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    posted a message on [Solved] [Actor] Quad Actor Auto-Scale Issue

    I changed Zeratuls Blink Ability so it automatically blinks to the maximum range. Now I found myself stuck with the issue that a quad actor, which I created by dublicating an existing one and modifying it in order to point in the direction the mouse is at, is also rescaling itself in order to fit between the mouse and caster. Is there a way to disable the scaling while the rotation remains intact?

    Attached my map for reference.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problems Uploading/Publishing... ughh....

    Would be helpful if you attach the rest of the picture, because the "Info"-Tab gives more information about what actually failed.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Warcraft III PTR Assets Not Found!

    There is a seperate editor for the PTR, you can access it via Battle.net app

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Little Hive

    I really like the idea of your Demo. It feels like you are playing a little group of Zerg isolated from the rest of the swarm, which keeps on growing in the course of the map. Even though the map was far from being polished, it sold this feeling fairly well.

    You could improve it by making the map a bit more narrow, so that you don't have access to the Ultralisk at the very beginning for example. The beginning was pretty hard, since there are almost no units at all that you can produce, which forced me to rather work with my spine crawlers instead of the zerglings. Having a limit of 6 drones at the beginning with almost no starting ressources makes the beginning even harder and also a bit boring. The AI was a good addition, but one time it attacked a zerg-base I hadn't even conquered, which rather helped me with not having to deal with their zerg anymore. Also the map became more easier the longer you played (and the more zerg-buildings you captured), which you also should work on.

    But all in all I had fun playing the demo so I definitely look forward to the actual maps :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #194: The Void

    Somewhere out there, in the vast nothingness of the Void...

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Let me ressurect a old problem: SERVER-SIDE BANKFILE ?!

    To prevent this from becoming too much of a fight between map-based and player-based banks as well as to encourage a few more suggestions for different applications of sever-side banks, I just want to throw in some more information from the source that Joecab's post (see my comment above) is referring to, a conversation between mapmakers and developers of Blizzard: http://frozenerdz.com/episode-37-2-live-at-blizzcon-blizzard-arcade-qa/

    In the script to this conversation you can find these parts:

    Quote from ~ 11:10:

    Something which we should really focus on more, try and figure out is loadnet’s map, and server-side bank saves. So we’re starting to look at that, trying to figure out what that means to do those featured sets. The more we have conversations and get into it, the more it’s clear that we need to understand better exactly how you guys will use those features, what do you want from them?

    Quote from ~12:20:

    M1: I guess I could give an example of that. So the server-side bank saves. We could make it that the way bank saves work, it just sends it to the server, and the player can begin from anywhere. And that would be fine for some kinds of popular deeds. Ending [inaudible, 0:10:10.8] seems to be kind of portable. But that wouldn’t stop people from hacking. They could still edit the bank to be [poison? 0:10:17.6] and not to the server. So if you want server-side banks because it’s about preventing hacking, that’s kind of a different feature that you’re looking for. A different way, a different format. But I think that feature. So again it’s a conversation we need to have, and I understand exactly what you guys want to get out of that feature set.

    So apparently they don't plan to just throw in some new feature but rather want to hear from us what we would use it for and design it specifically for those needs. If map-based banks would be what we are in need of then I guess they won't stick solely to per-player banks. But to decide that we would actually have to list those needs first in order to convince them.

    This is especially important for the sake of hack proof banks, as they apparently are/were thinking to make the server-based banks editable, which would negate them for this specific need. On the other hand that could open other fields of usage which is another reason why they think conversation with the mapmakers is so important for this.

    (The script has some errors in it so I'd suggest you to listen closely to the given sections rather than reading through it)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Let me ressurect a old problem: SERVER-SIDE BANKFILE ?!

    If you didnt already read it then I think this: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/general/general-chat/72064-unnofical-summary-of-the-recorded-blizzcon-q-a/#posts is the latest info. Joecab said that they were discussing Server Side Banks internally, but also wanted to hear what we, the mapmakers, would need them for, probably because they dont want to implement something no one uses.
    Also this: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/general/general-chat/59404-server-side-banks/ would be worth mentioning (keep in mind that it is not official informaion like in Joecabs post)

    But I dont know if this is the latest post regarding this topic, would really like to know about the current state too

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on map to mod?

    There is, but its rather complicated and I havent fully tried it out myself, so I can just give you some vague guideline.

    Basically what you do is save your map as a "Starcraft 2 Component Folder" (see Attached Screenshot 1), but dont forget doing a backup before that. Then you create your mod (keep in mind that it has to have the same dependencies your Map has) and save it as a Component Folder, too. Then you go into the Component Folder of your Map and Copy the Red marked things you see in the Attached Screenshot 2. The yellow things are images I imported into the map, if you have imported anything into your map then you need to copy those things too. After that, you just have to open the "ComponentsList"-File (marked blue) in the Component Folder of your Mod.

