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    posted a message on Ability simulates charge use using inventory item as ammo

    Apart from combining items, you can have an item add charges to an ability by using a carry behavior, which on initial effect uses a modify unit to add charges to the unit's ability. Then final effect removes charges, and using the ability destroys an item in the inventory (use a search area with no or small radius around the carrying unit, and a validator to check for the item type) while also adding a charge to the ability, because it costs 1 charge to cast and 1 charge is removed when the item is destroyed, so 1 more charge must be added to counteract that. I have done all of this before, so it does work. It's how the seeds work in my Dark Deeds map. The only part that I have not done is combined items in the inventory.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Command card charge display issue

    @peranzormal: Go

    Nope. Just specify in the tooltip that it costs 10 charges.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Required building in search (SOLVED)

    Just use a compare unit type validator. Put it inside the effect that is called by the search effect.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Infected creep - the most advanced spell ever!

    DeasZergling is correct. There's no way to do what you want, but you can fake it by adding random eruption effects and such. You can also add a splat actor (an actor that sticks to the ground, painting it like a decal) that might add to the effect. For example, the AOE cursor for placing a creep tumor is a splat actor. You could make that show up around the infected tumor.

    The creep cloud actor is just a weather effect, not actually part of creep.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Store Damage dealt by Player to Player

    Really, stick to the trigger method. Data will not do this well, and conjoined behaviors are really buggy (I have experience with them). For example, you can't have two units conjoined with different amounts of max health. I forget exactly, but I think it makes both have the same max health as the least one. Triggers are your only hope. Just try to speed up the trigger if you can.

    For example, it might be faster to save (triggering player) -1 to a variable instead of doing the math twice (maybe, maybe not). It also might be faster to code the two conditions in galaxy yourself, because sometimes the built in GUI functions are more convoluted than necessary (e.g. the for loop).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create Persistent

    @HoliestCow: Go

    Post the ability and the persistent. Something may be misconfigured.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Individual Subgroup Problem

    @tatatatate: Go

    Pretty sure there's nothing you can do about that. You could possibly make a dialog with triggers that shows stats for you, but that would be complicated because triggers, last I checked, cannot count stat points.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do actor references work?

    Also, check out the amazing Uberlisk tutorial by ProzaicMuze. It explains a lot.http:www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/4284-data-the-uberlisk/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making an enemy Hero use its abilities.

    Alternatively, if you want to use AI (which is activated via triggers) you can see the wiki here on Tactical AI Data and Target Finds, which I filled out.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Proximity to Doodad/Terrain Texture

    @TheLostAzn: Go

    No, sorry. For the most part, doodads cannot interact with units, with the exception being destructible doodads (being destroyed is all that they do). To have a doodad do something when a unit draws near, it needs to be turned into a unit. So change the tree doodad actors to unit actors, connect them to a tree unit, and then give the unit an behavior that every 0.5 seconds searches for nearby units. Then, when it finds them, it uses an Add Behavior effect on those units.

    You will also have to delete all of the current tree doodads placed on the map and replace them with tree units.

    Just a warning, turning trees into units will slow down your map if you have a heck of a lot of trees. One tweak is to set the Fog Visibility (in the UNIT data, not in the Actor data) to Dimmed, so that the trees do not have snapshot actors. This will help a lot.

    As for terrain textures, no, sadly there's nothing that can reference them, even in triggers. You have to resort to regions.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on PLEASE HELP: Creating Random Loot

    Seemingly anything that an upgrade changes can be changed in triggers using Catalog functions. You can change them per-player, but you cannot change them per-item. So you can't change a button per item, as far as I can see. However, you could use triggers to change the Highlight Tooltip of the item to display what it does. The Highlight Tooltip shows up when you hover over an item on the ground. Or conversely, you can change the InfoText, which shows up when you select the item in the info pane. Both are changed using "Set Unit Info Text." I recently discovered though that you cannot have both InfoText and a tooltip; if you put InfoText, no tooltip will show up at all. Also, if you want to have a tooltip, make sure in the unit data's Unit Flags "Cannot be Highlighted" is unchecked.

