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    posted a message on Another idea (:/ )

    I NEED MEGA HELP! D: *freaks out*

    I'm trying to make the Demon Hunter and Ranger models, but I talked to my mom (she's helping), and I am supposed to have 3DSmax, and as I am using my father's computer, he gets grumpy (I'm talking Godzilla trashing Tokyo grumpy D: ) when I add stuff on this machine. So could I possibly have help converting models?

    Night Elf Ranger/Archer (I just need the Ranger) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/archerranger-47659/?prev=c%3D2%26t%3D1%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D3 (created by someone named Armel)

    Night Elf Archer (created by wingednosering) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/night-elf-archer-52269/?prev=c%3D2%26t%3D1%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Demon Hunter (created by Cloud Wolf and Sellinisko) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/demonhunterdiii-182129/?prev=c%3D33%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Barbarian (created by Kuhneghetz and Mr. Goblin) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/barbarian-170045/?prev=c%3D33%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Diablo Lord of Terror (created by Kuhneghetz) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/diablo-176712/?prev=c%3D33%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Rogue (created by Grey Archon) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/diablo2-act1-rogue-47515/?prev=c%3D33%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D5

    Arthas (created by Kwaliti) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/lich-king-154837/?prev=t%3D2%26search%3DArthas%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Deathwing (created by Kwaliti) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/deathwing-200374/?prev=c%3D12%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist%26page%3D2

    Gonna fix character classes.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Need a few things made.

    I'm in the process of making an RPG with several character classes and races, and I was wondering if it was possible if someone can make a:

    Demon Hunter model

    Rogue, Paladin, Sorceress, and Barbarian models

    Night Elf Banshee portrait

    Worgen Marine portrait

    Night Elf Male portrait

    Night Elf Female portrait

    Controllable larva (as in they move and attack.)

    I don't care how long they take, as I am in the process of working on the RPG/RTS.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Another idea (:/ )

    I found several Hero Maker assets, Worgen model, etc etc.

    But I want to make it to where if you want to be a Night Elf, there's a Night Elf model.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Another idea (:/ )

    The way I am mixing the RTS in is when there's a battle sequence, it will swap from RPG to RTS mode. Your character will be a hero unit, and he (or she) gains experience depending on the units he kills. If your character dies, the game is over and you will have to do the quest over at an autosave point or if you load a save file. Your forces will depend on what race you chose, and from what universe. You character can be a Worgen Marine, allowing for both Human Warcraft and Terran forces to battle with. (Example: You cannot pick Zerg and be able to use Night Elf units)

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Another idea (:/ )

    I am starting an RPG/RTS, and I ran into a slight jam. But let me explain the RPG.

    A bigger threat that's bigger than Kerrigan, Deathwing, Arthas and the Prime Evils is heading to the Blizzard universe. All three universes must make unlikely alliances and put aside their conflicts and fight. Or everything they have ever known will be wiped out. You thought the Protoss getting wiped out in the mission "In Utter Darkness" was bad? Or when Deathwing arrived and broke most of Azeroth was bad? Or when the Prime Evils almost took over the mortal realm? This new threat makes the baddies look like the Care Bears. When you're in RPG mode, you kill "wild" creatures and enemies to gain XP. During quests, a few battles are in RTS mode. I don't know whether or not I want an RTS/RPG/TPS mode, but I might do that. Quests will be given depending on where you are, and what you start with. (Like the Pilot class can pick a free Fighter-class ship to start with, and Urun is the only class trainer for Pilots.)

    Planned appearances: Deathwing, Arthas, Tyrande, Sylvanas, Jim Raynor, Kerrigan, Tassadar, Selendis, Diablo Lord of Terror, Deckard Cain, Pepin the Healer, and Tyrael. (Tyrande, Sylvanas, Deckard, Pepin and Tyrael will only be added in if I can get converted models for them)

    Classes: Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Rogue, any Larva-evolving species (I need the Larva to move and attack), Zealot, plus some custom Protoss classes I made.

