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    posted a message on How to attach variables to units in the Data Editor?

    Each unit can have multiple "custom attributes" or custom values, don't quite remember the exact wording.
    Just select "unit" in the trigger editor action listing and then type "custom" into the search bar und you'll have it.

    I'd also recommend using constants or variables as indices so you always know which index is related to each given purpose.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on First map, A few newbie questions:

    Hi. I've only ever created 1 map and never published one, but maybe I can help with a few things.

    1st: Having units attack the hero while still attacking units on their path:
    Never tried it, but you should be able to give units an attack move command to a point near the unit in question.

    2nd: Restricting Buildings to an Area:
    I've tried to do this ony my map and did not find a solution with the data editor.
    I ended up creating zones where I wanted specific buildings to be allowed and enforced it with triggers.
    To do this, create a trigger with event "any unit creats any unit with any effect", then check if the created unit is the kind of building you want to restrict access for. If not, destroy the unit and refund the player.
    Also, I'd suggest giving a bit of UI feedback like "This building can only be placed in certain areas of the map [pings on areas]"

    3rd: No idea here, sorry

    4th: Periodically giving income to a player:
    There should be a tutorial covering this. I would not suggest updating the income via iteration over all supply depots in a fixed time interval.
    Instead, add a function to the "any unit creats any unit with any effect" trigger, check if it's a supply depot and if so, modify the players income.

    The distribution of the income looks nice, I'd use "for each integer betwenn 1 and 10" though.
    "Pick each integer" does not nest (you cant "pick each integer" inside a "pick each integer" loop).
    This might not be a problem in most cases, but it's better to stick to something that always works in my opinion.

    EDIT: TheAlmaity did have a few very nice ideas, better stick to what he said

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I make a Generator like in Mineralz

    @Barricader0: Go

    Was looking quite good so far, but all animations need a birth animation to show at all. Those are usually created automatically when you set up the actor.

    I've attached the map with the modified actors.
    Also, the game did not load for me without disabling the "boss" triggers (too many threads).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I make a Generator like in Mineralz

    I'm really not that great when it comes to actors and events either, but maybe I can help.

    If i understood it correctly, you create persistent effects on all the units receiving energy from the generator.

    You should be able to do it with a Beam(Simple) actor (Beam Simple Animation Style Continuous) that has the deseired beam as Model. In Events, you should only need to Add

    Effect.[PERSISTENT EFFECT].stop
    FromEffectTreeDescendant [not sure about this one]

    You'll also need an Action: GenericAttack actor that has
    Art: Beam: [Your Beam Actor]
    and under events:

    Effect.[PERSISTENT EFFECT].start

    You can also edit the launch assets, impact sounds to your liking, but I'd start with getting the actual beam to work.

    Please keep in mind that I did not have time to test this, but I think it should work...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How can I make a Generator like in Mineralz

    @Barricader0: Go

    I tried doing something similar (a bit more complex even) just a few days ago and gave up on doing it with the data editor after about 2 or 3 days of trying.
    I got it as far as linking two towers, but never managed to make them unlink properly again.

    What I ended up doing is making most of it with triggers. Here is what I did:

    Make any ability you can refenrence to with events.

    First of all, you'll need to somehow uniquely identify each tower. There are a few Tower indexing systems out there, just search or write your own, it's not that hard [custom unit attribute fields].

    Whenever this ability is used, you have a source (the generator) and a target (the turret or whatever you want to power).
    - Check if source and target are already connected (more an that later)

    - If not connected, add the source and target tower to a datatable (something like "[source][target]-connection").

    - Also add the target to the source's "targets" unitgroup (datatable "[source]-targets") And vice versa.

    - Now update the visuals. Attach a beam actor (actor from model in the trigger editor) to the center of your source and point it to your target. You'll need to set the Scale of the actor depending on whatever model you chose. Save the actor to a datatable. "[source][target]-beam" could be a nice index

    - Now it's time to see what amount of energy each tower recieves. You'll want to iterate over all towers and check what targets they have. Count all that don't have full energy and distribute the source's energy pool amongst the rest.

    Once you're done with that handle disconnecting towers and you're don.
    This is by no means ment to be a comprehensive tutorial or guide, it's only intended to get you pointed into a direction that I know can lead to success.
    If you need help with any particular step, let me know.

    Oh, and if you somehow managed to get it done purely with the data editor I'm all ears.

    Edit: Nevermind, turns out I was thinking about Generators like in "Power Towers". Should've looked at how the minerals generators really work before posting. Looks like it'd be quite doable with the data editor

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on CraftCraft — EU/NA Beta

    I played a match or two with 3 friends yesterday and we had a great time. The first 10-15 minutes of the first match we pretty much only learned the basics of the game, but I think that’s totally fine. Explaining everything in a tutorial could be too much for most people to remember anyway. Also, it's really not that hard to understand.

    However as already stated by others, I find there are a few problems with all the vehicles except the goliath (or ancient).

    You could give the mule a passive resource transportation ability (e.g. 4 or 5 resources every second). Also I really like the idea of allowing refineries to transfer at least part of its mined vespene fas via the energy grid. Maybe half of what it's mining? So there's still a pretty big benefit to collecting it manually or researching automated refineries, but you would not need someone who does little else but run from refinery to refinery and collect all that gas.

    Also, I'd like there to be more "reliable" vanadium sinks. As it is, once you have your turrets set up and everyone has a goliath there is little need for any more vanadium. One Idea I had was to make (some) abilities cost small amounts of vanadium. Repair drones and SCV teleportation come to mind.

    Btw, I'm impressed by your change log. Submitting (multiple) patches nearly every day without breaking stuff horribly really amazes me.

    Keep up the good work and let's hope you can squeeze out a few more features before Diablo 3 comes out :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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