2iAcQ?fs=1
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Changing color of background models?

    Thanks for the useful suggestions! Really appreciate it, and I ended up reaching my goal.

    I tried messing with the different lighting options. Unfortunately, I'm don't have complete mastery of all the different tools, and I didn't see any differences in the skybox for some reason. I did the doodad-thing and actually changed its model to the skybox I wanted, and with the help of a little tint-coloring, it worked perfectly.

    It doesn't look exactly the way it does in the Nimbus map, but it's definitely better than the skybox I had before :D

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Changing color of background models?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a little bit of help because as I played on ladder yesterday, I noticed that the map "Nimbus" have the Hybrid Gas Giant Skybox in the background. However, he actually has a grey version of it instead of the usual orange.

    The thing is, in the first map of my campaign, I attempted to to just that with that same skybox, but I couldn't figure it out and initially thought that it wasn't possible to do. But now, I see I was wrong.

    I searched the Nimbus map on the editor and actually went into data and stuff to look for the changes he made, but unfortunately, I can't find them. Does anyone know how you can change the color of a skybox?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    The grenade spell have a too short range... The first time i can use it... I can't use it because is a melee range spell that makes my hero dead even before he can reach one of the two bunkers, the range should be 6, it would use the anti-building attack of the reaper as animation...

    The main reason I made it with a range that short was because of two reasons: I didn't want to make it too powerful, as you would then be able to complete annihilate defensive lines in later missions. The ability is meant to be used to reduce the enemy's firepower a bit, by destroying one key defensive structure. The other reason was that marines do not have a throw animation, so it would look quite weird in my opinion to have him randomly spawn a grenade on a building that far away. I do agree that it can be hard to use though, since it's pretty micro-intesive. You need to make sure to move Baldwin back immediately after using it, as well as have a Medic ready to heal him, or else he'll most likely die. I can try looking into these issues you're facing, but at the moment, I can't promise any changes will happen to it.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Nice terraining... Nice difficulty, sometimes i hear english quotes from valerian, some other times on italian... Please make it speak only on english :D

    Now that is strange. Are you sure that it's not the way you've chosen your language settings? But even that wouldn't explain why you some of it in english, and some in italian. I actually don't know what to say to this unfortunately, as it's kind of hard to fix a problem I'm not facing myself :/

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Aureolin Eclipse (Single-player campaign)
    Quote from EivindL: Go

    A small update: I'm going home to my parents the 16th of June for the summer, and I am probably not taking my stationary with me. So no mapping in the summer, I'm afraid. I might finish the first mission before that, though. I'm halfway done with it already anyway.

    I thought I might share some of the plannet gameplay features I have, though (may change): Mannoeuvre through a temple by solving various puzzles. Control nuking towers to devastate the enemy. Gather resources in an environment crawling with expanding Zerg (gonna abuse the bully function here) and swarm hosts. Assist a large allied protoss carrier as it tears through an enemy base (think Engine of Destruction). Protect laser cannon operators as they try to destroy enemy leviathans. Rescue prisoners from a guarded penitentiary. Use an undercover ally and tactical positioning to snipe enemies from afar. Fight a three-way war consisting of two terrans and a zerg. Stage a three-round battle where you choose between three champions, one for each round.

    I also have some boss ideas: An invulnerable protoss who can only be damaged by draining the right tower of energy when he is in the right position. Pilot a fast thor against a large banshee that flies out of range at regular intervals. A boss who is protected by shield generators that needs to be drained of energy for him to be damageable. Fight two oversized warhounds at once and use their slow reaction time to win. Send your flying armada against a large Leviathan in a macro battle. Fight a large brutalisk with an accompanied zerg force.

    Interesting mission scenarios. Excited to see more about where some of these are going. Some of them doesn't even sound like a campaign mission, but rather some kind of hero game :D (the last one mainly)

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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Dudki... Go to hell! 20 Times to defeat that timing attack (Brutal difficulty of course) on 8 min... And Rhiki... Fuck you dumb-ass SCV ! :D i will send feedback soon-ish

    Haha, I understand your frustration. Rhik really hasn't made a good first impression, hasn't he? He is a bit of an ass. :P I really must commend you for taking the time to beat it on the hardest difficulty, even though it seems you had a difficult time. I hope it didn't anger you too much xD

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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign
    Quote from Forge_User_24313475: Go

    This looks great, though I can't seem to find a download link anywhere?

    The file is still awaiting approval, butHere it is. If you wish to try it out. :)

    Quote from EivindL: Go

    The lighting change: Well, it seems very sudden, like it is a continuity error or something. I don't know when it would be optimal to change it; maybe when Rhik realizes we're not his enemies?

    That would be an option. I also thought about maybe changing the lighting as you destroy the first gate control. This is something that requires a bit of experimenting, and I'll have to take a look at how it looks at the different times.

    Quote from StealthToast: Go

    @DudkiSC2: Go

    Just finished playing it again (once on Normal and once on Brutal), I retract my statement about increasing the timer, just seemed too low the first time I suppose, I even ended up having some spare time this time around. Brutal was also quite a challenge, took me 2-3 retries to get the second part done (one due to forgetting about the timer and going slowly :P). Should play through the first mission on Brutal too sometime.

    Cool! Thanks for giving it a go, and I'm pleased to hear your thoughts about the timer too. It does become way easier when you know what to do :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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