    Also, if you do make all of the items in data (which is time consuming but certain to get what you want), I do believe there's a way to make items drop from specific units by using the Loot array in the unit data. I have never tried it though, so look on the forums for more info.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Portrait model being forced to 2d but no 2d image exists error.

    @fishy77: Go

    Does the low quality model also have an image defined? Just a thought, maybe it's looking in there?

    Also, zhakuldaslibrary_diffuse.dds is not a static portrait, but a texture. It might be generating an error because the image is the wrong size. Use a static portrait image. (It usually has "static" in the name.)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit enters region but trigger wont work correctly.

    @fishy77: Go

    Why do you turn off those triggers at map initialization? Just turn them off in the editor. Right-click the trigger and deselect "Initially On."

    I'm a little confused by what you're doing with the code. I hope I won't just make things harder, but using Trigger Is On is not a good way to decide whether something is "unlocked." Use a global boolean variable. A trigger being on only means that it runs if its events are triggered; when off, a trigger can be run explicitly (using Run Trigger), but its events never trigger it. In my map Dark Deeds, I only ever use Trigger Is On to decide what state the game is in; for example, when my game ends and the credits are rolling, I turn off the Player Leaves trigger. In other triggers, I check for whether this trigger is off in order to enable special features - like the ability to declare war on all other players at once.

    Lastly, keep in mind that a Unit Enters Region event triggers not only when a unit steps into a region, but also when it is created in that region. So if any units start in the region at the beginning of the game, they will trigger it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Cross alliance Voice chat.

    Did you try using trigger Set Alliance Aspect to give player 1 allied chat to player 2, and then vice versa?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Using Event Footprints (not placement footprints)

    I got it to work. In the Model data, I already knew that sounds could be added (like in the Brutalisk model, for example). In Events+ you add an animation, a time during that animation, set name to FootstepSound or something or other, and then for Payload the name of the Sound that you want to play, and finally you set Type to Sound.

    Well, I learned that in the Types there's also Footprint Left and Footprint Right. I specified when in the animation the feet hit the ground, and I set the Name for these events to FootprintLeft and FootprintRight. I left payload blank. Then in the Actor data under Event Footprints+ I set the actor to Unit Footprint, the model to ThorFootprint, and the name to FootprintLeft, and in another entry FootprintRight. Now when the unit moves it not only makes a thump sound, but it also leaves behind a small print in the dirt that fades away after a little while.

    Of course the catch is that the footprint is attached to origin, which means it isn't left exactly where the foot falls, although it is left WHEN the foot falls. I could probably move the prints using site operations. I might do this, if I decide to care enough, but the other issue is that the footprint is very slight and hard to see. It makes so little an impression that you have to look closely to see it, and you only really notice it when it fades out. This is not something that can be changed without modifying the splat model. So there's a good chance that I will just abandon the footprints, since they make so little an impact and it would take a lot of work to make them fall right where the feet hit the dirt.

    Of course the thump sounds work wonderfully. And another option I could do is to make it kick up dust when the foot hits the ground, instead of just leaving a mark.

    UPDATE: It was far easier to position the footprints than I expected. Since in the model I used the feet fell roughly in line with the origin, I only had to use a local offset site op to move the left foot in the +x direction, and the right foot in the -x direction. They were roughly +1 and -1. I made an actor for each based on Unit Footprint, and put the site ops in the appropriate array in each footprint actor. Then I referenced the footprint actors in the unit under Event Footprints+, as I explained above. Also, to make the footprints last longer I decreased their animation speed in the Model data. They work quite well. My next goal (which it seems doubtful that it is possible) is to see if I can make the camera shake for nearby players when the unit moves. Of course the actor data is partly asynchronous so it's highly unlikely that it can be done, but I'll look into it anyway.

    Posted in: Data
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