• 0

    posted a message on Link website in map info?

    Nvm I figured it out. There's a field in Map -> Battle.net info... under the general tab that's called website. The link you put there will show up in the map description and it's clickable.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Link website in map info?

    I've seen it done so I know it's possible, and I've seen the question asked on here but never answered. How can I add links to the map description? my link always appears unclickable.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Submeu sticky

    Still working on that project 10 years later? Regardless I think I know what's going wrong for you and what might be for others in the future.


    So like you said: in the data editor go to view tab and de-select "combine structure values" and select "view raw data". Find the unit you want to have a submenu that doesn't revert to the uhhh... main menu/command card after every button press. Of course make sure the unit container is selected not the abilities, buttons etc and type in "sub" into the search bar. You should see these 2 lines among others:


    Ability: CUnit_CardLayouts_LayoutButtons_SubmenuIsSticky ((0|0|0|0|0|0|0)|(0|0))

    Ability: CUnit_CardLayouts_LayoutButtons_Type((AbilCmd|AbilCmd|AbilCmd|AbilCmd|AbilCmd|AbilCmd|Submenu)|(AbilCmd|CancelSubmenu))


    The brackets and 0s will vary with command cards. You'll want to turn specifically the 0 that correlates with the "Submenu" to 1

    ie ((0|0|0|0|0|0|1)|(0|0))



    To sticky a submenu you 0 -> 1 the button that takes you to the submenu

    Posted in: Data
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