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    posted a message on Help on broken tank defense map

    @LitePollution9: Go for whatever reason i cant take a screen shot, basically im trying to figure things out by working on another map thats broken

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    posted a message on Help on broken tank defense map

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    "First things first: You need dat Siege Breaker comin' from CCs. That's easy, go Data -> Abilities -> Command Center - Train. This is where you add units to your CC list. Check the SCV entry and create a new entry for Siege Breaker with button and whatnot"

    specifically the problem im having with this is that im getting stuck as soon as i go to add the unit to the train area, perhaps im just not understanding completely or whatever but i go to add the unit and click on the dropdown menu and my unit is nowhere to be found, theres build siege tank, but i cant find my siege breaker anywhere.. and i have no idea on how to add it to that list, i understand the rest of what you are saying, just i dont know how to get it attached to that list

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    posted a message on Help on broken tank defense map

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    yeah there was another thread about this already, i was told to repost it here, and yes as well I do not have any experience with mapping in SC2 im more familiar with SC1 editor but its been a long time, this is very different lol, Ive been looking all over for tutorials but everything i keep finding is stuff from the beta, and while some of it is useful information alot of it doesnt seem relevant to what im looking for =/

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    posted a message on Help on broken tank defense map

    @LitePollution9: Go

    the problem im having at the moment with this is im trying to find the stats thing, but all i see is ability etc on down, on both the units siege mode and tank mode, there is no stats tab.. is my editor perhaps out of date or something?

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    posted a message on Help on broken tank defense map

    Im trying to fix a broken tank def map and ive come across several issues, one being that ive created a hero tank unit a Siege Breaker and when i try to add it to the build que of the Command center or scv (ideally i want the Command center to build it), it doesnt show up in the drop down list to select units, there is build siege tank but i cannot find my hero unit anywhere. Also I am also trying to figure out how to increase the hero tanks energy and damage / attack speed etc., also trying to make it so that the whole map is revealed vs having a fog of war. this is the very beginning and is my first map, just trying to figure all of this out

    Also if anyone has any idea on a more detailed how to add multiple upgrades and edit damage modifiers etc thatd be greatly appreciated as well

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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @Vizkeljela: Go

    i will post this in the Data section along with the other issues ive been having, but i cant seem to be able to even add the siege breaker to the build list on either the scv or the Command center which is what i want it to be in anyways, ive created the unit, gotten the actors figured out so the unit works and everything, i just have no idea how to add it to the command centers build que or how to change its hp / damage etc (really only need damage and energy)

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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @Exaken: Go

    ty both of you i will do that

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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @Vizkeljela: Go



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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @Vizkeljela: Go


    also having an issue with siege mode costing -50 minerals and 125 vespene gas? like its not to research it, its to switch into siege mode and im not entirely sure whats going on here...

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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Ty soul this kind of helps, gives me a better idea anyways =) what im trying to figure out is how to add the siege breaker to the train ability scv button, when i go to add it it isnt even in the list that comes up under units, unless i was doing something wrong, ill give it a shot again and see if i can figure it out,

    as for the upgrades ill mess around a little more but im still rather confused as to how to find the max level field.

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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    @Vizkeljela: Go


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    posted a message on Help, trying to fix a broken map

    I am currently working on fixing a broken tank defense map and am wanting to make it so that the Command Center can build a Siege Breaker, I have created the unit but am having difficulties with trying to get the command center to even let me put it in the slot, can anyone help?

    Also, I cant seem to find anywhere that shows how to make it so when you upgrade a unit, for example, vehicle weapons, it goes past 1,2,3 up to 100 or higher. Also how could you change that to just include all terran units etc.?

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can link me a tutorial or offer some help.

    Posted in: General Chat
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