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    posted a message on [Revived!] Map Night

    Is this still ongoing? Now that Global Play is out, I figure all the NA people here on mapster just flock to the EU side for mapnight if it's still going.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Those issues might be because NA hasn't updated with 2.0.5 Global Play yet. (null) isn't an author, it does that when it can't immediately identify the author.

    EDIT: NA just got the official update. Also, try clicking into the map, I know it gives that issue if you just look at it from the browse page or something.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Here's a funny idea - have them drop the bombs with the guys landing, thus having them take some damage, but doing some damage on landing, lol. I think it might actually make more sense to have it so when it's loaded, it drops bombs (the loaded troops serve as gunners), and when it's empty, it heals instead, but it won't get that new Medivac upgrade in the HotS beta.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    I like that leviathan idea, though keep in mind that'd be like having the viper's ability as an attack, and considering that thing fires what, 4 or 6 tentacles in rotation... that'd be pretty darn strong. Less raange, but still quite strong, unless the pull only pulls them about 2-3 units in its direction instead of the full distance.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Should be cauterizing cooking rage blades, lol.

    The other idea I had was an emp grenade that would temporarily disable mechs in an area. It could multi-purpose such that against biological units, it would shock them for some damage. So it'd be an improved grenade. .. yeah, that's too strong with the multi-purpose, lol.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Could give Raynor an aoe grenade move that does good damage to light infantry. Cooldown of 10 seconds so it isn't super spammable, lol. Actually, I think he'd be better off with an ability that boosts the movement speed and attack speed of all units around him for a few seconds. Shared stimpacks or something, lol.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on December 21st

    Watched 2012 for the end of the world. Twas very fitting.

    Remember, if the world really does end, PACK THE KIDS. Trunk, roof, treasure chest, doesn't matter, just gotta pack 'em.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Advanced SC2 [MELEE Mod in BETA]

    Regarding giving everyone a starting energy of 75 - the Queen with 75 or even 50 starting energy would be pretty iffy, but there's something worse than that. The high templar + psionic storm. The ability to just warp in a high templar nearly instantly and drop a psionic storm to defend is broken (thus why Blizzard removed that upgrade from them. So you might consider either dropping their starting energy to 50 or increasing the cost of psionic storm to 100 (and possibly increasing its damage output just slightly).

    That aside, interesting mod idea. I've never been one for the micro aspect of SC2, always liked just taking armies and clashing them together for the fireworks, but with a mod that intentionally abuses that microing part, I might be interested. I'll see if I can test the map out a few times over this winter break period. Also, I love how it says "Balance: 0%". You might as well keep it that way for a while until you've got some confirmation from multiple people on a lot of things.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Bounty

    @Juxtapozition: Go

    Now that you mention it, that's a good point. Though multiple modes is something you usually go for after the base game is finished, and this type of mode pretty much doesn't exist (as far as I know), so I figure it'd be the main selling point of the game rather than be a mode that already exists in many other battle-arena type maps.

    What'd you have in mind for other modes?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Alright, I just tried the Infested faction out on the Terrans, and man, they are awesome (lol at swarm hosts). Though I encountered bugs and issues... lots of them.

    Aberrations and Infested Terrans spawned by swarm hosts are melee and thus don't get damage upgrades from the weapons upgrades.

    Clustering up the things that spawn the Infested Terrans causes them to get stuck when they spawn (not the Swarm Hosts themselves, but the structures they make). The structures themselves should probably be capable of being walked over or something.

    Aberrations are huge. TOO huge. Not their model, but their unit radius. They couldn't fit through a space that a Thor could fit through.

    If the Infested Infantry get speed bonuses from creep, could you add something that allows you to place creep (considering how slow they are otherwise)? Perhaps the command centers could drop creep tumors, seeing as they don't evolve into the Orbital Commands anymore. Also, I didn't test it, but if that's added, then buildings need to be able to be built on creep.

    The upgrade for reapers healing outside of combat is still in the tech lab.