    This copies all data + the strings you need from your map into the new created mod.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on War3 PTR Patch and Bug Reports

    Bug Report (Tested on Blizzard's Warcraft III (Data Mod) v. 1.1)

    Art Assets (HD) Issues

    • The Beard of the Blademaster's Portrait goes through his body while talking and in idle animation (See Screenshots)
    • The Beard of the Archmage's Portrait goes through his body while talking (See Screenshot)
    • The Talk animations of most heroes (not tested on other units) last longer than their sounds are playing (1-2 seconds)

    Data Issues

    • The Demon Hunter's Metamorphosis Form has a non-HD Model (See Screenshot)
    • None of the Human's and Undead's Standard Heroes neither have Attributes nor Veterancy Behaviours (See Screenshots)

    Just a little list since BattleNet maintenance came into my way, but maybe it encourages others to do some Bug Reports themselves

    Quote from egodbout: Go

    my PTR editor always crash when i try to create a new (sound) in data, idk why, maybe its just me

    Dont got that Problem, anything specific that you are doing (like having a specific map/mod opened or anything)?

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #193: Well, Warcraft

    @noRwaytheshaman: Go

    You also seem to only have the starter edition, maybe the PTR (since it is based on Heart of the Swarm) is locked for Starter Editions

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Switch Player in Debug

    Attached a map, do you mean something like that? (type in "-switch" into the chat to change owner)

    Just send me a PM if you have any questions

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do you make camera be able to zoom the whole map?

    If you just want to change the distance of the camera without the player zooming out, go into the data editor and click on Cameras (it's under "Edit Advanced Data" when you click on the green plus in case you don't find it). Click on "Default Camera" and double-click on the field "Initial Parameters +". Change "Distance" to a higher value. Close this window and go to "Zoom Levels +". Delete all values there. (This ensures that a player can't zoom in to the original distance when you dont want that)

    If you want the player to be able to zoom out of the map, then just go to "Zoom Levels +". Click on Zoom Level 0 and copy-paste this value. Move the copied value all to the top (so it becomes Zoom Level 0) and change its distance to a higher value.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data/Terrain] - Projection Plane not working on doodad?

    I've encounered a problem with the projection of "Raynor Snipe Splat" (The splat used for Raynor's snipe ability): It's not showing properly on some of the doodads I got on my map (See Screenshots). It wouldn't be that problematic if this wasn't the exact spot where you have to use this ability most often (as there is a boss fight here).

    So my question would be: Can I solve this within the Data Editor or do I have to edit the model of those Doodads in 3ds Max? (The models are "Temple Bricks" and "Temple Bricks Large")

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on You can submit bug/suggestion for my War3 Mod here

    Bugs/Feedback (as of version 1.17, tested on Lost Temple)


    • you cant select items
    • the Race-UI and -music seem to be random. I was playing night-elf with orcish UI and undead background-music
    • Why is the time-of-day on the right side and not on the top like in WC3?
    • Goblin Shredder is harvesting trees much faster as in WC3 (at least the animation happens more often, playing the annoying sound constantly). Furthermore he gets stuck fairly often while trying to harvest a tree out of his range
    • if all your heroes have full inventory, you cant select vendors anymore (even if you just want to look at its items)
    • the cyclone of "Wand of the Wind" persists longer than it's effect on the enemy unit. Also the unit spins a bit weird (the unit is laying down and then spinning around its Y-Axis, would look better if the unit would not lay down). Furthermore the unit just appears on the ground instantly when the effect ends
    • when the gold you get from enemy mobs is higher than 100 the text above said unit just says "+1..."
    • there are some places on the map where there is water clipping through the map (see attached screenshots, 1 & 2 dont show the actual clipping but still its there)

    Night Elves

    • there are no numbers indicating when lumber or gold is farmed above the corresponding tree/gold mine

    Really like your mod, brings back all the memories :D Hope this little bugreport helps you.

    Edit: Now finally with Screenshots

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Need map maker. $1000 Payment

    To attract more mapmakers and convince them from your offer, I would suggest you to add more details, plans, and most of all, info about yourself in this job-offer. Best would be to add all this information to your first post so people dont have to read the scattered info you give.

    We had a similar case here http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/general/team-recruitment/72128-sc2-dead-game/ where there was a job offer of 15€/workhour, but no one wanted it as there was little to no information given. Your offer seems to go a similar way, which would be very sad.

    I really want you and the lucky mapmaker(s) you choose to have a great cooperation, but I dont think that there will be anymore with the current state of your post. Please review and improve it.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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