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    posted a message on Missing buttons

    I made a new structure to create the units out of, but i made new buttons for each of the units.

    However, there are many units that also have new buttons or that i have not "made a copy of". So im confused why just these are not available. After testing changing the siege tank button, and the seige tank default button in the train menu, none of them have successfully made it available...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Impact point missing

    @Sendlirn: Go

    Will ofcourse give credit! :D And maybe some other arrangement ^-^ a favour for a favour or alike :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Missing buttons

    @Sendlirn: Go

    To clarify, there is no requirements or alike...

    Its three normal units, ( a devil dog, a marine, and a siege tank ...)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missing buttons

    So, i created a few unit buttons.

    "Buying" units.

    They work when i play on the local computer, but when i uploaded the map and tried it, there was three of the buttons missing.

    Any idea whats causing this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Impact point missing

    @Zolden: Go

    There were no SOpAttachTargetVolume. So i couldnt fix the error. :/

    Is there anyone willing to import, add a target volume, and export? :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Impact point missing

    Have imported a vindicator model. Its a nice addition to the map, but...

    Whenever the vindicator is hit by an attack, at first i got a error message for not having a setup for the shield, so i went into attachment properties+ and added a shield attachment at index 0.

    Now however, i get another error message. This one :


    " USER : [5a3 2] CActorAction[NovaAttack] Cannot fully intialize impact monitor; could not find target attach volume (TAV) on attach id (Ref_Center) on target [ 56d 1] CActorUnit[Vindicator] Model [Zealot4] m3[Vindicator] Radii[Contact 0.52 Vis 1.24] Animgroups[Ready].

    The target model has TAVs on other attach points however. To adress this error either configure the attack to successfully find the target's TAV or do not use CactorSiteOpsAttachVolume, if the attack does not need to use TAVs. "


    So, i recently learned it fails to put an impact point on a units model. The road led me here. Do you guys know what needs to be done? Can you direct me where i need to go? who can help me?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Wierd error message

    @abvdzh: Go

    Thank you :) I will do so! :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Wierd error message

    Have imported a vindicator model. Its a nice addition to the map, but...

    Whenever the vindicator is hit by an attack, at first i got a error message for not having a setup for the shield, so i went into attachment properties+ and added a shield attachment at index 0.

    Now however, i get another error message. This one :


    " USER : [5a3 2] CActorAction[NovaAttack] Cannot fully intialize impact monitor; could not find target attach volume (TAV) on attach id (Ref_Center) on target [ 56d 1] CActorUnit[Vindicator] Model [Zealot4] m3[Vindicator] Radii[Contact 0.52 Vis 1.24] Animgroups[Ready].

    The target model has TAVs on other attach points however. To adress this error either configure the attack to successfully find the target's TAV or do not use CactorSiteOpsAttachVolume, if the attack does not need to use TAVs. "


    What is wrong? Why do i get this message? How do i fix it? Thank you in advance!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Multiplic

    @AlphaTiberius: Go

    Thank you for your answer. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Multiplic

    Theres a behaviour, and a attribute, and another behaviour that all scales damage (or fractors damage)

    The damage is originally 20, and is modified with 10%, 5% and 100%.

    The damage the game should show is (20)x1.1x1.05x2 = 46,2 But is in reality; according to the game 43,1

    Is there any way to make the actual damage show up in the weapon modifier? Is there any way to have actual multiplication instead of additive adding of scaling damage?

    Right now it says (+23,1), but in reality, if multpliying the damage,it should show (+26,2)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Multiplic

    Is there any way to change the additative damage fraction to multiplicative?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage response (item charges?)

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Ive put all charges located to the player, and the item itself as in your example.

    First item i pick up (or buy) begins a new shield item. The next one just dissapears?...

    If i put the items on the ground again, only one remain and as i pick it up again, theres only one charge of the item left.

    If i instead put 3 charges to start with, you can take fatal damage three times, but any new shield will not increase the amount of charges...?

    Not picking any new up either.

    Furthermore, shields in the inventory does not stack, instead they start new shields all the time. If i have max 5 shields, and start and use 1, every new shield i buy starts a new shield.

    My conclusion: It seems they dont "stack" appropriately, and that all charges, no matter how many you get "is taken" from the same place, and is unrenewable.

    Any idea what might be wrong? Im sorry to bother the forum with these questions, very thankfull for all your help FunkyUserName!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage response (item charges?)

    @Sendlirn: Go

    Is there any other sollution? A work around with a dummy ability?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage response (item charges?)

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Nice system! The problem seems to be that once the charges are used, they do not seem to refresh when buying new shields.

    But otherwise it works as intended. As said, will give you credit :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage response (item charges?)

    @TheSC2Maniac: Go

    Yeah. I have crossed in fatal and all that :) Its not the problem.

    The problem seems to be to match the amount of damage responses to the amount of charges in the item.

    So if i buy three shields, i want it to activate no less or more than three times.

    The damage response itself is done, but usually i either

    1) Have to activate the ability myself (not what i want)

    2) Its unlimited, cause the modify unit (to take away charges) does not seem to work on the item itself.

    3) Behaviour charges leaves the item untouched, giving me unlimited amounts of damage responses.

    Posted in: Data
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