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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    There's an odd issue. When on high graphics the game renders the new trees as mineral fields but when on low graphics the mineral fields become trees.

    The trees seem sort of big set them to .8 in scale. This might reduce lag a bit when on high graphics too so that might help.

    So for now until it's fixed I'd suggest keeping to low graphics.

    LOL yeah, i always have weird problems with everything I do.

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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @yukaboy: Go

    Hey ive been working on this, would you mind Sending me the file so I can update it?

    I will put your name as Co-Creator when i figure out how to change the load screen

    Thanks for Showing me how to do it on my Own :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    Hey, I now know your problem with the map.

    If you didn't know this, the map has major issues about lag. I opened the map in the editor and it nearly crashed just opening it, even on lowest graphics and this is a good computer.

    I decided it was the minerals...it always is. So I scaled all the mineral field models down to .5 and guess what? NO LAG!

    I then set about modifying the models. I chose aiur tree. Then I rescaled it to 1. Still no lag.

    What do you guys think? Better?

    Hey ive been working on this, would you mind Sending me the file so I can update it?

    I will put your name as Co-Creator when i figure out how to change the load screen

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I might do that, Im also Considering changing the models. to trees and defineing Trees as resources. Id rather it be trees. honestly, I got alot of work to do on it, I will fix it up as I learn new stuff about the editor.

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    posted a message on This Is Anime Character List
    Quote from jaxter184: Go


    ANYWAY I'll be sure to add some user functions just for you guys.

    :P ha

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.
    Quote from Zolstice: Go

    I really think you should just show your map's gameplay instead of doing a back and forth comparison =S. I actually thought it was part of the game and the whole SC2 UI was remade to look like WC2. I even thought the whole map was about a lumber and mineral harvesting.. But I found it was not; and.. was kinda disappointed.

    I'll see if i can get a few friends to play it with me.

    I wish I was that good to do that Beacuse I totally would.

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    posted a message on Chop Chop Forest.

    EDIT:Thanks to Deviler, My map will now have real forest :D.

    EDIT: I had 4 Beta test groups play and after their feedback, I have added space for 2 more players it is now an 8 player map from a 6 this also makes games last longer and more fun, Now its capable of 2v2v2v2, 4v4, and FFA.

    Also All known bugs have been fixed.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/DJVPuKoqG20?fs=1

    I re-made this Warcraft 2 classic, Its really fun if you have all 6 people, ATM its FFA, Im considering making it teams though. Just because I'm New to the editor.


    I hope you guys Like this map.

    Get a party of 6 people, Compatable with 3v3, FFA, and if its selectable(dont think it is) 2v2v2

    This is my first map.

    Sorry i couldnt get the MINERALS DEPLETED voice to go away. so i suggest turning the sound down, Still pretty good for a first try though.

    Special thanks to the people in IRC SC2Mapster channel. for answering all my questions.

    If the Other Players do not have Unlimited Minerals and gas when they start Please tell me, and I will try to fix it, that was the first trigger I have ever done.


    Chop Chop forest is a melee map, Everyone ATM starts with one Nexus and one probe, the probes harvest Minerals 750 at a time, Very quickly too, ever 2 harvest the mineral field dies

    you start with very small space, your job is toget the minerals dead, and Put up defenses before your enimies chop their way through the Minerals and get to your base.

    This is based off a old Warcraft 2 map.

    It is on the NA server(USA)

    If someone would like to upload it on the EU server feel free. Though whoever does please message me so I can Give you updates for it as their made.


    All races now playable

    Terran turret now has land attack as well as air attack, making it useful.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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