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    posted a message on [Data] Passive Abilities Level Up W/ Learn Ability Tutorial

    The Concept: Unfortunautly theres no direct way to make a passive ability that levels up. However, by using a dummy ability in combination with behaviours and requirements, it is possible to make a workaround that produces the same result.

    NOTICE: I asume that you already know how to make heros with the veterency behaviour already. If you don't, you should start at a different tutorial. I recomend a tutorial from youtube by onetwosc.

    What you have to make: A learn ability. A dummy ability (Preferably an effect instant) One behaviour for every level of the ability. One requirement for every level of the ability. 3 buttons.

    Step 1: Buttons<<

    Open up the data editor. -Hotkey F7-

    Open up the buttons tab. If it isn't already there, click on the little green plus sign, scroll down to edit art and sound data list, then pick buttons.

    Right click in the button list, and then click add button.

    Name this button Learn, and click suggest. For the description, say "Learns new abilities."

    Right click in the button list, and then click add button.

    Name this button Learn (Insert Name of Your Passive Ability), and click suggest. For the description, (Insert your passive ability description).

    Right click in the button list, and then click add button.

    Name this button (Insert Name of Your Passive Ability), and click suggest. For the description, (Insert your passive ability description).

    Step 2: The Dummy Ability.<<

    Right click in the ability list and click add ability.

    On the ability type field, select effect instant. Again, call it whatever you want. Assuming that you are making a Critical Strike ability, I would call it Critical Strike. Then click suggest ID. Add an editor suffix "(Dummy)".

    Now under Cost: Cost + make a blank cost with no charges on it for each level of your ability. This just ensures that the ability will have the apropriate number of levels.

    Now under Ability: Commands + make the execute button the one we used for the passive ability.

    Step 3: The Learn Ability. -Skip this step if your map already has a learn ability-<<

    Open up the abilities tab. If it isn't already there, click on the little green plus sign, scroll down to edit game data list, then pick abilities.

    Right click in the ability list, and then click add ability.

    On the ability type field, select learn. You can name it whatever you want. Click suggest ID.

    Now under Ability: Info+ go to an unused learn index (Meaning, if you already have other abilities installed onto this learn ability, use on that isn't used). Now go down to Default Button, and put in our Learn (Ability Name) Button we made earlier. Make sure the ability is set to our dummy ability.

    Step 4: The Requirements.<<

    Open up the requirements tab. If it isn't already there, click ont he llittle green plus sign, scroll down to edit game data list, and click requirements.

    Right click in the requirement list, and then click add requirement.

    Under requirement + field, right click on the little green folder with the word "Use" next to it. Click on Add Requirement Node. Now left click on this requirement node and set its type to equals.

    Now right click on this requirement node and click add requirement node. It should create a new requirement under the Equals requirement node. Set the new requirement nodes type to count ability. Set the alias to the dummy ability we made, and set the state to complete at unit.

    Now right click on the equals requirement node again and click add requirement node. It should create a neq requirment node under the count ability requirement node. Set this new nodes type to constant. Then type in 1 where it says value.

    You will have to repeat Step 4 for each level of the ability, except set that constant value equal to whatever level of the ability the requirement is for.

    Step 5: The Behaviours<<

    Open up the behaviours tab. If it isn't already there, click ont he llittle green plus sign, scroll down to edit game data list, and click behaviours.

    Now this step is different for everyone. You will need a seperate behaviour for each level of the ability. Each behaviour must have an unlimited duration, as well as the appropriate requirement you made for its specific ability level. So if your ability has 3 levels, then it will need 3 behaviours that each modify whatever it is that you want them to. The behaviour that is for level one of that ability must have the level one requirement, the behaviour that is for level two o f that ability must have the level two requirement, and the the behaviour that is for level 3 of that ability must have the level three requirement.

    Step 6: Wrapping it all Up<<

    Locate the hero that you plan to give this ability. Give it all the behaviours we made and all the abilities we made. Now open up the command card and you will need to add a button that is an ability command for the dummy ability, and make a submenu button for our learn ability. On the submenu we will need a button that learns the dummy ability.

    This should work. If you have any questions, just ask. I may or may not answer them.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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