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    posted a message on unit help.

    Some Ideas

    • Banshee: a pack of missiles for burst damage, or a 1-use ability to fly (perhaps for only a few seconds)
    • BC: Yamato modifier: increases the damage on the next basic attack by 4x, cooldown/mana limit it. That, or defensive plating raising armor stats.
    • Ghost: Nuke or EMP
    • Hellion: AOE attack, or increased speed
    • Marauder: Slowing attack or spell, or grenade spell
    • Medivac: Self or ally regen boost
    • Raven: PDD or 2 second invincibility spell with high CD
    • Reaper: Cliff hopping or enhanced building attack, or grenade spell. Or the ability to huck a miniture reaper at the enemy that explodes as napalm, strong anti infantry.
    • SCV: Repair function, or the ability to open special doors
    • Thor: A large cannon with limited ammo, or the ability to crush FFs and the like

    Hope those help ideas flow.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Data Editing Commission

    I've seen footmen for SC2, this is nothing like that. ^_^

    To be clear, I'm not asking for any customized animations. It doesn't even need to look good, just be functional enough for alpha testing. No terrain design, no custom models, no aesthetic anything.

    "50 bucks per hero, including the unit's level-able abilities and actors with all the needed animations, doesn't sound very tempting." I know it isn't job-level pay. It's a hook to get someone talking with me about it to get the project started. Hopefully then they become invested, love it, and want to keep working on it. I don't really know better way to go about this, but if you have one, I'm all ears.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Data Editing Commission

    Someone over at the broken alliances forum suggested that I give a little more detail, hopefully hooking your interest. Here's more detail:

    Since just about the release of Starcraft II and the rise of League of Legends I've been studying what makes a good esport; what is casual friendly, what gives a high skill cap, and the trade-offs and weaknesses of both games. I begun studying DOTA2 and HoN to see how they differ, and what strengths they offer that LoL doesn't. The next question was obvious: how can we combine the strengths to create a superior experience.

    So I'm designing what is probably best called a MOSA, Multiplayer Online Strategy Arena. It brings a social nature, the heroic feeling, and casual friendly atmosphere of LoL and the high skill cap and army control of SC2. What we get is quite different, but I believe will be mostly intuitive to players of either franchise, while being quite unique.

    Players control armies and champions. At the start of the game, each player selects an Army and the champion. They spawn with a small group group of units and a collector. The collector can go to various wells of magic on the map and gathers the resource of the game. The map is divided into two halves, and stealing from resources on the enemy sides that's a bonus for the entire team. So, while you can stay on your side and collect your wells, you are given a small group of units capable of invading their half and stealing from their wells and are motivated to do so. From the start, players balance aggression and defense of play. There is no lull at the start, as seen with every SC2 game.

    Meanwhile, a worker back at the start can begin construction on the necessary tech structures. You can either focus on producing an army, or tech to upgrades, or teching up to the building which summons your champion into the battlefield. In the midgame it becomes a constant back and forth, balancing pushing objectives, sniping enemy champions, ambushing enemy armies, pushing the opponents turret, and defending your own.

    Instead of item recipes such as a MOBA, it features and more intuitive equipment leveling system, with a player chosing between two perks once they purchase x many levels for their equipment. Most pieces of equipment can be leveled up to 15 times (total levels cap is 25), with many her choices along the way, allowing them to customize their bonuses similar to item recipes, but with even more flexibility. They are compelling choices to, such as one for your armor (HP): "Choose between a 15% health bonus and a burst heal, automatically restoring 10% of the champions health upon receiving a killing blow or dropping below 10% health. Cooldown 30 seconds." The player you can choose between a higher total health, or a surprise burst of health preventing death, baiting the enemy and overestimating their strength. And the armor item has 7 similar choices between level 3 and 15, allowing for loads of customization.

    The player must choose between leveling their hero's is equipment, are strengthening their Army with upgrades and units. The item system is an innovation on the typical MOBA, the spending choices offer variation on gameplay style to better suit the player or team strategy.

    Due to the micro heavy nature and the density of the map (lots of map features mean lots of chokes), the supply cap is a mere 50. But instead of big Armies smashing into each other, we have the dance and careful control of the few dozen units at their disposal.

    There is a ton of casual friendly psychology, high skill cap abilities, a unique stealth system, and more not mentioned. And boy am I excited to see it happen.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Data Editing Commission

    This is a commission of the data editing of a Starcraft II custom map for $50. I believe so much in what I’m doing here, I’m willing to pay to start prototyping. Hopefully you’ll start the cash, and stay for the awesome.

    Speaking of, the awesome could use some additional refinement, mostly some of the bounce ideas off, so if you’ve had experience balancing and designing fun units and mechanics, I’d love to have some of your insight.

    You can post here, or talk to me through skype (psalm.of.fire). Say you're from these forums or I might block you as spam >.<.

    Jobs you can expect to do:

    • Create a character skill leveling system
    • New unit spells and abilities, some fairly complex
    • Basic notetaking on the spells and abilities, so when other data editors look at what you've done they can understand it.
    • Interface Creation and Editing

    Abilities not needed:

    • Aesthetic mapping skills
    • Terrain design experience

    Payment through PayPal upon completion.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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