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    posted a message on Custom Live Tournament: Nexus Wars

    @OiledTinman: Go

    Thanks for clearing that up. Am still in the process of securing a 4th player but knowing that it's on a Saturday has made things a lot easier.

    Thanks again... hopefully I'll be back soon!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Live Tournament: Nexus Wars
    Quote from OiledTinman: Go

    6 hours before the tournament starts all teams will be put into brackets, and the matched teams will be picked that way. The first two teams will play with the live cast, then when that round is over the next team plays, and so on and so forth. The brackets will be available for everyone and all teams are suggested to look at the brackets to know when its their turn, there is no set time for each match, but I would say it will be at maximum 60 minutes for each match, but probably less if teams practice and have good cooperation.

    The first match starts at 4 PM Paris time (7 AM San Francisco, 10 AM New York)

    The deadline for signing up is 6 hours before that time, so it would be at 10AM Paris time (1AM San Fransisco, 4AM New York)

    So we can expect all games to start around 4pm? Seems like an odd time to start, not a lot of people home from work, school etc.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Live Tournament: Nexus Wars

    The tournament will be in two weeks, just to give people time to set up teams and practice. The date will be September 11th at 4 PM Paris time (7 AM San Francisco, 10 AM New York)

    So that's the deadline for entries? Not the time matches will be played?

    What time will the matches be played or is it down to the 2 matched teams to sort that out?

    (I'm in the process of getting a 4th player sorted and making sure the other 2 aren't busy.)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Livestream & Skype Workshop on SC2 Machinima

    Can someone record this? (Does LiveStream allow a recording to be saved and then someone dub the audio over it?)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Reading Material To Learn From? (Also: Unit Height?)

    It doesn't seem to be too hard to find videos and tutorials for the Editor but alot of them simply say "do this, do that" etc etc and rarely tell you WHY you're doing this and that.

    Can someone please point me in the direction of some (newbie-friendly) tutorials with detailed explanations as to what trigger I'm creating, how it works and why etc? (I realize this is a bit of a vague question, I'm simply after as much info on creating in the editor as possible. I'll follow any tutorials as long as they help me learn.)

    Also, let's say I spawn a Battlecruiser in the Editor. By default it'll be flying/hoovering at a pre-set height. Is there a way to set this height lower/higher? (I'm tempted to put one on the ground but I think the engines will still be active at the rear and that'll look weird. I could maybe still a prop over the flames etc at the rear to cover it up unless there's a way to slow/remove the engine/flame animation. Any ideas?)


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on SC2 forums peraban for offering advice...
    Quote from Tolkfan: Go


    Good to know my $60/100 and my voice has been rendered null and void because blizz cares about money more than they care about what they customers want... (...) Yes you have, your greedy...heres a better solution. (...) If you honestly thought the best way to "handle" the name change issue was to rip people off...yea...bye bye blizz, i will not continue to support a company so ready to rip off its customers any more than you already have with an unfinished product...

    I would permaban you too for talking crap like that, and I hope they continue to ban people for doing it. It's trolls like you that were the reason they wanted to introduce the realID thing. If you can't express your feelings/opinions in a civil way, then don't be surprised when they ban you.Or just don't post there. I'm sure there are forums that look forward to seeing posts where people pull stuff like "activision ruined blizzard, kotick is the devil" out of their ass.

    Agreed. Your (FreedomFight662) posts (both here and on the official forums) are poorly structured and laid out. You've put no thought into your "argument"/"disagreement" what-so-ever. You're just moaning for moanings-sake.

    I think it's harsh to lose a Collectors Edition account but if you're going to go out seeking attention by taunting Blizzard and their staff then more fool you.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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