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    posted a message on [Showcase] AV Models

    @Zarxiel93: Go

    I liked that idea. give me a few days I'm a little busy we see that we can do.

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    posted a message on [Showcase] AV Models

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    posted a message on [Showcase] Taylor Mouse's Models

    @TaylorMouse: Go Ruuuuummm!! rummmmm!!!

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    posted a message on [Showcase] AV Models

    King Dragon

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    Another picture for the letter to Santa

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    I have done some screenshots of models nonsense.

    This model exists completely, but leave this , and I have not made screenshot of everything, but there modelso who have till 8 variations.

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    There are three versions of models, so to speak.

    1 / models Blizzard Dota or Blizzard All Stars (the same)

    2 / models Pre-Heroes of the Storm with animations most of them together with models. (the pre-hots and Hots models is not much difference to what he said Narudek, animations and new textures)

    3 / Heroes of Storm models of today.

    @JacktheArcher: Go

    No tools today to bring these models to SC2 (I mean new minions, merc, boss, etc)

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    Another of my favorite models. It is in the data but has not been on the official game.

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    By reviewing models, I found this model that many has he will like. This is the demon version of Blizzard All Stars illidan.


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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    XD In my research, I think between WoL and hots, significant change, most of this material would be created between Blizzard Dota that time. Many Hots models like Kerrigan, Raynor, Nova, General Warfield, Stukov, etc are models of the Mod Blizzard Dota.

    The proof is that in models of HOTS can find textures and model parts Chen, Arthas and Mekkatorque. Nova has riding animation. And in the archives of older versions of Heroes of the Storm, you can find Raynor, Nova, Uther, Arthas, Malfurion, Kerrigan and Zeratul Blizzard Dota. But they are of the same version that Hots

    @Narudek: Go

    Yes many models of Heroes of the Storm are the same (but the model) but Blizzard Dota Heroes fit more with the aspect of SC2 that were made to it. Jaina, Thrall, Rexxar, the butcher, Skeleton King, Mekkatorque, Cho'Gall, Azmodan Chen, Anub'arak, Zul'jin.

    @Kanitala: Go

    If it models before WoL are different from now. Were both files that made up the model.

    I've got some Alpha and Beta version which circulate on the Internet but none of them can get anything interesting.

    And models are useless because they can not be converted. (Luckily nothing interesting)

    I understand that much of this material may be used for future projects, but much older material if it could unlock. If they want to promote them to do well XDD

    @TheUltragon: Go

    I agree with you, I do so especially I like to model with other models, and frankly there comes a time that always look the same, bored XD and you see these things ... BLIZZARD UNLOCKKK !! XD

    I hope that with this new expansion is any surprise always they introduce something extra.

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    I always try to find the remains of what they left on data, but most are textures, there are models of the Alpha version hidden in the database of models, but they have other uses, Zealot Alpha, Terran Command Center and Barracks.

    There are also many models without any use without textures and others have an animation instead of being full. My question is because if include them those models and models that serve the community not include them.

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    posted a message on Collecting assets not included in Sc2.

    Honestly, the Mod of War 3 is good for those who like War3. And I think we have enough material (Fantasy) much better than they have mod unlocked War3, and try to promote War3, with material from almost 15 to 16 years. With these models and they have not shown.

    Be it War3, SC2 that is not important, what I think is that these Assets stay lost if people do show a little interest. They say much of this material is to show to the public, in Blizzcon etc, etc, but I understand that importance must not unblock this material.

    PS: Mod of War 3 is very good, but above all doodads and effects. I think that was needed for the community.

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