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    posted a message on Spawning Units

    I figured it out, thanks though.

    I appreciate the help guys! On with the map! :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attach Region
    Quote from grenegg: Go

    @narakuhanku: Go

    Randomly generated bound map........... and old project I was considering restarting.

    Basically these are the functions I need (mostly for my reference - being organized is important!): draw line from point a to b. [Done] Draw curved lines. [Done, not actually useful] Place strait track (From point A to B with Width.) This will be much easier sense I'm giving up on anything but rectangles. Place Corner (Around point A, with start width of StartWidth and end width of EndWidth, to angle of ANGLE) Of coarse angle has to be 90 of -90 cause there are only rectangles. #Q$ PROJECT CANCELED

    (Like all my other projects)

    wow, I can't believe I went away for 3 hours lol. Anyways.

    All that stuff is possible. I don't see why you would cancel the project. Just because it gets tedious doesn't mean you should stop @_@

    Bound maps are fun, and a good waste of time. There are a couple solutions to your problems, like the ones above have stated. Combining regions is sloppy, but it can be useful.

    If you would like some help on those topics, I'm sure people would be willing to help you, including me. ;)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attach Region
    Quote from grenegg: Go

    @narakuhanku: Go

    Great! So: Regions can only be rectangles or circles or combinations. Regions cannot be rotated. Only terrain editor regions can be used with events, (and those can't be changed to still work with the event?) Making differently shaped regions out of lots of little circles/squares dosn't work well. My map is gunna suck.

    it's not that bad. There are ways around things :P What are you trying to accomplish, I might be able to lend a helping hand?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attach Region
    Quote from grenegg: Go

    Quick question(s): Do regions attached to units rotate with that unit. I assume not, I'm pretty sure there is no way to rotate a region, is this correct?

    Definitely Not. I made an example to show you. :) It spawns a unit in the bottom left of the region when you hold position of the Archon.

    When the Archon moves, the region does not rotate with it, as you can see in the test included in my post.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Spawning Units

    I liked the way you did that... But when the player is still in the region when the zergs die, they don't respawn. You know a way to check for this? I seem to have issues figuring out the GUI for conditions and stuff. They seem to make it so complex, that to do one thing, you need multiple triggers. >_>

    All my trigger knowledge from sc1 went down the drains with the new editor lol. Thanks for the help, and I appreciate the answer, and maybe the answer to my question on this post as well?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Spawning Units

    I can make a lot of things, but this just stumps me.

    I want to have a region that the player enters, and if there is no zerglings in the region, it will spawn five of them, and once they die, if the player is still in the region, it will spawn 5 more.

    I know how to make the region, set it so that its event is when the player enters it, and create the 5 units.... But checking to see if there is no units to spawn, and if there is units to not spawn is my problem... I'm really tired, and probably missing something... I'd like to get the answer with GUI syntax... I'd appreciate the help. Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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