    When selecting multiple Aberrations and telling them to use their burrow move, only one of them will actually use it. Additionally, it says there's a 10 second cooldown, but the cooldown doesn't exist. Something else I think would be cool is if the burrow charge does a little damage through the area they pass over, seeing as it's not instant like Blink and would help make it different.

    Infested Marines move considerably slower than normal Marines yet have the same stats. Could they perhaps start with 50 health instead of 45 to compensate? Health upgrade still increases by 10 health though.

    Potential tech upgrade for Swarm Hosts involving faster energy regeneration? Their energy regeneration normally is quite atrocious compared to other casters, lol. Swarm Hosts also don't have a unit icon when selecting them.

    I didn't really get around the factory and starport units, but I'll give them another shot later and see what I find from that.

    For rip-field generators, can you make the ability list how much damage it does per second? Also, upgrade idea for it, increased radius (upgrade would be at the forge). By the way, if you place two rip-field generators in one spot, do they stack or no?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Bounty

    Bounty is an FFA game that supports up to eight players in a battle arena. One person is the 'Bounty' at all times and has a number of bonuses and buffs to power him up. Everyone else is teamed up against the Bounty. The goal for the Bounty is to gain as many points as possible through killing the other players OR be the last one standing. The goal for the other players is to kill the Bounty, and the person that kills the Bounty becomes the bounty.

    Bounty is divided up into 10 rounds (arbitrary number). When someone kills the Bounty and becomes the new Bounty, the next round starts. That said, if the Bounty kills a player, that player is knocked out for the remainder of the round and all of the next round. If one of the standard players kills an ally, he gets zero points, and the ally killed is revived at the start of the next round. This can be done in order to prevent an ally from getting the kill on the Bounty. It can be very risky though, since it's unlikely that a single player can beat the Bounty (due to the buffs). If the Bounty manages to be the last one standing at any point, he wins the match by default, even if his score is lower than someone else's. However, in a 1 v 1 situation where the player manages to beat the Bounty, he does not win by default unless everyone on the next round is knocked out.

    The primary way to gain points is killing. When the Bounty pulls off consecutive kills, he gets a small bonus the more kills he gets. When someone kills the Bounty, he not only gets the points for getting a kill but a small percentage of the Bounty's points as well. As noted earlier, killing allies simply knocks them out for the round and does not provide any points. Surviving rounds and simply doing damage also provides a small bonus in points.

    Due to the nature of this game, being that of teamwork, betrayal, skill, more backstabbing, survival, and even more backstabbing, the game would be almost 100% skill based, and the abilities would be very powerful. You'd be able to pick out all of your abilities at the start of the game (MageCraft style). However, you won't upgrade the abilities; there will simply be a wide selection of them, and you can pick say 4 or 5 of them. The selection of the character also matters, as that determines your durability, speed, damage output, etc. Example, the Ghost would be squishy but have high damage, and the Zergling would be very agile.

    Regarding the abilities, (this borrows from MageCraft as well) all of the offensive abilities are skill shots, meaning rather than targeting someone specific, you would choose only the direction that it will fire in. This can result in friendly fire, whether it's intentional or unintentional. It can provide an advantage to the Bounty by using one of his victims as a shield from another player. As for how powerful each ability is, most of the damage abilities are multi-shot abilities or AoE abilities. For example, Fire Spread would fire out three fireballs in a spread pattern in front of you (I'm not trying to rip off MageCraft here, but for what I'd ideally want, MageCraft happens to be very similar). Meteor would have a one or two second delay before slamming an a large area, doing more damage towards the center. Beam Cannon would have a quick 0.5 second charge time before firing a lazor that travels instantly and hits the first target in its path.

    The defensive abilities are mostly movement abilities. Shadow Step would have your character move a decent distance in a very quick amount of time, ideal for dodging most spells. Global Swap would switch the locations of all players at that instant. This can result in a player switching places with himself, aka not moving anywhere. Pull would drag a selected target towards you. The stronger an ability, the higher its mana cost. However, there are no cooldowns. Instead, each player is capped by a mana pool and its regeneration. The player with the Bounty will obviously get increased mana and regeneration, so that he's not instantly screwed. Only a few of the defensive abilities are auto-hit (like Global Swap and Pull). The only other auto-hitting involves auto-attacking from your character, which is not intended to do much damage.