    Quests: Depends on the race and class, I have not gotten that far yet.

    Achievements: Maybe.

    Raids: Not in the near future, but I plan on releasing expansion packs. Dungeons: ^Same.

    Notes: I really need Warcraft III converted models, I posted links below, followed by who made them, because I felt they deserved credit. If I did it wrong I am soooo sorry. This is my first RPG I am serious about making. If the converting takes awhile, no worries. I'll be working on the maps before I even get to units/characters. Plus, I have to learn about making a character selection screen. And attributes. And an inventory. And a vendor. I'd like to use the Diablo UI, so if anyone could tell me how to put that in, that'd be great and almost-godly appreciated.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Had an idea (might be an improvement)

    The Night of the Dead mod/map, I had a good idea.

    What about taking the third person shooter engine, and putting that into the Night of the Dead map?

    Also, can't someone post the map/mod here in the "Maps" section? I'm not allowed to use Battle.net (I used it only once to install the game, and even then it was only the Starter Edition), so I can't find the map.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Night of the Dead (NOTD)

    I don't know if you have thought of this, or if anyone is still working on this, but have you thought about using the Starship Trooper TPS engine for this? Where you can switch from overhead view to third person shooter view, and you can control your character and shoot?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on I put this in the wrong area. So here is my request in the correct zone.

    I was wondering if it was possible to make a 1v1 map with a simple, copyable-to-other-maps AI that copies my strategies to the letter... I don't really understand the whole "programming your own AI".

    If you need help knowing what those are, look below.

    Terran: I build up to 11 SCVs, max out the supply, and build a Barracks. While the other SCVs are mining, I also queue up a supply depot and 2 bunkers near the ramp. After that, I build 2 refineries and an engineering bay and get my upgrades. Once that's done, I build a Starport, a Fusion Core, research the reactor and Yamato Cannon, and finally build an Armory and 2 Thors, picking up upgrades and tech on the way. I keep Marines, Siege Tanks, and Marauders at the base for defense, as well as build a few Sensor Towers so I know when an attack is coming, and once I have 4 Thors, 4 Battlecruisers, 2 Banshees and 2 Vikings, I attack the base. If the attack proves bad, I retreat while I can, and repeat with more forces.

    Zerg: Drones up to max supply, make an Overlord. Make another Drone, and build a Spawning Pool. Once complete, the Queen goes out ASAP. I make a few more drones (2 of which are going to be used as Extractors) and overlords, and inject larva. Once injected, I make Zerglings. During Zergling spawning, I get the Metabolic Boost. After that, I make a few more drones for harvesting, and nab an expansion. Then I mine (of course) and put out a Roach Warren and Hydralisk Den. Before I even make 1 of either, I max out their species upgrades (Tunneling Claws, Grooved Spines, The Roach Regeneration one.) Keep injecting, droning, and I make a Spire, Ultralisk Den and make sure I have the Hatchery all the way to Lair. Then more injecting, gas mining, mineral mining, and construct Muta/Brood Lords + Hydras and Ultralisks. After I max out supply to 200, I attack.

    Protoss: Begin mining and producing Probes immediately. Once @ max supply and 100 minerals, I build the Pylon, and the Assimilators. Once completed, the Gateway and Cyber Core are next. I like Carriers, so I build a Fleet Beacon after a Stargate. So to kill time, I build 4-5 Gates, and research Warp Gate. My Probes are mining from minerals and gas, upgrades going from the Forge, with photon cannons acting like Protoss bunkers, guarding the ramps. and start making High Templars after I get the Templar Archives.Once they are made, I morph them into Archons, up to about 4 Archons, 6 Carriers, 12 Zealots, and 6 Stalkers, and possibly add Immortals. All with their appropriate bonuses and abilities. I make a Mothership too. I just think it looks cool. Then after 4-5 Void Rays, I attack.

