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    posted a message on Action Definitions + Sub-Function - Custom "Pick Each" loop?

    How would one go about creating a custom "Pick Each" action definition? Pick each Integer/Player is useful, but can't be nested and sometimes a function like "For each X in VarArray from Y to Z" is run multiple times throughout a script, and would be easier to simply list as "Pick each _ and Do:"

    So,presuming someone is familiar with creating sub-functions and action definitions, how would they go about creating a custom "Pick each" loop? I'm assuming this would require a little galaxy scripting?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Model Resetting In Fog Of War

    I realize this is a necro, however I recently had the same problem and eventually came to the following conclusions. (Note: this has only been tested on a structure with an attachment). I thought I would paste my findings here to help others who might run into the same problem.

    If the unit is scaling larger under the fog of war, but returns to normal size when in view, look into setting the Host+ on the attachment to _Selectable or _Unit. (and not to the unit its attaching to, i.e." the base") This occurs when a model attachment's scale has been increased and the actor for the model is trying to inherit model/actor scale from the "base". I'm not sure which setting to disable to prevent this, as they all gave varying result. In the end, its easier to leave the host attach as _Selectable and rely on the event create data to apply your attachment to your unit.

    Unit "jumps" when being revealed/hidden by the fog of war. - If the unit is "jumping' under the fog of war, try recreating your base actor. There are apparently some problems with creating a unit/structure from scratch, namely that there are some events that prevent this jumping behavior in the fog of war (I'm not sure which ones, but probably hallucination detection). ("jumping" meaning, the actor/model height changes ingame/building starts floating, but the footprint (placement point) does not) -Attaching a SOpAdjust local offset of a minor amount to the base unit also fixes this problem, however the unit will (probably?) disappear in the editor

    Depending on the solution you want, you can also set the fog of war visibility on the unit, or the actor. Just make sure iProperties: Inherit Properties+ is set to enable/disable visibility how you see fit. If enabled, ithe fog of war visibility will filter down the unit to each attachment that has it enabled. If you want it to pass down the type, the attachment has to have the item enabled in "Accepted property transfers"

    Posted in: Data
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