    The map itself will also matter. None of the maps will be particularly large, but elevation, fog of war, and other elements will make a difference. Certain locations can provide increased healing, mana regeneration, damage reduction, damage over time (if it's set on fire or something), or some other effect. In a nutshell, it won't be a flatline arena, or else the Bounty would get screwed instantly due to mass auto-attacking from the combined efforts of the other players.

    Just so that each round doesn't take forever (people don't want to be sitting out forever), a time limit will be placed on each round, capping it at probably 90 seconds at most. This, along with the round count and the map itself, will be changeable at the start of the game. When it changes to the next round, all surviving players get a partial heal on health and mana. Revived players come in with full health and mana.

    That's essentially the gist of the map idea. The most I can do for its development is ideas and balancing, like a lot of the work I did with Element TD. So what are your guys' thoughts and ideas? The only thing I hope is that it doesn't become too close to MageCraft in terms of abilities, especially seeing the most of them are skillshots. Suppose we could have tower building abilities that can do various effects, be it auto-attacking or movement speed auras. I'm sure there's plenty of ideas that can be used to make it its own game.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Okay, so with this mod, you said you try to keep up with the most recent update in the HotS beta. Though the latest update is one that makes some pretty huge changes that honestly, I don't see why they did that (most namely, seeker missile and void ray). Due to just how psycho the update is, will you be incorporating these changes in the melee mod or hold off until they release another patch?

    Also, regarding Dark Archons, I agree with FreezingAcidRain that they should not be able to mind control massives. That, or stick a time limit on how long they can mind control (maybe 10 seconds or something).

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    I'm guessing hunterlings are the PSI Hydras? (Ooh, here's a bad idea. PSIdralisks! This is why I don't name stuff.) Even if you try to differ their role from Stalkers, the fact that they both have blink is just... not something Blizzard would do, and if you're aiming this game to have competitiveness equal to the original game with more stuff, then having clones around the place isn't exactly a good idea. On the flipside, we probably don't want to have everyone transforming (vikings and hellions) or have literally one role (snipe vs. high templar).

    I think something that would be interesting to do would be to go through classify every single unit in the game (melee mod) into roles. And rather than see what each race doesn't have (that other races have), having roles created that are unique to that race (or that faction/tribe/brood) onto a single spreadsheet might help with the issue. I'd do it myself if I didn't have other things to do today, mayhaps tomorrow or something.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Another thought I had was giving Hydralisks PSI blades for melee combat. Whatever role Hybrid Hydras take with ranged (say anti-armor for example), at melee range they'd be anti-light or something, and with blink, they'd be capable of getting up front and slaughtering light infantry. I honestly don't know if this is a good idea or not, I'm just throwing it out there.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Yay on snipe change! Thank you very much! Makes a certain early game strategy viable again (Marauders + Ghosts) due to requiring snipe to stay alive.

    Probably armor reduction would be the best, come to think of it. Mutalisks, while they are very powerful for all of the game as a harass unit, Zerg usually have a huge issue when it comes to an air to air fight. Corruptors are fine, but Mutalisks tend to just fall over and not really do that much damage. By having Devourers lower the armor of the targets, Mutalisks will still be squishy, but at least their damage will be a lot. Plus by lowering the armor, their secondary bounces will actually do something rather than nothing due to enemy armor values. Yeah, definitely armor reduction then.

    Blink on a Hydralisk. Combined with their speed upgrade. ... Dear god. That's just awesome. The only problem I have with it personally is overlap with the stalker. Oh, and Raptors + Blink Hydralisks. I suppose that'd make the hybrid faction a great harasser, which is kinda contradictory to what it's all about, namely high cost high powered units made of pwnage. I dunno, just some thoughts on it. I do like the Blind Hydralisk idea either way.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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