    Sometimes, I win, and sometimes I don't but make it kind of difficult, but not "Last Stand of the Protoss" difficult where I get hit with 10000000000000000000 Zerg at once. If you can make this, thank you ^^

    P.S. I also like a challenge, so feel free to put in a few surprises if you wish,

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on 1v1 AI/map request (using Blistering Sands as an example)

    Oops I meant to put this in map requests. I am so so so so so sorry.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on 1v1 AI/map request (using Blistering Sands as an example)

    I was wondering if it was possible to make a 1v1 map with a simple, copyable-to-other-maps AI that copies my strategies to the letter... I don't really understand the whole "programming your own AI".

    If you need help knowing what those are, look below.

    Terran: I build up to 11 SCVs, max out the supply, and build a Barracks. While the other SCVs are mining, I also queue up a supply depot and 2 bunkers near the ramp. After that, I build 2 refineries and an engineering bay and get my upgrades. Once that's done, I build a Starport, a Fusion Core, research the reactor and Yamato Cannon, and finally build an Armory and 2 Thors, picking up upgrades and tech on the way. I keep Marines, Siege Tanks, and Marauders at the base for defense, as well as build a few Sensor Towers so I know when an attack is coming, and once I have 4 Thors, 4 Battlecruisers, 2 Banshees and 2 Vikings, I attack the base. If the attack proves bad, I retreat while I can, and repeat with more forces.

    Zerg: Drones up to max supply, make an Overlord. Make another Drone, and build a Spawning Pool. Once complete, the Queen goes out ASAP. I make a few more drones (2 of which are going to be used as Extractors) and overlords, and inject larva. Once injected, I make Zerglings. During Zergling spawning, I get the Metabolic Boost. After that, I make a few more drones for harvesting, and nab an expansion. Then I mine (of course) and put out a Roach Warren and Hydralisk Den. Before I even make 1 of either, I max out their species upgrades (Tunneling Claws, Grooved Spines, The Roach Regeneration one.) Keep injecting, droning, and I make a Spire, Ultralisk Den and make sure I have the Hatchery all the way to Lair. Then more injecting, gas mining, mineral mining, and construct Muta/Brood Lords + Hydras and Ultralisks. After I max out supply to 200, I attack.

    Protoss: Begin mining and producing Probes immediately. Once @ max supply and 100 minerals, I build the Pylon, and the Assimilators. Once completed, the Gateway and Cyber Core are next. I like Carriers, so I build a Fleet Beacon after a Stargate. So to kill time, I build 4-5 Gates, and research Warp Gate. My Probes are mining from minerals and gas, upgrades going from the Forge, with photon cannons acting like Protoss bunkers, guarding the ramps. and start making High Templars after I get the Templar Archives.Once they are made, I morph them into Archons, up to about 4 Archons, 6 Carriers, 12 Zealots, and 6 Stalkers. All with their appropriate bonuses and abilities. I make a Mothership too. I just think it looks cool. Then after 4-5 Void Rays, I attack.

    Sometimes, I win, and sometimes I don't but make it kind of difficult, but not "Last Stand of the Protoss" difficult where I get hit with 10000000000000000000 Zerg at once. If you can make this, thank you ^^

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Curious

    Thank you, I will try that out. I've been messing around in the map maker a lot lately. I find it as enjoyable as playing against Insane AI. Which for me, is fun ^^

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Curious

    I want to make a map fit for 1v1 play, with heroes from the campaign, but I want it to spawn different heroes every time. Let me explain:

    I start a 1v1 game with the Protoss. My hero (or heroine, in this case) is Selendis. That game ends and I do the same thing, but this time it spawns Zeratul.

    How would I go about doing this?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Templar ability queston

    Thanks ^^

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Templar ability queston

    Does Psy Storm damage air units, or just ground?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud

    What classes are available?

    If she's not already, I'd like to see the Assassin and/or Demon Hunter in it.

    Posted in: Map Review
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